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王法胜 李富 尹双双 王星 孙福明 朱兵

王法胜, 李富, 尹双双, 王星, 孙福明, 朱兵. 全天实时跟踪无人机目标的多正则化相关滤波算法. 自动化学报, 2023, 49(11): 2409−2425 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220424
引用本文: 王法胜, 李富, 尹双双, 王星, 孙福明, 朱兵. 全天实时跟踪无人机目标的多正则化相关滤波算法. 自动化学报, 2023, 49(11): 2409−2425 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220424
Wang Fa-Sheng, Li Fu, Yin Shuang-Shuang, Wang Xing, Sun Fu-Ming, Zhu Bing. All-day and real-time multi-regularized correlation filter for UAV object tracking. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2023, 49(11): 2409−2425 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220424
Citation: Wang Fa-Sheng, Li Fu, Yin Shuang-Shuang, Wang Xing, Sun Fu-Ming, Zhu Bing. All-day and real-time multi-regularized correlation filter for UAV object tracking. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2023, 49(11): 2409−2425 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220424


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220424
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61972068, 61976042), 国家重点研发计划(2021YFC3320300), 兴辽英才计划(XLYC2007023), 辽宁省高等学校创新人才支持计划(LR2019020)资助

    王法胜:大连民族大学信息与通信工程学院教授. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 模式识别. E-mail: wangfasheng@dlnu.edu.cn

    李富:大连民族大学信息与通信工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉. E-mail: fuliytu@163.com

    尹双双:大连民族大学信息与通信工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉. E-mail: yss460229828@163.com

    王星:大连民族大学信息与通信工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉. E-mail: dlnuwangxing@gmail.com

    孙福明:大连民族大学信息与通信工程学院教授. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 多媒体技术. 本文通信作者. E-mail: sunfuming@dlnu.edu.cn

    朱兵:哈尔滨工业大学电子与信息工程学院副研究员. 主要研究方向为图像处理, 模式识别. E-mail: zhubing@hit.edu.cn

All-day and Real-time Multi-regularized Correlation Filter for UAV Object Tracking

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61972068, 61976042), National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFC3320300), Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program (XLYC2007023), and Innovative Talents Program for Liaoning Universities (LR2019020)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    WANG Fa-Sheng Professor at the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian Minzu University. His research interest covers computer vision and pattern recognition

    LI Fu Master student at the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian Minzu University. His main research interest is computer vision

    YIN Shuang-Shuang Master student at the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian Minzu University. Her main research interest is computer vision

    WANG Xing Master student at the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian Minzu University. His main research interest is computer vision

    SUN Fu-Ming Professor at the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian Minzu University. His research interest covers computer vision and multimedia technology. Corresponding author of this paper

    ZHU Bing Associate research fellow at the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interest covers image processing and pattern recognition

  • 摘要: 相关滤波算法(Correlation filter, CF)已广泛应用于无人机目标跟踪. 然而, 受无人机 (Unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV) 平台本身计算性能的制约, 现有的无人机相关滤波跟踪算法大都仅采用手工特征来描述目标的外观, 难以获得目标的全面语义信息. 并且这些跟踪算法仅能较好地进行光照条件良好场景下的跟踪, 而在跟踪夜间场景下的目标时性能严重下降. 此外, 相关滤波跟踪器采用余弦窗口来抑制循环移位产生的边界效应, 缩小了样本提取区域, 产生了训练样本污染的问题, 这不可避免地降低了跟踪器的性能. 针对以上问题, 提出全天实时多正则化相关滤波算法(All-day and real-time multi-regularized correlation filter, AMRCF)跟踪无人机目标. 首先, 引入一个自适应图像增强模块, 在不影响图像各通道颜色比例的前提下, 对获得的图像进行增强, 以提高夜间目标跟踪性能. 其次, 引入一个轻量型的深度网络来提取目标的深度特征, 并与手工特征一起来表示目标的语义信息. 此外, 在算法框架中嵌入高斯形状掩膜, 在抑制边界效应的同时, 有效避免训练样本污染. 最后, 在5个公开的无人机基准数据集上进行充分的实验. 实验结果表明, 所提出的算法与多个先进的相关滤波跟踪器相比, 取得了有竞争力的结果, 且算法的实时速度约为25 fps, 能够胜任无人机的目标跟踪任务.
  • 图  1  AMRCF与其他算法在DTB70上的总体性能比较

    Fig.  1  Overall performance of AMRCF compared with other algorithms on DTB70

    图  2  AMRCF跟踪算法框架图

    Fig.  2  Framework of the proposed AMRCF algorithm

    图  3  原始图像与增强图像的对比(每组图像的第一行是原始图像, 第二行是相应的增强图像)

    Fig.  3  Comparison of original image and enhanced image (The first row of each image set is the original image, and the second row is the corresponding enhanced image)

    图  4  教师网络和学生网络的架构

    Fig.  4  Architectures of the teacher network and the student network

    图  5  边界效应抑制可视化图((a)空间域循环移位产生的带有边界效应的训练样本; (b)加入余弦窗口后, 带有污染的训练样本; (c)高斯形状掩膜可视化图, 样本的中心距离图像中心越近, 其权重越大, 重要性越高, 反之则越低)

    Fig.  5  Visualization of boundary effect suppression ((a) Training samples with boundary effect generated by cyclic shifts in the spatial domain; (b) Training samples with contamination after adding cosine window; (c) Gaussian-shaped mask visualization, the closer the center of the sample is to the center of the image, the higher the weight and importance, and vice versa)

    图  6  AMRCF与其他算法在5个无人机目标跟踪基准上的实验结果

    Fig.  6  Experimental results of AMRCF and other algorithms on five UAV target tracking benchmarks

    图  7  6个无人机目标跟踪算法的跟踪结果在部分序列上的可视化对比

    Fig.  7  Visual comparison of tracking results of six UAV tracking algorithms on selected sequences

    图  8  失败案例的可视化对比

    Fig.  8  Visual comparison of failure cases

    表  1  消融实验结果对比

    Table  1  Comparison of ablation experiment results

    DTB70精确度0.6660.6660.6890.6560.689$\underline{\underline {\boldsymbol{0.726}}} $
    成功率0.4660.4660.4790.4570.479$\underline{\underline {\boldsymbol{0.488}}} $
    UAVDark135精确度0.5930.6020.5980.5900.608$\underline{\underline {\boldsymbol{0.610}}} $
    成功率0.4550.4630.4620.4580.461$\underline{\underline {\boldsymbol{0.464}}} $
    UAVTrack112精确度0.6810.6720.6920.6780.713$\underline{\underline {{0.712} } }$
    成功率0.4670.4630.4690.4660.481$\underline{\underline {\boldsymbol{0.484}}} $
    UAV123精确度0.6930.6930.6890.6740.708$\underline{\underline {{0.694}}} $
    VisDrone-SOT2018精确度0.8120.8110.8020.7950.811$ \underline{\underline{{\boldsymbol{0.816}}}} $
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    表  2  消融实验帧率对比

    Table  2  Frame rate comparison of ablation experiment

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    表  3  CF-VGG与教师网络VGG性能对比

    Table  3  Comparison of performance between CF-VGG and teacher network VGG

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    表  4  各跟踪算法在无人机目标跟踪基准上的帧率比较

    Table  4  Comparison of frame rates of various tracking algorithms on UAV target tracking benchmarks

    fDSST$\underline{\underline {137.9438}} $$\underline{\underline {165.0210}} $$\underline{\underline {178.2769}} $$\underline{\underline {146.0930}} $$\underline{\underline {164.2684}} $$\underline{\underline {158.3206}} $
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    表  5  AMRCF与无人机目标跟踪算法的性能比较

    Table  5  Performance comparison of AMRCF and UAV target tracking algorithms

    DTB70精确度0.6660.649$\underline{\underline {0.716}} $0.6360.6940.726
    成功率0.4660.450$\underline{\underline {0.478}} $0.4400.4720.488
    UAVDark135精确度0.593$\underline{\underline {0.600}} $0.5990.4810.5840.610
    成功率0.455$\underline{\underline {0.459}} $0.4540.3880.4480.464
    UAVTrack112精确度0.6810.688$\underline{\underline {0.695}} $0.6750.6720.712
    成功率0.467$\underline{\underline {0.468}} $0.4640.4580.4570.484
    UAV123精确度0.6930.6900.6890.7000.671$\underline{\underline {0.694}} $
    成功率0.485$\underline{\underline {0.483}} $0.4720.4820.4680.478
    VisDrone-SOT2018精确度$\underline{\underline {0.812}} $0.7760.7880.7820.7970.816
    成功率0.6000.5700.5730.5730.584$\underline{\underline {0.598}} $
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    表  6  各算法在DTB70基准不同属性上的性能比较

    Table  6  Performance comparison of each algorithm on different attributes of the DTB70 benchmark

    成功率0.3100.4000.3490.321$\underline{\underline {0.430}} $0.2750.310
    SV精确度0.545$\underline{\underline {0.707}} $0.6880.5740.6100.6130.735
    成功率0.3980.487$\underline{\underline {0.493}} $0.4460.4500.4510.522
    ARV精确度0.370$\underline{\underline {0.608}} $0.6050.5260.5420.5560.661
    成功率0.2740.393$\underline{\underline {0.405}} $0.3770.3770.3840.442
    OCC精确度0.556$\underline{\underline {0.638}} $0.6310.5850.5850.5870.624
    DEF精确度0.4100.654$\underline{\underline {0.670}} $0.5590.6100.6280.748
    成功率0.2820.426$\underline{\underline {0.452}} $0.3920.4190.4160.492
    FCM精确度0.640$\underline{\underline {0.742}} $0.7440.6990.6940.719 0.738
    IR精确度0.5370.636$\underline{\underline {0.684}} $0.5940.6030.6150.696
    成功率0.3740.429$\underline{\underline {0.454}} $0.4130.4160.4290.466
    OR精确度0.270$\underline{\underline {0.451}} $0.4390.3460.3850.4120.524
    成功率0.2230.321$\underline{\underline {0.343}} $0.2630.2970.3230.369
    OV精确度0.5750.6420.6900.6110.6290.675$\underline{\underline {0.680}} $
    成功率0.3830.4270.4070.4300.4140.448$\underline{\underline {0.435}} $
    BC精确度0.4910.585$\underline{\underline {0.635}} $0.5940.6100.6160.640
    成功率0.3110.3770.3940.3650.376$\underline{\underline {0.399}} $0.400
    SOA精确度0.641$\underline{\underline {0.730}} $0.7310.7000.6780.6950.694
    成功率0.4210.484$\underline{\underline {0.473}} $0.4530.4520.4710.447
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