Domain Integrated-Entity Links Based on Relationship Indices andRepresentation Learning
摘要: 本文针对现有方法不能很好结合文本信息和知识库信息的问题, 提出一种基于关系指数和表示学习的领域集成实体链接方法.首先, 本文构建了特定领域知识库; 其次, 运用表示学习从文本信息中得到的向量表示计算实体指称项的上下文、主题关键词、扩展词三个特征的相似度; 然后, 利用知识库中的关系信息计算候选实体的关系指数; 最后, 将这三种相似度及关系指数相融合, 用于实体链接. 实验结果表明, 相较于现有方法, 本文方法能够有效地提高F1值, 并且该方法不需要标注语料, 更加简单高效, 适应于缺少标注语料的特定领域.Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the existing methods can′t combine text information and knowledge base information well, this paper proposes a domain integrated-entity links based on relationship indices and representation learning. Firstly, this paper builds a domain-specific knowledge base; Secondly, using the vector representation of learning representation from the text information to calculate the similarity of the three features of the context, topic keywords and extension words of the entity referential item; Then using the relationship information in the knowledge base to calculate the relationship index of the candidate entities; Finally, these three similarities and relationship indices are combined for physical links; The experimental results show that compared with the existing methods, the proposed method can effectively improve the F1 value, and the method does not need to label the corpus, which is simpler and more efficient, and is suitable for the specific field lacking the labeled corpus.
Key words:
- Integrated-entity link /
- specific field /
- representation learning /
- relationship index
表 1 不同特征组合实验结果统计
Table 1 Statistics of experimental results of different feature combinations
特征组合 P(%) R(%) F1 上下文 64.8 61.7 63.2 上下文+主题关键词 79.3 80.9 80.1 上下文+主题关键词+扩展词 87.7 86.5 87.1 上下文+主题关键词+扩展词+关系指数 92.6 90.4 91.5 表 2 不同v值实验结果统计
Table 2 Statistical results of different v values
v P(%) R(%) F1 1 84.4 81.8 83.1 2 89.6 87.1 88.3 3 92.6 90.4 91.5 4 90.3 89.4 89.8 表 3 不同w值实验结果统计
Table 3 Statistical results of different w values
w P(%) R(%) F1 1 86.4 83.5 84.9 2 89.8 87.6 88.7 3 90.5 89.2 89.8 4 92.6 90.4 91.5 5 89.7 88.6 89.1 表 4 各个关系子属性的实验结果统计
Table 4 Statistical results of experimental results for each relationship sub-attribute
关系属性 P(%) R(%) F1 直接关系 89.3 87.2 88.2 直接关系+垂直间接关系 91.8 88.7 90.2 直接关系+水平间接关系 91.1 87.6 89.3 直接关系+两个间接关系 92.6 90.4 91.5 表 5 本文方法与其他方法的比较
Table 5 Comparison of methods in this paper withother methods
表 6 不同领域的实验结果统计
Table 6 Statistics of experimental results in different fields
领域名称 P(%) R(%) F1 旅游领域 92.6 90.4 91.5 少数民族领域 91.8 89.6 90.7 药材领域 90.3 91.4 90.8 -
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