Event-triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Interconnected Large-scale Systems With Unmodeled Dynamics
针对一类具有未建模动态及执行器故障的非严格反馈非线性互联大系统, 提出一种基于事件触发机制的模糊分散自适应输出反馈控制算法. 首先, 通过设计模糊状态观测器估计系统中不可测的状态, 并引入李雅普诺夫函数约束未建模动态. 然后, 提出一种基于事件触发机制的自适应容错控制器补偿多个执行器故障产生的影响. 最后, 利用障碍李雅普诺夫函数实现对系统输出的约束, 并证明闭环系统中所有信号均是半全局一致最终有界的, 且设计的事件触发机制可以避免Zeno行为. 数值仿真结果验证所提出设计方案的可行性及有效性.
Abstract:This paper develops an event-triggered fuzzy decentralized adaptive output feedback control method for a class of nonstrict-feedback interconnected large-scale nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics and actuator faults. Firstly, a fuzzy state observer is designed to estimate the unmeasurable states, and unmodeled dynamics will be addressed by using the Lyapunov function method. Furthermore, an event-triggered-based adaptive fault-tolerant controller is proposed to compensate the effect of multiple actuator faults. Finally, by using the barrier Lyapunov function, the contravention of the output constraint will be excluded. And all signals of the closed-loop system will be ensured to be semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded and the Zeno behavior will be avoided. The numerical simulation results illustrate the effectiveness and availability of the proposed design method.
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