摘要: 本文研究了一类具有边界执行器动态特性的双曲线型偏微分方程(Partial differential equation, PDE)系统的输出调节问题. 特别地, 执行器由一组非线性常微分方程(Ordinary differential equation, ODE)描述, 控制输入出现在执行器的一端而非直接作用在PDE系统上, 这使得控制任务变得相当困难. 基于几何设计方法和有限维与无限维反步法, 本文提出了显式表达的输出调节器, 实现了该类系统的扰动补偿及跟踪控制. 并且我们采用Lyapunov稳定性理论严格证明了闭环系统及跟踪误差在范数意义上的指数稳定性. 仿真实例对比验证了所提出控制方法的有效性.Abstract: This paper investigates the output regulation problem for a class of hyperbolic partial differential equation (PDE) systems with boundary actuator dynamics. Particularly, the control input appears at one end of the actuator described by a set of ordinary differential equation (ODE) rather than directly in the PDE system, which makes the control task rather difficult. Based on the geometric design method as well as finite and infinite dimensional backstepping methods, an output regulator is explicitly provided in the paper so that the disturbance compensation and tracking control of this system are implemented. Moreover, we rigorously prove the exponential stability of both the closed-loop system and the tracking error in the norm by employing the Lyapunov stability theory. The simulation example comparatively demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed control method.1)
1 1 本文使用的符号说明如下: $ {\bf{R}} $为所有实数的集合; $ {\bf{C}} $为所有复数的集合; ${\rm{C}}^{n} $表示${n} $阶连续可微;$ \left|\cdot\right| $表示欧几里得范数; 对于一个时变的信号$ \omega \left( {x,t} \right) \in {\bf{R}}, x \in \left[0,1\right] $, 令$ \left\| {\omega \left( x \right)} \right\|_{L_2} = \sqrt {\int_0^1 {{\omega ^2}\left( x \right)\mathrm{d}x} } $表示其$ L_2 $范数. 此外, 令$ {v_x}\left( {x,t} \right) $和$ {v_t}\left( {x,t} \right) $分别表示偏导$ \frac{{\partial v\left( {x,t} \right)}}{{\partial x}} $和$ \frac{{\partial v\left( {x,t} \right)}}{{\partial t}} $. 为避免混淆, 时间和空间变量在一些函数中常被忽略, 例如: $ v\left( {x,t} \right) = $$ v\left( x \right),v\left( {x,t} \right) = v $. -
图 9 PDE子系统受到的常值扰动${D_i} = Q_i^\mathrm{T}{v_{d1}},i = 1, 2 ,3$及相应的扰动观测值${\hat D_i} = Q_i^\mathrm{T}{\hat v_{d1}},i = 1, 2 ,3$
Fig. 9 The constant perturbations ${D_i} = Q_i^\mathrm{T} {v_{d1}}$, $i = 1, 2 ,3$ to PDE subsystem and the corresponding disturbance observations ${\hat D_i} = Q_i^\mathrm{T}{\hat v_{d1}},i = 1, 2 ,3$
图 10 执行器受到的周期性扰动${d_i} = q_i^\mathrm{T}{v_{d2}},i = 0,1 ,2$以及相应的扰动观测值${{\hat d}_i} = q_i^\mathrm{T}{{\hat v}_{d2}},i = 0,1 ,2$
Fig. 10 The periodic perturbations ${d_i} = q_i^\mathrm{T} {v_{d2}}$, $i = 0, 1 ,2$ to actuator and the corresponding disturbance observations ${{\hat d}_i} = q_i^\mathrm{T}{{\hat v}_{d2}}$, $i = 0, 1 ,2$
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