A Algorithm of Fault Detection for Dynamic Systems with Boundedparameter Perturbation Based Onquadratic Programming
摘要: 基于最优化方法,提出控制系统存在参数区间摄动情况下故障诊断的一种算法.首 先把故障诊断问题转化为输入输出观测值与标称模型簇相容性判断问题,进而转化为一个可 在有限步内得到解的二次规划问题.Abstract: This paper presents a new method of fault detection for dynamic systems with bounded parameter perturbation by optimization technique. Firstly, we discuss that some faults can be detected by checking the concordance between the given model cluster and the input/output signals, then-based on quadratc programming, a finite-step termination algorithm is given to achieve the concordance examination.
Key words:
- Fault Detection /
- fault tolerant control /
- optimization
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