Lateral Stability Control of Six-wheeled Skid-steering Robot Based on Hierarchical Control Strategy
摘要: 六轮野外机器人通常体积庞大, 难以建立其动力学模型. 采用传统的速度控制方法很难保证机器人的横向稳定性. 为解决这一问题, 开展基于分层控制策略的六轮滑移机器人横向稳定性控制研究. 首先分析整车受力情况, 建立六轮滑移机器人的动力学模型. 其次, 设计基于分层控制策略的动力学控制器, 其中上层为基于改进趋近律的滑模控制器, 实现对期望横摆角速度的跟踪; 下层为基于附着率最优的转矩分配控制器, 该控制器可以保证机器人行驶的横向稳定性. 最后, 在不同工况下进行仿真实验, 并搭建实验平台进行实物测试. 结果表明设计的控制器可以有效提高机器人的横向稳定性.Abstract: The six-wheeled outdoor robots are usually bulky and their dynamic models are difficult to obtain. Therefore it is difficult to guarantee the lateral stability of the robots by using traditional speed control methods. To solve this problem, this paper investigates the lateral stability control of a class of six-wheeled skid-steering robots based on a hierarchical control strategy. Firstly the dynamic model of the robots is established through thorough force analysis. Then a hierarchical control strategy is proposed in which a sliding mode controller based on the improved reaching law is designed for the upper layer to make the yaw speed track the desired rate. The torque distributor is designed for the second layer based on the optimal adhesion ratio to ensure the lateral stability of the robots. Finally, simulations are carried out under different conditions, and a test platform is built for experimental test. The results show that the hierarchical control strategy can effectively improve the lateral stability of the robots.
表 1 模型参数
Table 1 Model parameters
参数名称 参数含义 $O$ 机器人重心 $B$ 机器人轮距 $a,b,c$ 前中后三轴距重心轴距离 $v_{x}$ 重心的纵向速度 $v_{y}$ 重心的横向速度 $\omega_{\gamma}$ 横摆角速度 $F_{xij}$ 车胎所受纵向力 $F_{yij}$ 车胎所受横向力 表 2 机器人参数
Table 2 Robot parameters
参数名称 参数值 单位 整车质量$m$ 2 655 kg 绕$z$轴转动惯量$I_{z}$ 5 813.86 $\text{kg}\cdot {{\text{m}}^{\text{2}}}$ 质心到前轴距离$a$ 2 m 质心到中轴距离$b$ 0 m 质心到后轴距离$c$ 2 m 轮距$B$ 2.03 m 车轮有效半径$r$ 0.425 m -
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