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Robust H Fuzzy Output-feedback Control With Both General Multiple Probabilistic Delays and Multiple Missing Measurements and Random Missing Control

Zhang Bishan Ma Zhongjun Yang Meixiang

张必山, 马忠军, 杨美香. 既含有一般多个随机延迟以及多个测量丢失和随机控制丢失的鲁棒H∞模糊输出反馈控制. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(9): 1656-1664. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.e150082
引用本文: 张必山, 马忠军, 杨美香. 既含有一般多个随机延迟以及多个测量丢失和随机控制丢失的鲁棒H模糊输出反馈控制. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(9): 1656-1664. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.e150082
Zhang Bishan, Ma Zhongjun, Yang Meixiang. Robust H∞ Fuzzy Output-feedback Control With Both General Multiple Probabilistic Delays and Multiple Missing Measurements and Random Missing Control. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(9): 1656-1664. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.e150082
Citation: Zhang Bishan, Ma Zhongjun, Yang Meixiang. Robust H Fuzzy Output-feedback Control With Both General Multiple Probabilistic Delays and Multiple Missing Measurements and Random Missing Control. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(9): 1656-1664. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.e150082


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.e150082

the Outstanding Young Teachers Training in Higher Education Institutions of Guangxi gxqg022014025

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11562006

the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi Province 2015GXNSFAA139013

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11661025

Robust H Fuzzy Output-feedback Control With Both General Multiple Probabilistic Delays and Multiple Missing Measurements and Random Missing Control


the Outstanding Young Teachers Training in Higher Education Institutions of Guangxi gxqg022014025

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11562006

the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi Province 2015GXNSFAA139013

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11661025

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Zhongjun Ma received the M.S. degree from the Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree from Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, in 2007. He is currently a Professor with the School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China. His research interests include multiagent systems, nonlinear systems, and complex networks. E-mail: mzj1234402@163.com

    Meixiang Yang received the M.S. degree from Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China, in 2006. She is currently a Lecturer at the School of Mathematic and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China. Her research interests include robust control, optimal control and their applications in motion control system. E-mail: meixiangyang2016@163.com

    Corresponding author: Bishan Zhang received the M.S. degree from Chongqing University, China, in 2003. He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China. His research interests include robust control, neural networks and their applications in motion control system. Corresponding author of this paper. E-mail: bshzhang30@sina.com
  • 摘要: 这篇文章研究了一类不确定离散时间模糊系统的鲁棒H控制问题,这类系统是既含有多个随机延迟、多测量丢失又含有从模糊控制器到发生器的随机控制信号丢失.描述随机通信延迟和随机控制信号丢失的随机变量认为是相互独立服从贝努利分布.测量丢失现象认为是随机发生的.假定对每个传感器发生丢失的概率位于区间[0,1]上是给定的.大量的注意力集中在设计H模糊输出反馈控制器以确保所得到的闭环Tagagi-Segeno(T-S)系统按均方意义是指数稳定的.文章所用的方法能使扰动拒绝达到说给定的指标.通过大量的分析得出了满足指数稳定性以及预先给定的H性能指标的容许输出反馈控制器的存在性的充分条件.另外,锥型补线性化过程用于将控制设计问题转化成能用半正定规划方法求解的序列极小化问题.最后,模拟结果证实了文中所提出的设计方法的可行性和有效性.
    Recommended by Associate Editor Jiming Chen
  • Fig.  1  Framework of output feedback control systems over network environment.

    Fig.  2  State evolution $x(k)$ of uncontrolled systems.

    Fig.  3  State evolution $x(k)$ of controlled systems.

    Fig.  4  Output feedback controller $x_c(k)$.

    Fig.  5  Controlled output $z(k)$.

    Fig.  6  Output feedback controller $u(k)$.

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