摘要: 卷积混叠环境下的盲源分离(Blind source separation, BSS)是一个极具挑战性和实际意义的问题. 本文在独立分量分析框架下, 建立非负矩阵分解(Nonnegative matrix factorization, NMF)模型, 设计新的优化目标函数, 通过严格的数学理论推导, 得到新的模型参数更新规则; 并对解混叠矩阵进行标准化处理, 避免幅度歧义性问题; 在源信号的重构阶段, 通过实时更新非负矩阵分解模型参数, 避免源信号的排序歧义性问题. 实验结果验证了所提算法在分离中英文语音混叠信号、音乐混叠信号时的有效性和优越性.Abstract: Blind source separation (BSS) for convolutive mixed environment is a challenging and practical topic. In this paper, a nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) model is established based on the framework of independent component analysis, and a new optimization objective function is designed. Through strict mathematical theory derivation, new model parameters update rules are obtained, and the demixing matrix is standardized to avoid the scale ambiguity. In the stage of source reconstruction, the permutation ambiguity can be avoided by updating the parameters of the NMF model in real time. Experimental results verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm in separating Chinese speech mixtures, English speech mixtures, and music signal mixtures.
表 1 两组中文语音源信号
Table 1 Two groups of Chinese speech sources
中文数据 源信号 时长 语音 1 IC0936W0131 5 s 语音 2 IC0936W0134 5 s 表 2 两组英文语音源信号
Table 2 Two groups of English speech sources
英文数据 源信号 时长 语音 1 dev1_female3_src_1 10 s 语音 2 dev1_female3_src_2 10 s 表 3 两组音乐源信号
Table 3 Two groups of music sources
音乐数据 源信号 时长 音乐 1 dev1_wdrums_src_1 11 s 音乐 2 dev1_wdrums_src_3 11 s 表 4 高混响、高噪声环境中的实验结果
Table 4 Experimental results in high reverberation and high noise environment
$RT_{60}=400$ ms SNR = 5 dB SDR SIR SDR SIR Full-Rank 0.1969 4.5580 −4.2087 6.7379 VolMin-AO 1.1786 4.3729 −3.8684 6.6486 Rank1-NMF −1.8239 0.7933 −9.8632 2.7641 RBTD −6.7646 1.2411 −9.1111 1.8784 Proposed 1.0278 5.7190 −1.8554 4.6515 -
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