摘要: 多智能体强化学习(Multi-agent reinforcement learning, MARL)作为博弈论、控制论和多智能体学习的交叉研究领域, 是多智能体系统(Multi-agent systems, MASs)研究中的前沿方向, 赋予智能体在动态多维的复杂环境中通过交互和决策完成多样化任务的能力. 多智能体强化学习正在向应用对象开放化、应用问题具身化、应用场景复杂化的方向发展, 并逐渐成为解决现实世界中博弈决策问题的最有效工具. 本文对基于多智能体强化学习的博弈进行系统性综述. 首先, 介绍多智能体强化学习的基本理论, 梳理多智能体强化学习算法与基线测试环境的发展进程. 其次, 针对合作、对抗以及混合三种多智能体强化学习任务, 从提高智能体合作效率、提升智能体对抗能力的维度来介绍多智能体强化学习的最新进展, 并结合实际应用探讨混合博弈的前沿研究方向. 最后, 对多智能体强化学习的应用前景和发展趋势进行总结与展望.Abstract: Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), which stands at the intersection of game theory, cybernetics and multi-agent learning, represents the cutting-edge domain within the realm of multi-agent systems (MASs) research. MARL empowers the agents with the capability to complete a variety of complex tasks through interaction and decision-making in the dynamic multi-dimensional and complicated practical environment. When progressing towards the openness of application objects, the embodiment of application issues and the complication of application contexts, MARL is gradually becoming the most effective tool for solving game and decision-making problems in the real world. This paper systematically reviews the game based on MARL. First, the basic theory of MARL is introduced, and the development process of MARL algorithms and the baseline testing environment have been introduced and summarized. Then, we focus on three types of tasks within MARL, which are cooperation, competition and mixed tasks. The latest progress in MARL is introduced by concentrating on improving the cooperative efficiency and enhancing the adversarial abilities of agents, and the most recent researches on mixed games, in combination with their practical applications, are investigated. Finally, the prospects of application and the trends of development for MARL are summarized and prospected.
表 1 多智能体强化学习的最新测试环境介绍
Table 1 Introduction of the latest test environments of multi-agent reinforcement learning
测试环境 任务类型 适用场景/特点 动作空间 连续 离散 MATE[68] (2022) 混合 针对多智能体目标覆盖控制, 如无线传感器网络 $\checkmark$ $\checkmark$ Gigastep[21] (2023) 混合 支持具有随机性和部分可观性的3D动态环境 $\checkmark$ $\checkmark$ IMP-MARL[72] (2023) 合作 针对基础设施管理规划, 如海上风力发电机组维护 $\checkmark$ Neural MMO 2.0[73] (2023) 混合 在Neural MMO环境上增加自定义的目标和奖励 $\checkmark$ SMACv2[74] (2023) 合作 在SMAC环境上增加随机性和部分可观察性 $\checkmark$ Multi-objective SMAC[80] (2024) 混合 在SMAC环境上增加长期任务和多个对抗目标 $\checkmark$ FightLadder[81] (2024) 对抗 针对多种跨平台视频格斗游戏, 如街霸、拳皇 $\checkmark$ MAexp[82] (2024) 合作 用于多规模、多类型机器人团队合作探索策略 $\checkmark$ 表 2 合作多智能体强化学习中通信机制分类
Table 2 Classification of communication mechanisms in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning
维度 分类 通信机制 通信约束 带宽约束 DIAL[14], RIAL[16], NDQ[57], ETCNet[118], TCOM[125] 信息时延 DACOM[70], RGMComm[79] 噪声干扰 MAGI[119], DACOM[70] 通信策略 预设定的 DIAL[14], RIAL[16], CommNet[45], TarMAC[55] 可学习的 NDQ[57], ATOC[51], ETCNet[118], MAGI[119], TEM[120], DACOM[70], RGMComm[79], TCOM[125] 通信对象 所有智能体 CommNet[45], TarMAC[55], ETCNet[118], DACOM[70] 邻居智能体 MAGI[119], RGMComm[79] 特定智能体 ATOC[51], TEM[120], TCOM[125] -
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