摘要: 由于点云的非结构性和无序性, 目前已有的点云分类网络在精度上仍然需要进一步提高. 通过考虑局部结构的构建、全局特征聚合和损失函数改进三个方面, 构造一个有效的点云分类网络. 首先, 针对点云的非结构性, 通过学习中心点特征与近邻点特征之间的关系, 为不规则的近邻点分配不同的权重, 以此构建局部结构; 然后, 使用注意力思想, 提出加权平均池化(Weighted average pooling, WAP), 通过自注意力方式, 学习每个高维特征的注意力分数, 在应对点云无序性的同时, 可以有效地聚合冗余的高维特征; 最后, 利用交叉熵损失与中心损失之间的互补关系, 提出联合损失函数(Joint loss function, JL), 在增大类间距离的同时, 减小类内距离, 进一步提高了网络的分类能力. 在合成数据集ModelNet40、ShapeNetCore和真实世界数据集ScanObjectNN上进行实验, 与目前性能最好的多个网络相比较, 验证了该整体网络结构的优越性.Abstract: Due to the unstructured and disordered nature of point cloud, the classification accuracy is still needed to improve for the currently existed point cloud classification approaches. In this paper, an effective point cloud classification network is proposed by considering local structure construction, global feature aggregation, and loss function improvement. Firstly, in view of the unstructured nature of point cloud, the local structure is constructed via assigning different weights to those irregular neighborhood points, which are computed via the relationship between the center point feature and its neighbor feature. Moreover, a strategy of weighted average pooling (WAP) is designed to learn the attention score of each high-dimensional feature through self-attention mechanization, which can effectively aggregate redundant high-dimensional features while coping with point cloud disorder. In addition, a joint loss function (JL) is presented by utilizing the complementary relationship between the cross-entropy loss and the center loss, which increases the inter-class distance while reduces the intro-class distance, and further improves the classification ability of the network. Compared to several state-of-the-art networks, the experimental results on the synthetic dataset ModelNet40 and ShapeNetCore and the real-world dataset ScanObjectNN demonstrate the superiority of the overall network structure.
Key words:
- Deep learning /
- 3D point cloud /
- point cloud classification /
- attention mechanism /
- loss function
表 1 实验配置
Table 1 Experimental configuration
项目 详情 操作系统 CentOS Linux7 GPU Tesla V100 32 GB CUDA 10.0 CUDNN 7.0 Python 3.6.0 Pytorch 1.3.0 表 2 在ModelNet40数据集上的实验结果
Table 2 Experimental results on ModelNet40
方法 输入 mAcc (%) OA (%) PointNet 1 k 86.0 89.2 PointNet++ 1 k — 90.7 Spec-GCN 1 k — 91.5 DGCNN 1 k 90.2 92.9 RSCNN 1 k — 92.9 PCT 1 k — 93.2 ECC[22] 1 k 83.2 87.4 RMFP-DNN[23] 1 k 88.9 92.6 PointCNN[24] 1 k 88.1 92.2 Point2sequence[25] 1 k 90.4 92.6 Point Transformer [26] 1 k — 92.8 Octant-CNN[27] 1 k 88.7 91.9 DRNet[28] 1 k — 93.1 AdaptConv[29] 1 k 90.7 93.4 RFNet 1 k 91.2 93.6 PointNet++ 5 k + nor — 91.9 DGCNN 2 k 90.7 93.5 RSCNN 1 k + voting — 93.6 SpiderCNN 5 k + nor — 92.4 RFNet 2 k 91.4 94.0 表 3 不同网络的易错模型分类对比
Table 3 Classification comparison of error-prone models for different networks
易错模型 真实标签 PointNet DGCNN RFNet 植物 植物 植物 植物 花盆 植物 植物 植物 花瓶 花盆 花瓶 花瓶 花瓶 瓶子 花瓶 花瓶 杯子 花盆 花盆 杯子 表 4 在ShapeNetCore数据集上的实验结果
Table 4 Experimental results on ShapeNetCore
方法 输入 OA (%) PointNet 1 k 83.7 PointNet++ 1 k 85.1 DGCNN 1 k 84.7 Point2sequence 1 k 85.2 SpiderCNN 1 k + nor 85.3 KPConv[30] 1 k 86.2 RFNet 1 k 88.3 表 5 在ScanObjectNN数据集上的实验结果 (%)
Table 5 Experimental results on ScanObjectNN (%)
方法 mAcc OA Bag Bin Box Sofa Desk Shelf Table Door Bed Cabinet Chair Display Pillow Sink Toilet PointNet 63.4 68.2 36.1 69.8 10.5 76.7 50.0 72.6 67.8 93.8 61.8 62.6 89.0 73.0 67.6 64.2 55.3 PointNet++ 75.4 77.9 49.4 84.4 31.6 90.5 74.0 72.6 72.6 85.2 75.5 77.4 91.3 79.4 81.0 80.8 85.9 DGCNN 73.6 78.1 49.4 82.4 33.1 91.4 63.3 79.3 77.4 89.0 64.5 83.9 91.8 77.0 77.1 75.0 69.4 PointCNN 75.1 78.5 57.8 82.9 33.1 91.9 65.3 84.2 67.4 84.8 80.0 83.6 92.6 78.4 80.0 72.5 71.8 SpiderCNN 69.8 73.7 43.4 75.9 12.8 90.5 65.3 78.0 65.9 91.4 69.1 74.2 89.0 74.5 80.0 65.8 70.6 RFNet 76.3 79.6 54.0 81.9 34.1 92.2 74.1 79.9 72.1 91.5 81.3 83.5 91.3 80.2 82.6 78.9 67.0 表 6 不同模块的消融实验 (%)
Table 6 Ablation experiment of different modules (%)
方法 RFConv WAP JL mAcc OA 网络0 × × × 90.2 92.9 网络1 √ × × 91.0 93.3 网络2 √ √ × 91.1 93.5 网络3 √ × √ 91.1 93.4 网络4 √ √ √ 91.2 93.6 表 7 高斯噪声鲁棒性实验 (%)
Table 7 Robustness experiment of Gaussian noise (%)
方法 无高斯噪声 有高斯噪声 mAcc OA mAcc OA PointNet 86.0 89.2 83.4 87.6 PointNet++ — 90.7 — 89.6 DGCNN 90.2 92.9 89.7 92.6 RSCNN — 92.9 — 92.3 RFNet 91.2 93.6 91.0 93.5 表 8 不同特征关系的消融实验 (%)
Table 8 Ablation studies about different relationships between features (%)
方法 ${e_{ij}}$ $di{s_{ij}}$ ${l_{ij}}$ ${s_{ij}}$ OA 网络1 √ × × × 93.3 网络2 √ × √ × 93.5 网络3 √ × √ √ 93.6 网络4 √ √ × × 93.1 网络5 × √ √ √ 93.5 网络6 √ √ √ √ 93.2 表 9 网络的复杂度对比
Table 9 Comparison of network complexity
方法 参数量(M) 浮点运算数(G) OA (%) PointNet 3.47 0.45 89.2 PointNet++ 1.74 4.09 91.9 DGCNN 1.81 2.43 92.9 PCT 2.88 2.32 93.2 KPConv 14.30 — 92.9 RFNet 2.36 2.95 93.6 -
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