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夏恒 汤健 崔璨麟 乔俊飞

夏恒, 汤健, 崔璨麟, 乔俊飞. 基于宽度混合森林回归的城市固废焚烧过程二噁英排放软测量. 自动化学报, 2023, 49(2): 343−365 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220012
引用本文: 夏恒, 汤健, 崔璨麟, 乔俊飞. 基于宽度混合森林回归的城市固废焚烧过程二噁英排放软测量. 自动化学报, 2023, 49(2): 343−365 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220012
Xia Heng, Tang Jian, Cui Can-Lin, Qiao Jun-Fei. Soft sensing method of dioxin emission in municipal solid waste incineration process based on broad hybrid forest regression. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2023, 49(2): 343−365 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220012
Citation: Xia Heng, Tang Jian, Cui Can-Lin, Qiao Jun-Fei. Soft sensing method of dioxin emission in municipal solid waste incineration process based on broad hybrid forest regression. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2023, 49(2): 343−365 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220012


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220012
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62073006, 62173120, 62021003), 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(4212032, 4192009), 科技创新2030 — “新一代人工智能”重大项目(2021ZD0112301, 2021ZD0112302)资助

    夏恒:北京工业大学信息学部博士研究生. 主要研究方向为小样本数据建模, 城市固废焚烧过程二噁英排放预测. E-mail: xiaheng@emails.bjut.edu.cn

    汤健:北京工业大学信息学部教授. 主要研究方向为小样本数据建模, 城市固废处理过程智能控制. 本文通信作者. E-mail: freeflytang@bjut.edu.cn

    崔璨麟:北京工业大学信息学部硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为城市固废焚烧过程风险预警. E-mail: cuicanlin @emails.bjut.edu.cn

    乔俊飞:北京工业大学信息学部教授. 主要研究方向为污水处理过程智能控制, 神经网络结构设计与优化. E-mail: junfeiq@bjut.edu.cn

Soft Sensing Method of Dioxin Emission in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Process Based on Broad Hybrid Forest Regression

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62073006, 62173120, 62021003), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (4212032, 4192009), National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021ZD0112301, 2021ZD0112302)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    XIA Heng Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology. His research interest covers small sample data modeling and dioxin emission prediction of the municipal solid waste incineration process

    TANG Jian Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology, Bei-jing University of Technology. His research interest covers small sample data modeling and intelligent control of municipal solid waste treatment process. Corresponding author of this paper

    CUI Can-Lin Master student at the Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology. His main research interest is risk warning of municipal solid waste incineration process

    QIAO Jun-Fei Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology. His research interest covers intelligent control of waste water treatment process and structure design & optimization of neural networks

  • 摘要: 二噁英是城市固废焚烧过程排放的痕量有机污染物. 受限于相关技术的复杂度和高成本, 二噁英排放浓度检测的大时滞已成为制约城市固废焚烧过程优化控制的关键因素之一. 虽然具有低成本、快响应、高精度等特点的数据驱动软测量模型能够有效解决上述问题, 但二噁英建模方法必须要契合数据的小样本、高维度特性. 对此, 提出了由特征映射层、潜在特征提取层、特征增强层和增量学习层组成的宽度混合森林回归软测量方法. 首先, 构建由随机森林和完全随机森林构成的混合森林组进行高维特征映射; 其次, 依据贡献率对全联接混合矩阵进行潜在特征提取, 采用信息度量准则保证潜在有价值信息的最大化传递和最小化冗余, 降低模型的复杂度和计算消耗; 然后, 基于所提取潜在信息训练特征增强层以增强特征表征能力; 最后, 通过增量式学习策略构建增量学习层后采用Moore-Penrose伪逆获得权重矩阵. 在基准数据集和城市固废焚烧过程二噁英数据集上的实验结果表明了方法的有效性和优越性.
  • 图  1  城市固废焚烧工艺流程图

    Fig.  1  Process flow chart of municipal solid waste incineration process

    图  2  宽度混合森林回归建模策略图

    Fig.  2  Modeling strategy of broad hybrid forest regression

    图  3  RF和CRF的建模过程

    Fig.  3  Modeling process of RF and CRF

    图  4  基准数据集中潜在特征的贡献率曲线

    Fig.  4  Contribution rate curves of latent features of benchmark datasets

    图  5  基准数据集潜在特征与真值的互信息值

    Fig.  5  Mutual information values of latent features and true values of benchmark datasets

    图  6  基准数据集训练误差收敛曲线

    Fig.  6  Training error convergence curve of benchmark datasets

    图  7  NIR数据集的拟合曲线

    Fig.  7  Fitting curves of NIR dataset

    图  8  CT数据集的拟合曲线

    Fig.  8  Fitting curves of CT dataset

    图  9  RB数据集的拟合曲线

    Fig.  9  Fitting curves of RB dataset

    图  10  DXN数据潜在特征的贡献率曲线

    Fig.  10  Contribution rate curve of latent featureof DXN dataset

    图  11  DXN数据潜在特征与真值的互信息值

    Fig.  11  Mutual information value of latent feature and true value of DXN dataset

    图  12  DXN训练误差收敛曲线

    Fig.  12  Convergence curves of DXN training error

    图  13  DXN数据集中的拟合曲线

    Fig.  13  Fit curves of DXN dataset

    图  14  超参数敏感性分析曲线

    Fig.  14  Sensitivity analysis curves of super parameter

    表  1  符号说明

    Table  1  Symbol description

    MSWI城市固废焚烧Municipal solid waste incineration
    HRGC/HRMS高分辨色谱质谱联用High-resolution chromatography combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry
    NN神经网络Neural network
    PCDDs/PCDFs多氯二苯并二噁英/多氯二苯并呋喃Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/Polychlorinated dibenzofurans
    BPNN反向传播神经网络Back-propagation neural network
    SVR支持向量回归Support vector regression
    SEN选择性集成Selective ensemble
    RF随机森林Random forest
    DFR深度森林回归Deep forest regression
    BLS宽度学习系统Broad learning system
    BLS-NN神经网络宽度学习系统Broad learning system neural network
    BHFR宽度混合森林回归Broad hybrid forest regression
    CRF完全随机森林Completely random forest
    MSW城市固废Municipal solid waste
    TEQ毒性当量Toxic equivalent quangtity
    G 1烟气 1Gas 1
    NOx氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides
    HCL氯化氢Hydrogen chloride
    HF氟化氢Hydrogen fluoride
    SO2二氧化硫Sulfur dioxide
    G 2烟气 2Gas 2
    G 3烟气 3Gas 3
    RSM随机子空间法Random subspace method
    PCA主成分分析Principal components analysis
    MI互信息Mutual information
    CTCT 切片在轴轴数据上的相对位置The relative location of CT slices on the axial axis data
    RB住宅建筑数据Residential building data
    NIR橙汁近红外光谱数据The orange juice near infrared spectra data
    RMSE均方根误差Root mean square error
    MAE平均绝对误差Mean absolute error
    R2决定系数Coefficient of determination
    DFR-clfc基于跨层全连接的深度森林回归Deep forest regression based on cross-layer full connection
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    表  2  实验数据统计结果

    Table  2  Statistical results of experimental datasets

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    表  3  NIR数据集实验结果

    Table  3  Experimental results of NIR dataset

    方法数据集RMSEMAE${ {{R} } }^{2}$
    RF训练集5.7142$\times {10} ^{0}$2.1347$\times {10} ^{-2}$3.8799$\times {10} ^{0}$9.4469$\times {10} ^{-3}$8.1131$\times {10} ^{-1}$9.2887$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    验证集1.3522$\times {10} ^{1}$1.3660$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.3125$\times {10} ^{0}$7.2473$\times {10} ^{-3}$2.6715$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.6048$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    测试集1.0925$\times {10} ^{1}$3.2313$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.1093$\times {10} ^{0}$1.7493$\times {10} ^{-2}$3.0986$\times {10} ^{-1}$5.1625$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    DFR训练集5.8836$\times {10} ^{0}$1.4331$\times {10} ^{-3}$4.1004$\times \text{10}^{0}$6.1766$\times {10} ^{-4}$8.0007$\times \text{10}^{-1}$6.5971$\times {10} ^{-6}$
    验证集1.3585$\times {10} ^{1}$3.7257$\times {10} ^{-3}$8.3057$\times {10} ^{0}$1.5854$\times {10} ^{-3}$2.6036$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.4251$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    测试集1.0842$\times {10} ^{1}$1.4742$\times {10} ^{-3}$8.0306$\times {10} ^{0}$1.8258$\times {10} ^{-3}$3.2046$\times {10} ^{-1}$2.3176$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    DFR-clfc训练集5.7742$\times {10} ^{0}$1.7160$\times {10} ^{-2}$4.0139$\times {10} ^{0}$9.6271$\times {10} ^{-3}$8.0735$\times {10} ^{-1}$7.6485$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    验证集1.3569$\times {10} ^{1}$3.1520$\times {10} ^{-3}$8.3265$\times {10} ^{0}$1.3592$\times {10} ^{-3}$2.6219$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.7318$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    测试集1.0793$\times {10} ^{1}$2.5668$\times {10} ^{-3}$7.9746$\times {10} ^{0}$3.3925$\times {10} ^{-3}$3.2664$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.9879$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    BLS-NN训练集7.4226$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.7588$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.6530$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.5602$\times {10} ^{-1}$9.9476$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.2486$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    验证集7.8288$\times {10} ^{3}$4.9487$\times {10} ^{7}$2.5450$\times {10} ^{3}$4.6180$\times {10} ^{6}$−4.3402$\times {10} ^{5}$7.2220$\times {10} ^{11}$
    测试集6.4945$\times {10} ^{3}$1.4866$\times {10} ^{7}$2.1689$\times {10} ^{3}$1.5496$\times {10} ^{6}$−3.2544$\times {10} ^{5}$8.9669$\times {10} ^{10}$
    BHFR训练集2.8931$\times {10} ^{0}$5.5126$\times {10} ^{-1}$2.1335$\times {10} ^{0}$3.3004$\times {10} ^{-1}$9.4864$\times {10} ^{-1}$6.0585$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    验证集1.3782$\times {10} ^{1}$1.7263$\times {10} ^{0}$9.2584$\times {10} ^{0}$6.5031$\times {10} ^{-1}$2.3224$\times {10} ^{-1}$2.1525$\times {10} ^{-2}$
    测试集9.9505$\times {10} ^{0}$5.6804$\times {10} ^{-1}$7.3675$\times {10} ^{0}$2.4515$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.2455$\times {10} ^{-1}$7.3749$\times {10} ^{-3}$
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    表  4  CT数据集实验结果

    Table  4  Experimental results of CT dataset

    方法数据集RMSEMAE${ {{R} } }^{2}$
    RF训练集1.5839$\times {10} ^{0}$1.2389$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.2676$\times {10} ^{0}$6.1900$\times {10} ^{-3}$9.7215$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.4862$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    验证集1.8907$\times {10} ^{0}$2.2323$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.4978$\times {10} ^{0}$1.4923$\times {10} ^{-2}$9.5761$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.2488$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    测试集2.2138$\times {10} ^{0}$3.6173$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.8254$\times {10} ^{0}$2.1898$\times {10} ^{-2}$9.5706$\times {10} ^{-1}$5.3991$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    DFR训练集4.1046$\times {10} ^{0}$1.3520$\times {10} ^{-3}$3.4579$\times {10} ^{0}$9.5891$\times {10} ^{-4}$8.1383$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.1086$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    验证集4.1864$\times {10} ^{0}$1.2940$\times {10} ^{-3}$3.5658$\times {10} ^{0}$1.4003$\times {10} ^{-3}$7.9338$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.2646$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    测试集4.8124$\times {10} ^{0}$2.1197$\times {10} ^{-3}$4.2219$\times {10} ^{0}$1.4647$\times {10} ^{-3}$7.9851$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.4815$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    DFR-clfc训练集3.7411$\times {10} ^{0}$4.1351$\times {10} ^{-2}$3.1392$\times {10} ^{0}$3.2494$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.4491$\times {10} ^{-1}$2.8032$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    验证集3.8251$\times {10} ^{0}$3.9698$\times {10} ^{-2}$3.2193$\times {10} ^{0}$3.5889$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.2708$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.1969$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    测试集4.3811$\times {10} ^{0}$4.9342$\times {10} ^{-2}$3.8122$\times {10} ^{0}$4.5453$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.3262$\times {10} ^{-1}$2.8693$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    BLS-NN训练集1.0447$\times {10} ^{-7}$4.7677$\times {10} ^{-15}$4.1145$\times {10} ^{-8}$5.7001$\times {10} ^{-16}$$1.0000\times {10} ^{0}$7.4604$\times {10} ^{-32}$
    验证集2.5527$\times {10} ^{0}$6.9348$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.7606$\times {10} ^{0}$2.0416$\times {10} ^{-1}$9.1542$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.2479$\times {10} ^{-3}$
    测试集2.9466$\times {10} ^{0}$1.3019$\times {10} ^{0}$1.8882$\times {10} ^{0}$4.4686$\times {10} ^{-1}$9.1371$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.5944$\times {10} ^{-3}$
    BHFR训练集4.4458$\times {10} ^{-1}$8.4237$\times {10} ^{-3}$3.7023$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.5597$\times {10} ^{-3}$9.9773$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.6195$\times {10} ^{-6}$
    验证集9.5728$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.3354$\times {10} ^{-2}$7.4450$\times {10} ^{-1}$6.1644$\times {10} ^{-3}$9.8905$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.0451$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    测试集9.3108$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.2802$\times {10} ^{-2}$6.7034$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.2237$\times {10} ^{-2}$9.9235$\times {10} ^{-1}$5.1917$\times {10} ^{-6}$
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    表  5  RB数据集实验结果

    Table  5  Experimental results of RB dataset

    方法数据集RMSEMAE${ {{R} } }^{2}$
    RF训练集5.3243$\times {10} ^{1}$3.7463$\times {10} ^{0}$4.2919$\times {10} ^{1}$2.4224$\times {10} ^{0}$8.4698$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.2156$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    验证集1.3211$\times {10} ^{2}$6.6035$\times {10} ^{0}$8.1855$\times {10} ^{1}$2.9950$\times {10} ^{0}$5.3824$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.2140$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    测试集7.5697$\times {10} ^{1}$4.3622$\times {10} ^{0}$6.0986$\times {10} ^{1}$2.7466$\times {10} ^{0}$7.0126$\times {10} ^{-1}$2.7457$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    DFR训练集4.8752$\times {10} ^{1}$1.4944$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.9200$\times {10} ^{1}$8.4396$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.7185$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.1370$\times {10} ^{-6}$
    验证集1.2600$\times {10} ^{2}$1.6487$\times {10} ^{-1}$7.8890$\times {10} ^{1}$1.1939$\times {10} ^{-1}$5.8012$\times {10} ^{-1}$7.3315$\times {10} ^{-6}$
    测试集7.4221$\times {10} ^{1}$3.1170$\times {10} ^{-1}$6.0387$\times {10} ^{1}$2.4493$\times {10} ^{-1}$7.1299$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.8723$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    DFR-clfc训练集3.0978$\times {10} ^{1}$2.6657$\times {10} ^{1}$2.4856$\times {10} ^{1}$1.7056$\times {10} ^{1}$9.4690$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.4386$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    验证集1.1830$\times {10} ^{2}$4.9405$\times {10} ^{0}$7.2901$\times {10} ^{1}$2.7676$\times {10} ^{0}$6.2977$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.9820$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    测试集6.9427$\times {10} ^{1}$1.7460$\times {10} ^{0}$5.5570$\times {10} ^{1}$2.1741$\times {10} ^{0}$7.4879$\times {10} ^{-1}$9.2839$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    BLS-NN训练集9.4877$\times {10} ^{-4}$4.8003$\times {10} ^{-6}$4.3563$\times {10} ^{-4}$7.7161$\times {10} ^{-7}$1.0000$\times {10} ^{0}$1.1561$\times {10} ^{-18}$
    验证集5.0098$\times {10} ^{2}$1.3099$\times {10} ^{5}$2.6163$\times {10} ^{2}$2.6950$\times {10} ^{4}$−8.9285$\times {10} ^{0}$1.6631$\times {10} ^{2}$
    测试集5.2093$\times {10} ^{2}$1.5354$\times {10} ^{5}$2.8934$\times {10} ^{2}$3.2539$\times {10} ^{4}$−2.0737$\times {10} ^{1}$9.3226$\times {10} ^{2}$
    BHFR训练集8.4893$\times {10} ^{0}$6.4125$\times {10} ^{-1}$6.4970$\times {10} ^{0}$3.1874$\times {10} ^{-1}$9.9608$\times {10} ^{-1}$5.6404$\times {10} ^{-7}$
    验证集9.9275$\times {10} ^{1}$2.2922$\times {10} ^{0}$5.4880$\times {10} ^{1}$1.0407$\times {10} ^{0}$7.3930$\times {10} ^{-1}$6.3926$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    测试集4.5645$\times {10} ^{1}$1.7188$\times {10} ^{0}$3.2284$\times {10} ^{1}$9.0105$\times {10} ^{-1}$8.9137$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.8975$\times {10} ^{-5}$
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    表  6  DXN数据集实验结果

    Table  6  Experimental results of DXN dataset

    方法数据集RMSEMAE${ {{R} } }^{2}$
    RF训练集1.1159$\times {10} ^{-2}$5.7497$\times {10} ^{-8}$9.0221$\times {10} ^{-3}$4.0684$\times {10} ^{-8}$8.5346$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.9360$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    验证集2.0051$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.8026$\times {10} ^{-7}$1.4677$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.2255$\times {10} ^{-8}$5.0196$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.3515$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    测试集1.6922$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.6150$\times {10} ^{-7}$1.3548$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.9520$\times {10} ^{-8}$5.9001$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.7817$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    DFR训练集1.1493$\times {10} ^{-2}$8.7413$\times {10} ^{-9}$9.4568$\times {10} ^{-3}$4.6626$\times {10} ^{-9}$8.4463$\times {10} ^{-1}$6.3663$\times {10} ^{-6}$
    验证集2.0735$\times {10} ^{-2}$9.7835$\times {10} ^{-9}$1.5780$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.1121$\times {10} ^{-8}$4.6759$\times {10} ^{-1}$2.5813$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    测试集1.7791$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.7308$\times {10} ^{-8}$1.4608$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.5235$\times {10} ^{-8}$5.4701$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.5066$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    DFR-clfc训练集8.0852$\times {10} ^{-3}$2.9078$\times {10} ^{-6}$6.6040$\times {10} ^{-3}$2.0819$\times {10} ^{-6}$9.1986$\times {10} ^{-1}$1.1887$\times {10} ^{-3}$
    验证集2.0187$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.4562$\times {10} ^{-7}$1.5626$\times {10} ^{-2}$2.3355$\times {10} ^{-8}$4.9520$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.6404$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    测试集1.7025$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.5755$\times {10} ^{-7}$1.4068$\times {10} ^{-2}$6.0233$\times {10} ^{-8}$5.8501$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.7843$\times {10} ^{-4}$
    BLS-NN训练集1.2924$\times {10} ^{-9}$1.5756$\times {10} ^{-18}$9.5358$\times {10} ^{-10}$7.2150$\times {10} ^{-19}$1.0000$\times {10} ^{0}$8.2358$\times {10} ^{-29}$
    验证集6.8845$\times {10} ^{-2}$7.0040$\times {10} ^{-4}$5.3153$\times {10} ^{-2}$3.3474$\times {10} ^{-4}$−5.6928$\times {10} ^{0}$3.7799$\times {10} ^{1}$
    测试集7.8396$\times {10} ^{-2}$6.7692$\times {10} ^{-4}$6.0922$\times {10} ^{-2}$4.1785$\times {10} ^{-4}$−8.7153$\times {10} ^{0}$4.7630$\times {10} ^{1}$
    BHFR训练集6.0665$\times {10} ^{-3}$1.6330$\times {10} ^{-8}$3.9665$\times {10} ^{-3}$8.4708$\times {10} ^{-9}$9.5669$\times {10} ^{-1}$3.3481$\times {10} ^{-6}$
    验证集2.1551$\times {10} ^{-2}$3.5181$\times {10} ^{-8}$1.2384$\times {10} ^{-2}$3.5083$\times {10} ^{-8}$4.2484$\times {10} ^{-1}$9.8731$\times {10} ^{-5}$
    测试集1.6189$\times {10} ^{-2}$2.2474$\times {10} ^{-8}$1.1226$\times {10} ^{-2}$1.0102$\times {10} ^{-8}$6.2491$\times {10} ^{-1}$4.8607$\times {10} ^{-5}$
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    表  7  BHFR超参数及其区间设置

    Table  7  Super parameters and interval setting of BHFR

    Nsamples[1, 55][1, 59][1, 62][1, 71]
    MRSM[1, 700][1, 291][1, 103][1, 116]
    决策树数量Mtree[5, 100][5, 100][5, 100][5, 100]
    NForest[5, 100][5, 100][5, 100][5, 100]
    $\eta $[0.7, 1][0.4, 1][0.71, 1][0.3, 1]
    互信息阈值$\zeta $[0.65, 0.75][0.75, 0.85][0.72, 0.8][0.68, 0.76]
    正则化参数$\lambda$[0.1−10, 1][0.1−10, 1][0.1−10, 1][0.1−10, 1]
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    A1  DXN数据集的过程变量信息

    A1  The process variable information for DXN datasets

    1燃烧室左侧温度 1
    2燃烧室左侧温度 2
    3燃烧室右侧温度 3
    5燃烧室右侧温度 5
    6燃烧室右侧温度 6
    17燃烧炉排 1-1 左内侧温度
    18燃烧炉排 1-1左外侧温度
    19燃烧炉排 1-1 右内侧温度
    20燃烧炉排 1-1 右外侧温度
    21燃烧炉排 1-2 左内侧温度
    22燃烧炉排 1-2 左外侧温度
    25燃烧炉排 2-1 左内侧温度
    26燃烧炉排 2-1 左外侧温度
    27燃烧炉排 2-1 右内侧温度
    28燃烧炉排 2-1 右外侧温度
    29燃烧炉排 2-2 左内侧温度
    30燃烧炉排 2-2 左外侧温度
    31燃烧炉排 2-2 右内侧温度
    32燃烧炉排 2-2 右外侧温度
    48布袋 A 入口温度
    49布袋 B 入口温度
    51FGD 出口烟气温度 A
    52FGD 出口烟气温度 B
    54干燥炉排左 1 空气流量km3N/h
    55干燥炉排右 1 空气流量km3N/h
    56干燥炉排左 2 空气流量km3N/h
    57干燥炉排右 2 空气流量km3N/h
    58燃烧炉排左 1-1 空气流量km3N/h
    59燃烧炉排右 1-1空气流量km3N/h
    60燃烧炉排左 1-2 空气流量km3N/h
    61燃烧炉排右 1-2 空气流量km3N/h
    62燃烧炉排左 2-1 空气流量km3N/h
    63燃烧炉排右 2-1 空气流量km3N/h
    64燃烧炉排左 2-2 空气流量km3N/h
    65燃烧炉排右 2-2 空气流量km3N/h
    69省煤器 No.2 给水流量t/h
    70省煤器 No.1 给水流量t/h
    75混合器水流量 Akg/h
    76混合器水流量 Bkg/h
    86FGD 出口烟气压力Pa
    87布袋压差 AkPa
    88布袋压差 BkPa
    97燃烧炉排 1 左内侧速度%
    98燃烧炉排 1 左外侧速度%
    99燃烧炉排 1 右内侧速度%
    100燃烧炉排 1 右外侧速度%
    101燃烧炉排 2 左内侧速度%
    102燃烧炉排 2 左外侧速度%
    103燃烧炉排 2 右内侧速度%
    104燃烧炉排 2 右外侧速度%
    108FGD 出口烟气压力-O2%
    下载: 导出CSV
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