摘要: 针对移动机器人在复杂场景中难以稳定跟随目标的问题, 提出基于改进YOLOX的移动机器人目标跟随方法, 主要包括目标检测、目标跟踪以及目标跟随三个部分. 首先, 以 YOLOX 网络为基础, 在其框架下将主干网络采用轻量化网络 MobileNetV2X, 提高复杂场景中目标检测的实时性. 然后, 通过改进的卡尔曼滤波器获取目标跟踪状态并采用数据关联进行目标匹配, 同时通过深度直方图判定目标发生遮挡后, 采用深度概率信息约束及最大后验概率(Maximum a posteriori, MAP)进行匹配跟踪, 确保机器人在遮挡情况下稳定跟踪目标. 再采用基于视觉伺服控制的目标跟随算法, 当跟踪目标丢失时, 引入重识别特征主动搜寻目标实现目标跟随. 最后, 在公开数据集上与具有代表性的目标跟随方法进行了定性和定量实验, 同时在真实场景中完成了移动机器人目标跟随实验, 实验结果均验证了所提方法具有较好的鲁棒性和实时性.Abstract: A target following method of mobile robot based on improved YOLOX is proposed to solve the problem that mobile robots are difficult to follow the target stably in complex scene. This method mainly includes three parts: Target detection, target tracking and target following. Firstly, the lightweight MobileNetV2X network is adopted under the YOLOX framework to improve the real-time performance of target detection in complex scene. Then, the improved Kalman filter is proposed to obtain the tracking state and data association is used for target matching. When the target is judged by depth-histogram, the depth probability constraint and maximum a posteriori (MAP) probability are utilized for matching, which ensure that the robot tracks the target stably under occlusion. Moreover, target-following algorithm based on servo control is proposed, and re-id feature is introduced to actively search for disappeared targets. Finally, qualitative and quantitative experiments on public data set and in real-world environments demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.
Key words:
- Mobile robot /
- re-id /
- target following
表 1 测试集视频序列
Table 1 Test set video sequences
名称 视频帧率 (帧/s) 分辨率 (像素) 视频时间 (s) 目标数量 目标框数 密集度 场景 MOT2008 25 1920×734 806 (00:32) 279 145301 180.3 步行街 MOT2002 25 1920×1080 2782 (01:51) 296 202215 72.7 室内火车站 HT2114 25 1920×1080 1050 (00:42) 1040 258227 245.9 室内火车站 MOTS2007 30 1920×1080 500 (00:17) 58 12878 25.8 步行街 MOTS2012 30 1920×1080 900 (00:30) 68 6471 7.2 购物中心 MOTS2006 14 640×480 1194 (01:25) 190 9814 8.2 街道 表 2 网络消融实验
Table 2 The ablation studies of the proposed network
ID 主干网络 Presion Recall F1 mAP Flops (GHz) Darknet53 MobileNetV2X 1 $ \surd $ 0.929 0.980 0.954 0.969 21.79 2 $ \surd $ 0.910 0.972 0.941 0.970 8.65 3 $ \surd $ 0.935 0.974 0.952 0.971 9.46 4 $ \surd $ 0.940 0.980 0.960 0.980 9.85 表 3 各项性能指标
Table 3 Each performance index
测试集 目标跟踪算法 $ \text{MOTA}\uparrow $ $ \text{IDF1}\uparrow $ $\text{MT}\;(\%) \uparrow$ $\text{ML}\;(\%)\downarrow$ $ \text{IDs}\downarrow $ $\text{FPS}\;(帧/{\rm{s} })\uparrow$ MOT2008 DeepSORT 47.3 55.6 30.10 18.70 625 22 FairMOT 52.3 54.2 36.20 22.30 543 27 CTrack 53.1 54.1 36.00 19.70 736 31 Real-time MOT 52.9 52.3 29.20 20.30 709 34 本文算法 58.6 58.7 40.60 11.00 591 38 MOT2002 DeepSORT 52.6 53.4 19.80 34.70 912 24 FairMOT 59.7 53.6 25.30 22.80 1420 28 CTrack 61.4 62.2 32.80 18.20 781 32 Real-time MOT 63.0 63.8 39.90 22.10 482 29 本文算法 67.9 68.8 44.70 15.90 1074 35 HT2114 DeepSORT 52.4 49.5 21.40 30.70 8431 24 FairMOT 63.0 58.6 31.20 19.90 4137 25 CTrack 66.6 57.4 32.20 24.20 5529 22 Real-time MOT 67.8 64.7 34.60 24.60 2583 21 本文算法 73.7 68.3 38.20 17.30 3303 27 MOTS2007 DeepSORT 53.0 48.0 22.70 28.90 89 23 FairMOT 60.1 49.9 28.40 25.00 135 27 CTrack 61.2 54.0 30.60 21.60 68 30 Real-time MOT 64.0 56.4 33.70 20.30 104 33 本文算法 67.9 59.3 35.90 18.40 98 39 MOTS2006 DeepSORT 55.7 46.3 30.00 27.90 67 19 FairMOT 63.8 49.7 31.80 25.50 79 23 CTrack 65.3 52.6 34.10 24.00 84 25 Real-time MOT 66.9 54.9 36.90 21.20 91 29 本文算法 69.1 57.0 38.00 18.00 71 31 MOTS2012 DeepSORT 49.6 47.9 24.60 26.40 85 17 FairMOT 52.8 49.3 27.50 24.90 68 20 CTrack 55.7 52.1 29.90 21.70 78 23 Real-time MOT 58.1 55.2 34.00 18.50 64 25 本文算法 61.3 56.4 37.50 15.90 58 27 -
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