Adaptive Reliable Control of Multi-agent Systems Based on Dynamic Event-triggered Communication Protocol
摘要: 针对多智能体系统中邻居节点间通信资源受限的情况, 研究基于动态事件触发通信协议的多智能体系统自适应可靠一致性控制问题. 首先, 设计一种基于自适应参数估计技术的容错控制策略, 来应对未知执行器故障. 其次, 提出一种新型动态事件触发函数, 通过增加具有自适应调节能力的动态变量来延长事件触发间隔. 在此基础上, 证明在智能体之间非连续通信的情况下, 所提方法仅依靠智能体与邻居在触发时刻的交互信息就可以确保一致性误差的收敛. 此外, 从理论上说明智能体间的事件触发通信不存在芝诺现象. 最后, 针对无人船编队系统开展仿真, 结果能够说明所提自适应事件触发可靠控制方法的有效性.Abstract: In view of the limited communication resources between neighboring nodes in multi-agent systems, this paper studies the adaptive reliable consensus control problem of multi-agent systems based on dynamic event-triggered communication protocol. Firstly, a fault-tolerant control policy based on adaptive parameter estimation technology is designed to address unknown actuator faults. Secondly, a novel dynamic event-triggered function is proposed, which prolongs the event-triggered interval by introducing a dynamic variable with adaptive adjustment capability. On this basis, it has been proved that the proposed method can ensure the convergence of consensus error solely based on the interaction information between the intelligent agent and its neighbors at the triggering time, in the case of discontinuous communication between agents. In addition, this paper theoretically demonstrates that there is no Zeno phenomenon in event-triggered communication between agents. Finally, a simulation of unmanned ship formation system is carried out, and the result can illustrate the effectiveness of the adaptive event-triggered reliable control method proposed in this paper.
图 9 基于触发通信协议(8)的触发时刻和触发间隔, (a)、(b)、(c)、(d) 和(e)分别表示智能体1、智能体2、智能体3、智能体4和智能体5的触发时刻和触发间隔
Fig. 9 Triggering moment and triggering interval for each agent by communication protocol (8), where (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) indicate the triggering moment and triggering interval of the agent 1, agent 2, agent 3, agent 4 and agent 5 respectively
图 10 基于文献[25]的触发时刻和触发间隔, (a)、(b)、(c)、(d) 和(e)分别表示智能体1、智能体2、智能体3、智能体4和智能体5的触发时刻和触发间隔
Fig. 10 Triggering moment and triggering interval for each agent in reference [25], where (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) indicate the triggering moment and triggering interval of the agent 1, agent 2, agent 3, agent 4 and agent 5 respectively
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