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吴晓阳 邹尧 付强 贺威

吴晓阳, 邹尧, 付强, 贺威. 生物集群能量高效利用机制研究综述. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(3): 431−449 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230161
引用本文: 吴晓阳, 邹尧, 付强, 贺威. 生物集群能量高效利用机制研究综述. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(3): 431−449 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230161
Wu Xiao-Yang, Zou Yao, Fu Qiang, He Wei. An overview of energy efficient utilization mechanism of biological colonies. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 431−449 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230161
Citation: Wu Xiao-Yang, Zou Yao, Fu Qiang, He Wei. An overview of energy efficient utilization mechanism of biological colonies. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 431−449 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230161


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230161
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62225304, 61933001, 62073028, 62173031), 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(FRF-TP-22-003C2) 资助

    吴晓阳:北京科技大学智能科学与技术学院博士研究生. 2017年获得河北工业大学学士学位. 2020年获得北京科技大学硕士学位. 主要研究方向为扑翼飞行机器人和飞行器控制. E-mail: wxy1995_jz@163.com

    邹尧:北京科技大学智能科学与技术学院教授. 2010年获得大连理工大学学士学位, 2016年获得北京航空航天大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为飞行器控制, 多智能体系统. E-mail: zouyao@ustb.edu.cn

    付强:北京科技大学智能科学与技术学院副教授. 2009年获得北京交通大学学士学位, 2016年获得北京航空航天大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为视觉导航, 视觉伺服和扑翼飞行机器人. 本文通信作者. E-mail: fuqiang@ustb.edu.cn

    贺威:北京科技大学智能科学与技术学院教授. 2006年获得华南理工大学自动化学院学士学位, 2011年获得新加坡国立大学电气工程与计算机科学系博士学位. 主要研究方向为仿生扑翼飞行机器人, 智能无人系统和智能控制. E-mail: weihe@ieee.org

An Overview of Energy Efficient Utilization Mechanism of Biological Colonies

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62225304, 61933001, 62073028, 62173031) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (FRF-TP-22-003C2)
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    Author Bio:

    WU Xiao-Yang Ph.D. candidate at the School of Intelligence Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing. He received his bachelor degree from Hebei University of Technology in 2017, and his master degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2020. His research interest covers flapping-wing aerial vehicles and control of air vehicles

    ZOU Yao Professor at the School of Intelligence Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing. He received his bachelor degree from Dalian University of Technology in 2010, and his Ph.D. degree from Beihang University in 2016. His research interest covers control of air vehicles and multi-agent system

    FU Qiang Associate professor at the School of Intelligence Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing. He received his bachelor degree from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2009, and his Ph.D. degree from Beihang University in 2016. His research interest covers vision-based navigation, visual servoing, and flapping-wing aerial vehicles. Corresponding author of this paper

    HE Wei Professor at the School of Intelligence Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing. He received his bachelor degree from College of Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology (SCUT) in 2006, and his Ph.D. degree from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore in 2011. His research interest covers flapping-wing aerial vehicles, intelligent unmanned system, and intelligent control

  • 摘要: 近年来, 智能体集群的能量高效利用(Energy efficient utilization, EEU)机制已经成为多智能体系统领域的热点问题, 如何使用有限的能量资源实现系统性能最优是该问题的核心研究内容. 考虑到智能体集群与生物族群的相似性, 探究生物族群的能量高效利用机制对提升智能体集群节能性能有着重要的研究价值. 为此, 首先介绍不同生物族群中蕴含的能量利用机制, 并根据节能方式的差异分成3类, 流体优势利用机制、流体阻碍克服机制和热量交换与扩散机制; 然后对这些机制进行总结与分析, 并提出一种具有一般性的能量高效利用模型; 最后, 探讨能量高效利用机制在多智能体系统应用中面临的挑战和发展趋势.
    1)  11 本文中流体是指生物族群长期生存的液体(海水)和气体(空气).
  • 图  1  迁徙鸟群的线性编队方式

    Fig.  1  Line formation of migratory birds

    图  2  鸟群编队的诱导阻力比率[27]

    Fig.  2  Induced power ratio of different formation flight[27]

    图  3  相邻鸟类间的“翼尖间距”、“深度”和“扑翼相位差”定义

    Fig.  3  Definitions of “wing tip spacing”, “depth” and “flapping wing phase difference”

    图  4  鸟群“V型”编队示意图

    Fig.  4  Bird flock with V-configuration formation

    图  5  鸟群能量利用机制与集群规模$ n $和翼尖间距$ s $的关系

    Fig.  5  Relationship between EEU of bird flock and the size $ n $ and wing tip spacing $ s $

    图  6  有鳍鱼类的“菱形”编队

    Fig.  6  Diamond formation of finfishs

    图  7  鱼群节能区域及节能效果图

    Fig.  7  Energy saving zone and energy saving effect of fish school

    图  8  “菱形”编队参数示意图

    Fig.  8  Schematic diagram of diamond formation parameters

    图  9  鳗鱼游动方式和有鳍鱼类游动方式[28]

    Fig.  9  Swimming method of eel and finfishs[28]

    图  10  “菱形”编队示意图

    Fig.  10  Diamond formation of diagram

    图  11  EEU实验结果

    Fig.  11  Results of EEU experiment

    图  12  南极磷虾集群 ((a)不同规模生物群体在聚集和分散情况下的能耗情况[104]; (b)磷虾运动时流体扰动的影响[108]; (c)磷虾群中不同的编队方式[109])

    Fig.  12  Krill swarm ((a) Energy consumption of different group in non-swarming and swarming condition[104]; (b) Hydrodynamic disturbance from the motion of krill[108]; (c) Different formation method of krill swarm (Focal krill, FK)[109])

    图  13  不同规模的棘刺龙虾队列[120]

    Fig.  13  Different sizes of migrating lobsters[120]

    图  14  三叶虫集群((a)首尾相连的三叶虫队列[128]; (b)线性的三叶虫队列130]; (c)非线性的三叶虫集群[130])

    Fig.  14  Trilobite clusters ((a) Queue with most individuals oriented head-under-tail[128]; (b) Linear autochthonous trilobite clusters[130]; (c) Nonlinear trilobite clusters[130])

    图  15  帝企鹅群的温度分布[116]

    Fig.  15  Temperature distribution of penguins[116]

    图  16  拥挤团体EEU随团体半径$ r $的变化趋势

    Fig.  16  Relationship between EEU of huddling and radius $ r $

    表  1  多圆柱体阻力表

    Table  1  Drag coefficients of multi circle cylinders

    位置序号 阻力系数
    1 1.2158
    2 0.4212
    3 0.2191
    4 0.1069
    5 0.0861
    6 0.0991
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    表  2  多种生物族群的能量高效利用机制总结

    Table  2  Summary of energy efficient utilization mechanism in multiple biological clusters

    加拿大鹅流体优势利用机制能耗降低36.0%559.4% ~ 45.3% (根据编队参数的差异)[57]
    粉红足雁流体优势利用机制能耗降低14.0%549.4% ~ 47.4% (根据编队参数的差异)[59]
    白鹈鹕流体优势利用机制能耗降低11.4% ~ 14.0%87.4% ~ 28.9% (根据编队参数的差异)[62]
    鲭鱼流体优势利用机制摆动频率15.0% ~ 29.0%14.4% ~ 23.0% (根据编队间距的差异)[82]
    海鲈鱼流体优势利用机制摆动频率9.0% ~ 14.0%914.4% ~ 23.0% (根据编队间距的差异)[83]
    欧洲拟鲤流体优势利用机制摆动频率7.3% ~ 11.6%814.4% ~ 23.0% (根据编队间距的差异)[54]
    鲻鱼流体优势利用机制摆动频率10.5% ~ 27.0%814.4% ~ 23.0% (根据编队间距的差异)[87]
    鳗鱼流体优势利用机制耗氧量30.0%714.4% ~ 23.0% (根据编队间距的差异)[96]
    棘刺龙虾流体阻碍克服机制65.0%阻力减免1970.6% (6只组成的队列)[117]
    三叶虫流体阻碍克服机制330.6% (2只组成的队列)[129]
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