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顾清华 周煜丰 李学现 阮顺领

顾清华, 周煜丰, 李学现, 阮顺领. 基于径向空间划分的昂贵多目标进化算法. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(10): 2564−2584 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200791
引用本文: 顾清华, 周煜丰, 李学现, 阮顺领. 基于径向空间划分的昂贵多目标进化算法. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(10): 2564−2584 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200791
Gu Qing-Hua, Zhou Yu-Feng, Li Xue-Xian, Ruan Shun-Ling. Expensive many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on radial space division. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(10): 2564−2584 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200791
Citation: Gu Qing-Hua, Zhou Yu-Feng, Li Xue-Xian, Ruan Shun-Ling. Expensive many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on radial space division. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(10): 2564−2584 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200791


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200791
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51774228, 51864046), 陕西省自然科学基金杰出青年项目(2020JC-44)资助

    顾清华:西安建筑科技大学教授. 主要研究方向为多目标优化, 车辆调度和复杂系统建模与仿真. 本文通信作者. E-mail: qinghuagu@126.com

    周煜丰:西安建筑科技大学硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为多目标优化和车辆调度. E-mail: zyf18215649083@163.com

    李学现:西安建筑科技大学博士研究生. 主要研究方向为群智能优化算法在采矿系统工程中的应用. E-mail: lixuexian2019@163.com

    阮顺领:西安建筑科技大学副教授. 主要研究方向为矿山智能系统和深度学习. E-mail: ruanshunling@163.com

Expensive Many-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Radial Space Division

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (51774228, 51864046), and Outstanding Youth Project of Shaanxi Natural Science Foundation Grant (2020JC-44)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    GU Qing-Hua Professor at Xi'an University of Architecture and Te-chnology. His research interest covers multi-objective optimization, vehicle scheduling and complex system modeling and simulation. Corresponding author of this paper

    ZHOU Yu-Feng Master student at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. His research interest covers multi-objective optimization and vehicle scheduling

    LI Xue-Xian Ph.D. candidate at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. His main research interest is application of swarm intelligence optimization algorithm in mining system engineering

    RUAN Shun-Ling Associate professor at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. His rese-arch interest covers mine intelligent system and deep learning

  • 摘要: 为了解决难以建立精确数学模型或者真实评估实验成本高昂的多目标优化问题, 提出了一种基于径向空间划分的昂贵多目标进化算法. 首先算法使用高斯回归作为代理模型逼近目标函数; 然后将目标空间的个体投影到径向空间, 结合目标空间和径向空间信息保留对种群贡献更高的个体; 之后由径向空间中个体的位置分布决定下一步应该选择哪些个体进行真实评估; 最后, 采用一种双档案管理策略维护代理模型的质量. 数值实验和现实问题上的结果表明, 与5种先进算法相比, 该算法在解决昂贵多目标优化问题时能够提供更高质量的解.
  • 图  1  高斯过程(Kriging模型)图解

    Fig.  1  Gaussian process (Kriging model) description

    图  2  径向空间中个体的位置分布情况

    Fig.  2  Individual location distribution in radial space

    图  3  6种算法在求解3个目标DTLZ1问题过程中获得的最佳HV值对应的非支配解集

    Fig.  3  The non-dominated solution set corresponding to the best HV value obtained by the six algorithms in solving the three objective DTLZ1 problems

    图  4  6种算法在10个目标DTLZ2测试问题上最佳解集的平行坐标图和径向坐标图

    Fig.  4  Parallel coordinate diagram and radial coordinate diagram of the best solution set of the six algorithms on 10 objective DTLZ2 test problems

    图  5  K-RSEA和5种对比算法在求解3个和10个目标DTZL4问题时的IGD和HV变化

    Fig.  5  The IGD and HV changes of K-RSEA and five comparison algorithms when solving 3 and 10 objective DTZL4 problems

    图  6  K-RSEA和5种对比算法在求解3个目标DTZL5问题时的IGD和HV变化

    Fig.  6  The IGD and HV changes of K-RSEA and five comparison algorithms when solving 3 objective DTZL5 problems

    图  7  K-RSEA和5种对比算法求解DTLZ7问题过程中获得的最佳HV值对应的非支配前沿

    Fig.  7  The non-dominant frontier corresponding to the best HV value obtained in the process of solving the DTLZ7 problem by K-RSEA and five comparison algorithms

    图  8  K-RSEA和5种对比算法求解WFG2问题过程中获得的最佳HV值对应的非支配前沿

    Fig.  8  The non-dominant frontier corresponding to the best HV value obtained in the process of solving the WFG2 problem with K-RSEA and five comparison algorithms

    图  9  K-RSEA和5种对比算法在求解3个目标WFG5、WFG6和WFG8问题时的IGD变化

    Fig.  9  The IGD changes of K-RSEA and five comparison algorithms when solving three objective WFG5, WFG6 and WFG8 problems

    图  10  K-RSEA和5种对比算法在求解10个目标WFG5、WFG6和WFG8问题时的HV变化

    Fig.  10  The HV changes of K-RSEA and five comparison algorithms when solving 10 objective WFG5, WFG6 and WFG8 problems

    图  11  6种算法在10个目标WFG7测试问题上最佳解集的平行坐标图和径向坐标图

    Fig.  11  Parallel coordinate diagram and radial coordinate diagram of the best solution set of the six algorithms on 10 objective WFG7 test problems

    图  12  6种算法分别在不同问题上的运行时间比较

    Fig.  12  Comparison of the running time of the six algorithms on different problems

    图  13  算法在汽车耐撞性优化问题上的非支配解

    Fig.  13  The non-dominant solution of the algorithm in the optimization of automobile crash-worthiness

    表  1  测试问题及特征

    Table  1  Test problems and their features

    DTLZ1, 3多模态、DTLZ1 线性
    DTLZ2, 4 ~ 6凹、DTLZ4 有偏好、DTLZ5 退化、
    DTLZ6 退化且有偏好
    WFG4 ~ 9凹的、WFG4 多模态、WFG5 具有欺骗性、
    WFG6 不可分、WFG7 有偏好、WFG8 不可分
    且有偏好、WFG9 多模态、有偏好
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    表  2  6种算法在不同维数的DTLZ测试问题上获得的IGD平均值和标准差

    Table  2  The IGD average and standard deviation obtained by the six algorithms on DTLZ test problems of different dimensions

    DTLZ139.9972 × 101
    (2.47 × 101) −
    8.2935 × 101
    (1.74 × 101) =
    5.6789 × 101
    (1.00 × 101) +
    8.2001 × 101
    (1.84 × 101) =
    8.2705 × 101
    (1.33 × 101) =
    8.6600 × 101
    (1.91 × 101)
    47.3063 × 101
    (1.63 × 101) −
    6.4843 × 101
    (1.64 × 101) =
    4.3597 × 101
    (1.34 × 101) +
    5.6857 × 101
    (1.25 × 101) =
    6.9011 × 101
    (1.39 × 101) =
    5.9990 × 101
    (1.41 × 101)
    63.3806 × 101
    (1.24 × 101) =
    3.1427 × 101
    (7.13 × 100) =
    1.5953 × 101
    (5.45 × 100) +
    2.7870 × 101
    (1.01 × 101) =
    3.3203 × 101
    (1.04 × 101) −
    2.6831 × 101
    (7.05 × 100)
    86.7072 × 100
    (3.99 × 100) =
    1.1629 × 101
    (2.84 × 100) −
    3.6585 × 100
    (2.21 × 100) +
    7.8298 × 100
    (2.68 × 100) =
    1.0297 × 101
    (4.54 × 100) =
    8.0032 × 100
    (3.95 × 100)
    105.0209 × 10−1
    (3.59 × 10−1) −
    4.7694 × 10−1
    (1.80 × 10−1) −
    2.8192 × 10−1
    (5.67 × 10−2) =
    3.7187 × 10−1
    (8.49 × 10−2) =
    4.3847 × 10−1
    (1.13 × 10−1) −
    3.3052 × 10−1
    (1.04 × 10−1)
    DTLZ233.2991 × 10−1
    (2.63 × 10−2) −
    3.2931 × 10−1
    (2.69 × 10−2) −
    2.1298 × 10−1
    (2.81 × 10−2) −
    1.1972 × 10−1
    (1.36 × 10−2) −
    3.4065 × 10−1
    (3.28 × 10−2) −
    1.1075 × 10−1
    (7.03 × 10−2)
    43.5643 × 10−1
    (2.82 × 10−2) −
    3.7663 × 10−1
    (2.18 × 10−2) −
    2.9615 × 10−1
    (2.61 × 10−2) −
    2.2144 × 10−1
    (1.80 × 10−2) =
    3.6787 × 10−1
    (2.61 × 10−2) −
    2.3347 × 10−1
    (4.97 × 10−2)
    64.8763 × 10−1
    (2.37 × 10−2) −
    4.9201 × 10−1
    (2.47 × 10−2) −
    4.2782 × 10−1
    (4.32 × 10−2) −
    3.6589 × 10−1
    (1.98 × 10−2) =
    4.7191 × 10−1
    (2.23 × 10−2) −
    3.6494 × 10−1
    (1.93 × 10−2)
    85.8827 × 10−1
    (3.63 × 10−2) −
    5.8008 × 10−1
    (2.61 × 10−2) −
    5.8141 × 10−1
    (3.39 × 10−2) −
    4.1673 × 10−1
    (1.44 × 10−2) +
    5.3642 × 10−1
    (2.73 × 10−2) −
    4.2547 × 10−1
    (1.04 × 10−2)
    106.3227 × 10−1
    (2.04 × 10−2) −
    6.3801 × 10−1
    (1.80 × 10−2) −
    6.7240 × 10−1
    (2.38 × 10−2) −
    5.0316 × 10−1
    (1.57 × 10−2) −
    5.2187 × 10−1
    (2.24 × 10−2) −
    4.7549 × 10−1
    (7.36 × 10−3)
    DTLZ332.8787 × 102
    (6.58 × 101) −
    2.3395 × 102
    (3.82 × 101) =
    1.5653 × 102
    (3.81 × 101) +
    2.3708 × 102
    (4.75 × 101) =
    1.9962 × 102
    (2.65 × 101) +
    2.3648 × 102
    (5.58 × 101)
    42.0889 × 102
    (6.54 × 101) =
    1.6267 × 102
    (4.26 × 101) =
    1.2297 × 102
    (2.83 × 101) +
    1.8558 × 102
    (3.48 × 101) =
    1.5411 × 102
    (1.28 × 101) =
    1.8023 × 102
    (5.61 × 101)
    61.0529 × 102
    (2.46 × 101) =
    9.4164 × 101
    (1.89 × 101) =
    5.6044 × 101
    (1.64 × 101) +
    8.4557 × 101
    (2.82 × 101) =
    9.6519 × 101
    (1.60 × 101) =
    8.9132 × 101
    (3.24 × 101)
    82.6642 × 101
    (9.61 × 100) =
    2.8860 × 101
    (1.24 × 101) =
    1.3883 × 101
    (5.25 × 100) +
    2.2607 × 101
    (8.99 × 100) +
    3.7525 × 101
    (1.23 × 101) =
    3.0443 × 101
    (1.15 × 101)
    101.5073 × 100
    (4.05 × 10−1) −
    1.5000 × 100
    (3.78 × 10−1) −
    1.0257 × 100
    (2.63 × 10−1) =
    1.2960 × 100
    (3.55 × 10−1) =
    1.2942 × 100
    (3.36 × 10−1) =
    1.1642 × 100
    (2.93 × 10−1)
    DTLZ437.2107 × 10−1
    (1.19 × 10−1) −
    5.9002 × 10−1
    (3.92 × 10−2) −
    5.1951 × 10−1
    (1.51 × 10−1) =
    3.0267 × 10−1
    (7.37 × 10−2) +
    5.9687 × 10−1
    (6.57 × 10−2) −
    4.8903 × 10−1
    (1.47 × 10−1)
    47.0404 × 10−1
    (1.25 × 10−1) −
    6.2009 × 10−1
    (4.24 × 10−2) −
    4.6042 × 10−1
    (7.33 × 10−2) +
    4.0021 × 10−1
    (8.08 × 10−2) +
    6.8696 × 10−1
    (4.77 × 10−2) −
    5.5991 × 10−1
    (1.28 × 10−1)
    68.0377 × 10−1
    (7.80 × 10−2) −
    6.5279 × 10−1
    (1.84 × 10−2) =
    4.9747 × 10−1
    (5.83 × 10−2) +
    4.8631 × 10−1
    (5.15 × 10−2) +
    6.8610 × 10−1
    (2.90 × 10−2) −
    6.2727 × 10−1
    (6.36 × 10−2)
    87.4087 × 10−1
    (4.38 × 10−2) −
    6.3356 × 10−1
    (1.32 × 10−2) −
    5.8324 × 10−1
    (3.16 × 10−2) =
    5.5700 × 10−1
    (2.98 × 10−2) =
    6.5251 × 10−1
    (1.32 × 10−2) −
    5.7685 × 10−1
    (4.08 × 10−2)
    107.3581 × 10−1
    (4.34 × 10−2) −
    6.5510 × 10−1
    (1.01 × 10−2) −
    6.3597 × 10−1
    (3.28 × 10−2) −
    5.9740 × 10−1
    (2.69 × 10−2) =
    6.4268 × 10−1
    (9.34 × 10−3) −
    5.8861 × 10−1
    (2.14 × 10−2)
    DTLZ532.5926 × 10−1
    (3.51 × 10−2) −
    2.4959 × 10−1
    (2.59 × 10−2) −
    1.1067 × 10−1
    (2.85 × 10−2) −
    8.0805 × 10−2
    (2.49 × 10−2) −
    2.4856 × 10−1
    (2.24 × 10−2) −
    6.5513 × 10−2
    (4.58 × 10−2)
    41.9155 × 10−1
    (2.36 × 10−2) −
    2.0562 × 10−1
    (2.30 × 10−2) −
    1.2544 × 10−1
    (2.99 × 10−2) −
    5.9826 × 10−2
    (9.29 × 10−3) −
    2.1704 × 10−1
    (2.73 × 10−2) −
    2.6100 × 10−2
    (1.00 × 10−2)
    61.4568 × 10−1
    (2.39 × 10−2) −
    1.2304 × 10−1
    (1.85 × 10−2) −
    7.4651 × 10−2
    (2.05 × 10−2) −
    3.4219 × 10−2
    (1.06 × 10−2) −
    1.5500 × 10−1
    (1.93 × 10−2) −
    1.6379 × 10−2
    (1.12 × 10−2)
    88.7377 × 10−2
    (1.55 × 10−2) −
    6.5776 × 10−2
    (1.34 × 10−2) −
    3.8178 × 10−2
    (8.52 × 10−3) −
    2.0890 × 10−2
    (5.60 × 10−3) −
    8.2292 × 10−2
    (1.25 × 10−2) −
    1.2091 × 10−2
    (2.70 × 10−3)
    104.7648 × 10−2
    (1.45 × 10−2) −
    2.5322 × 10−2
    (4.41 × 10−3) −
    1.1891 × 10−2
    (1.17 × 10−3) −
    1.2745 × 10−2
    (2.29 × 10−3) −
    2.2116 × 10−2
    (2.45 × 10−3) −
    7.4301 × 10−3
    (1.10 × 10−3)
    DTLZ636.1232 × 100
    (2.01 × 10−1) −
    4.1051 × 100
    (4.45 × 10−1) −
    4.9049 × 100
    (6.04 × 10−1) −
    3.1198 × 100
    (3.59 × 10−1) −
    1.8762 × 100
    (5.59 × 10−1) =
    2.0558 × 100
    (4.60 × 10−1)
    45.4855 × 100
    (2.45 × 10−1) −
    3.4387 × 100
    (4.98 × 10−1) −
    4.9792 × 100
    (5.02 × 10−1) −
    2.4647 × 100
    (3.55 × 10−1) −
    1.6752 × 100
    (7.38 × 10−1) =
    2.0560 × 100
    (3.25 × 10−1)
    63.8995 × 100
    (2.21 × 10−1) −
    2.3140 × 100
    (5.21 × 10−1) −
    3.1061 × 100
    (5.07 × 10−1) −
    1.2890 × 100
    (3.22 × 10−1) =
    9.2648 × 10−1
    (3.65 × 10−1) +
    1.2599 × 100
    (3.56 × 10−1)
    82.1839 × 100
    (2.82 × 10−1) −
    9.0259 × 10−1
    (2.50 × 10−1) −
    1.4584 × 100
    (4.60 × 10−1) −
    5.3505 × 10−1
    (1.82 × 10−1) =
    5.1243 × 10−1
    (2.60 × 10−1) =
    5.9215 × 10−1
    (2.14 × 10−1)
    105.9508 × 10−1
    (2.62 × 10−1) −
    5.2061 × 10−2
    (1.55 × 10−2) +
    1.3300 × 10−1
    (9.60 × 10−2) =
    7.1410 × 10−2
    (2.06 × 10−2) =
    1.9708 × 10−1
    (7.72 × 10−2) −
    8.4350 × 10−2
    (2.65 × 10−2)
    DTLZ735.7028 × 100
    (8.46 × 10−1) −
    4.9515 × 100
    (7.40 × 10−1) −
    1.7040 × 100
    (5.07 × 10−1) −
    1.4314 × 10−1
    (4.87 × 10−2) −
    2.3750 × 10−1
    (9.67 × 10−2) −
    9.0290 × 10−2
    (6.53 × 10−2)
    47.1332 × 100
    (8.88 × 10−1) −
    5.3360 × 100
    (1.43 × 100) −
    2.6700 × 100
    (9.51 × 10−1) −
    3.7612 × 10−1
    (1.37 × 10−1) =
    5.3337 × 10−1
    (9.02 × 10−2) −
    3.3295 × 10−1
    (1.07 × 10−1)
    68.6385 × 100
    (2.00 × 100) −
    6.2498 × 100
    (1.86 × 100) −
    4.5051 × 100
    (8.80 × 10−1) −
    6.3454 × 10−1
    (8.41 × 10−2) +
    8.6377 × 10−1
    (6.08 × 10−2) +
    1.0134 × 100
    (1.85 × 10−1)
    81.0623 × 101
    (2.69 × 100) −
    4.5094 × 100
    (3.09 × 100) −
    6.1099 × 100
    (1.99 × 100) −
    8.7425 × 10−1
    (6.82 × 10−2) +
    1.0618 × 100
    (3.82 × 10−2) +
    2.2654 × 100
    (4.25 × 10−1)
    103.8760 × 100
    (1.81 × 100) −
    1.5793 × 100
    (9.05 × 10−2) +
    2.0827 × 100
    (5.27 × 10−1) =
    1.0910 × 100
    (4.35 × 10−2) +
    1.2142 × 100
    (2.27 × 10−2) +
    2.1206 × 100
    (3.77 × 10−1)
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    表  3  6种算法在不同维数的DTLZ测试问题上获得的HV平均值和标准差

    Table  3  The HV average and standard deviation obtained by the six algorithms on DTLZ test problems of different dimensions

    DTLZ130.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    40.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    60.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    80.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    102.6667 × 10−1
    (2.12 × 10−1) −
    1.9822 × 10−1
    (1.68 × 10−1) −
    6.2982 × 10−1
    (1.71 × 10−1) +
    3.2562 × 10−1
    (2.12 × 10−1) =
    1.9434 × 10−1
    (1.65 × 10−1) −
    4.0899 × 10−1
    (2.13 × 10−1)
    DTLZ231.1734 × 10−1
    (2.42 × 10−2) −
    1.2929 × 10−1
    (2.86 × 10−2) −
    3.1461 × 10−1
    (5.78 × 10−2) −
    4.4429 × 10−1
    (2.12 × 10−2) −
    1.3839 × 10−1
    (4.54 × 10−2) −
    4.6981 × 10−1
    (1.16 × 10−1)
    42.1214 × 10−1
    (3.91 × 10−2) −
    2.0737 × 10−1
    (3.04 × 10−2) −
    3.5746 × 10−1
    (7.24 × 10−2) −
    5.7115 × 10−1
    (2.41 × 10−2) =
    2.2493 × 10−1
    (4.31 × 10−2) −
    5.3573 × 10−1
    (1.08 × 10−1)
    63.0640 × 10−1
    (3.14 × 10−2) −
    3.0719 × 10−1
    (3.32 × 10−2) −
    5.0211 × 10−1
    (7.01 × 10−2) −
    6.8636 × 10−1
    (3.86 × 10−2) =
    3.6893 × 10−1
    (3.19 × 10−2) −
    6.9607 × 10−1
    (4.86 × 10−2)
    84.4578 × 10−1
    (4.27 × 10−2) −
    4.3830 × 10−1
    (2.13 × 10−2) −
    5.6690 × 10−1
    (4.55 × 10−2) −
    7.6366 × 10−1
    (3.84 × 10−2) −
    5.5566 × 10−1
    (2.98 × 10−2) −
    8.3822 × 10−1
    (2.06 × 10−2)
    105.4274 × 10−1
    (2.52 × 10−2) −
    5.9705 × 10−1
    (2.81 × 10−2) −
    6.3060 × 10−1
    (2.88 × 10−2) −
    8.6321 × 10−1
    (1.23 × 10−2) −
    8.1393 × 10−1
    (1.64 × 10−2) −
    9.1251 × 10−1
    (7.76 × 10−3)
    DTLZ330.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    40.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    60.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    80.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    103.5213 × 10−2
    (4.90 × 10−2) −
    2.8103 × 10−2
    (4.73 × 10−2) −
    2.6473 × 10−1
    (1.54 × 10−1) +
    9.2144 × 10−2
    (1.22 × 10−1) =
    6.5751 × 10−2
    (7.30 × 10−2) =
    8.5208 × 10−2
    (8.29 × 10−2)
    DTLZ431.1785 × 10−2
    (2.18 × 10−2) −
    1.5375 × 10−2
    (2.50 × 10−2) −
    1.7626 × 10−1
    (8.31 × 10−2) +
    1.7423 × 10−1
    (1.08 × 10−1) +
    1.7616 × 10−2
    (2.25 × 10−2) −
    7.5949 × 10−2
    (7.70 × 10−2)
    44.9153 × 10−2
    (3.74 × 10−2) =
    2.4608 × 10−2
    (2.91 × 10−2) −
    3.1304 × 10−1
    (6.63 × 10−2) +
    2.2725 × 10−1
    (8.66 × 10−2) +
    2.8193 × 10−2
    (2.68 × 10−2) −
    1.3719 × 10−1
    (1.25 × 10−1)
    61.1881 × 10−1
    (4.18 × 10−2) −
    1.2211 × 10−1
    (3.42 × 10−2) −
    5.6483 × 10−1
    (8.07 × 10−2) +
    4.1915 × 10−1
    (1.31 × 10−1) +
    1.0424 × 10−1
    (4.08 × 10−2) −
    2.1455 × 10−1
    (9.54 × 10−2)
    83.1494 × 10−1
    (7.82 × 10−2) −
    4.3521 × 10−1
    (5.84 × 10−2) −
    6.8774 × 10−1
    (3.61 × 10−2) +
    6.2693 × 10−1
    (7.95 × 10−2) +
    3.3577 × 10−1
    (6.00 × 10−2) −
    5.4786 × 10−1
    (9.97 × 10−2)
    106.1117 × 10−1
    (5.26 × 10−2) −
    7.4214 × 10−1
    (2.37 × 10−2) −
    8.0539 × 10−1
    (3.71 × 10−2) =
    8.3652 × 10−1
    (4.00 × 10−2) =
    7.4450 × 10−1
    (2.53 × 10−2) −
    8.2411 × 10−1
    (4.08 × 10−2)
    DTLZ531.7464 × 10−2
    (8.81 × 10−3) −
    2.3213 × 10−2
    (1.15 × 10−2) −
    9.1632 × 10−2
    (2.53 × 10−2) −
    1.2641 × 10−1
    (2.94 × 10−2) −
    1.8468 × 10−2
    (2.17 × 10−2) −
    1.5632 × 10−1
    (4.42 × 10−2)
    41.8002 × 10−2
    (8.78 × 10−3) −
    1.8297 × 10−2
    (7.45 × 10−3) −
    5.6265 × 10−2
    (2.37 × 10−2) −
    1.1696 × 10−1
    (6.53 × 10−3) −
    2.6234 × 10−2
    (2.37 × 10−2) −
    1.3582 × 10−1
    (1.02 × 10−2)
    61.9682 × 10−2
    (1.21 × 10−2) −
    2.6909 × 10−2
    (1.97 × 10−2) −
    7.5674 × 10−2
    (1.88 × 10−2) −
    1.0592 × 10−1
    (3.54 × 10−3) −
    5.0133 × 10−2
    (2.49 × 10−2) −
    1.1271 × 10−1
    (8.05 × 10−3)
    85.2712 × 10−2
    (2.30 × 10−2) −
    6.5698 × 10−2
    (1.40 × 10−2) −
    9.3848 × 10−2
    (4.29 × 10−3) −
    1.0261 × 10−1
    (2.69 × 10−3) −
    8.5375 × 10−2
    (6.49 × 10−3) −
    1.0487 × 10−1
    (3.42 × 10−4)
    108.6211 × 10−2
    (1.15 × 10−2) −
    9.7441 × 10−2
    (9.74 × 10−4) −
    9.9494 × 10−2
    (5.70 × 10−4) −
    9.7695 × 10−2
    (7.46 × 10−4) −
    9.6720 × 10−2
    (7.96 × 10−4) −
    1.0031 × 10−1
    (2.98 × 10−4)
    DTLZ630.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    40.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    4.7399 × 10−3
    (2.03 × 10−2) +
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100)
    60.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) =
    3.2073 × 10−2
    (4.49 × 10−2) +
    4.5458 × 10−3
    (2.03 × 10−2)
    80.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    1.8646 × 10−4
    (7.43 × 10−4) =
    9.2532 × 10−4
    (4.14 × 10−3) −
    2.2110 × 10−2
    (3.93 × 10−2) =
    6.0557 × 10−2
    (4.40 × 10−2) +
    8.0524 × 10−3
    (2.08 × 10−2)
    101.7423 × 10−2
    (3.52 × 10−2) −
    8.0620 × 10−2
    (2.45 × 10−2) =
    5.7994 × 10−2
    (3.98 × 10−2) −
    9.4737 × 10−2
    (1.76 × 10−3) =
    9.2210 × 10−2
    (1.35 × 10−3) −
    9.2912 × 10−2
    (1.31 × 10−2)
    DTLZ730.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    4.2044 × 10−2
    (4.24 × 10−2) −
    2.4684 × 10−1
    (5.96 × 10−3) −
    2.0656 × 10−1
    (1.66 × 10−2) −
    2.7126 × 10−1
    (8.89 × 10−3)
    40.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    5.5343 × 10−7
    (2.48 × 10−6) −
    3.3341 × 10−2
    (3.99 × 10−2) −
    2.3586 × 10−1
    (7.10 × 10−3) −
    7.9986 × 10−2
    (5.40 × 10−2) −
    2.5760 × 10−1
    (7.67 × 10−3)
    60.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    2.9404 × 10−2
    (3.52 × 10−2) −
    1.9617 × 10−1
    (8.41 × 10−3) −
    3.0127 × 10−2
    (3.37 × 10−2) −
    2.1700 × 10−1
    (5.99 × 10−3)
    80.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    2.5202 × 10−4
    (9.83 × 10−4) −
    3.0467 × 10−2
    (3.86 × 10−2) −
    1.8919 × 10−1
    (4.73 × 10−3) =
    5.7129 × 10−3
    (5.65 × 10−3) −
    1.8593 × 10−1
    (8.01 × 10−3)
    103.3199 × 10−3
    (5.02 × 10−3) −
    7.5420 × 10−4
    (8.53 × 10−4) −
    3.5750 × 10−2
    (3.02 × 10−2) −
    1.7539 × 10−1
    (4.01 × 10−3) =
    1.3231 × 10−2
    (1.67 × 10−2) −
    1.7687 × 10−1
    (4.85 × 10−3)
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    表  4  6种算法在不同维数的WFG测试问题上获得的IGD平均值和标准差

    Table  4  The IGD average and standard deviation obtained by the six algorithms on WFG test problems of different dimensions

    WFG132.3044 × 100
    (7.04 × 10−2) −
    2.2817 × 100
    (6.96 × 10−2) −
    1.7246 × 100
    (7.58 × 10−2) +
    1.7654 × 100
    (9.23 × 10−2) +
    2.1936 × 100
    (6.64 × 10−2) −
    1.8391 × 100
    (8.45 × 10−2)
    42.1642 × 100
    (1.32 × 10−1) =
    1.9453 × 100
    (1.71 × 10−2) +
    1.9531 × 100
    (1.11 × 10−1) +
    2.0752 × 100
    (1.55 × 10−1) =
    2.0130 × 100
    (7.58 × 10−2) +
    2.0919 × 100
    (1.31 × 10−1)
    62.7873 × 100
    (5.89 × 10−2) −
    2.8059 × 100
    (6.16 × 10−2) −
    2.4902 × 100
    (5.09 × 10−2) =
    2.4594 × 100
    (9.80 × 10−2) +
    2.7526 × 100
    (5.35 × 10−2) −
    2.5304 × 100
    (1.00 × 10−1)
    83.1194 × 100
    (5.49 × 10−2) −
    3.1420 × 100
    (4.58 × 10−2) −
    2.8827 × 100
    (6.05 × 10−2) =
    2.8566 × 100
    (8.07 × 10−2) =
    3.0855 × 100
    (5.32 × 10−2) −
    2.8335 × 100
    (2.54 × 10−1)
    103.4110 × 100
    (4.80 × 10−2) −
    3.4220 × 100
    (4.68 × 10−2) −
    3.1817 × 100
    (8.33 × 10−2) =
    3.1589 × 100
    (5.88 × 10−2) =
    3.3937 × 100
    (3.38 × 10−2) −
    3.1129 × 100
    (2.06 × 10−1)
    WFG238.8153 × 10−1
    (1.09 × 10−1) −
    7.8323 × 10−1
    (4.94 × 10−2) −
    5.3426 × 10−1
    (4.34 × 10−2) −
    3.9180 × 10−1
    (4.71 × 10−2) −
    6.9725 × 10−1
    (4.98 × 10−2) −
    3.4170 × 10−1
    (4.16 × 10−2)
    41.4386 × 100
    (2.16 × 10−1) −
    1.2247 × 100
    (1.92 × 10−1) −
    1.2237 × 100
    (3.42 × 10−1) −
    9.9551 × 10−1
    (1.34 × 10−1) −
    1.1293 × 100
    (1.61 × 10−1) −
    9.1510 × 10−1
    (1.09 × 10−1)
    61.9640 × 100
    (4.29 × 10−1) −
    1.5348 × 100
    (1.38 × 10−1) −
    1.2796 × 100
    (4.14 × 10−1) −
    7.6122 × 10−1
    (5.92 × 10−2) −
    1.3485 × 100
    (1.72 × 10−1) −
    7.1461 × 10−1
    (3.51 × 10−2)
    82.5026 × 100
    (5.75 × 10−1) −
    2.0548 × 100
    (2.06 × 10−1) −
    1.8266 × 100
    (7.53 × 10−1) −
    1.0294 × 100
    (4.52 × 10−2) =
    1.7364 × 100
    (2.53 × 10−1) −
    1.0125 × 100
    (3.41 × 10−2)
    103.8506 × 100
    (7.40 × 10−1) −
    3.0779 × 100
    (4.97 × 10−1) −
    3.1377 × 100
    (9.98 × 10−1) −
    1.1813 × 100
    (5.78 × 10−2) +
    2.1748 × 100
    (3.75 × 10−1) −
    1.2223 × 100
    (6.17 × 10−2)
    WFG336.0295 × 10−1
    (4.49 × 10−2) −
    6.0035 × 10−1
    (2.83 × 10−2) −
    4.7826 × 10−1
    (7.08 × 10−2) −
    3.8454 × 10−1
    (5.62 × 10−2) =
    6.3111 × 10−1
    (3.08 × 10−2) −
    4.2141 × 10−1
    (8.51 × 10−2)
    45.6516 × 10−1
    (5.35 × 10−2) −
    5.5932 × 10−1
    (3.92 × 10−2) −
    3.6608 × 10−1
    (6.42 × 10−2) −
    2.2293 × 10−1
    (3.65 × 10−2) +
    6.0164 × 10−1
    (4.47 × 10−2) −
    2.5478 × 10−1
    (2.73 × 10−2)
    61.0518 × 100
    (1.02 × 10−1) −
    9.8651 × 10−1
    (8.00 × 10−2) −
    7.0767 × 10−1
    (9.63 × 10−2) −
    6.6060 × 10−1
    (8.61 × 10−2) −
    9.7316 × 10−1
    (4.10 × 10−2) −
    4.9911 × 10−1
    (9.35 × 10−2)
    89.2359 × 10−1
    (1.11 × 10−1) −
    7.8556 × 10−1
    (7.35 × 10−2) −
    4.4627 × 10−1
    (1.18 × 10−1) −
    5.3840 × 10−1
    (7.52 × 10−2) −
    8.2687 × 10−1
    (8.87 × 10−2) −
    3.4794 × 10−1
    (5.25 × 10−2)
    101.0022 × 100
    (8.69 × 10−2) −
    8.7818 × 10−1
    (1.11 × 10−1) −
    5.9822 × 10−1
    (1.14 × 10−1) −
    6.3955 × 10−1
    (8.21 × 10−2) −
    9.2789 × 10−1
    (7.38 × 10−2) −
    4.2756 × 10−1
    (6.74 × 10−2)
    WFG436.3183 × 10−1
    (6.30 × 10−2) −
    5.3726 × 10−1
    (2.65 × 10−2) −
    4.4571 × 10−1
    (3.28 × 10−2) +
    4.5254 × 10−1
    (1.90 × 10−2) +
    5.8593 × 10−1
    (3.46 × 10−2) −
    5.0332 × 10−1
    (2.65 × 10−2)
    41.7199 × 100
    (1.84 × 10−1) −
    1.2114 × 100
    (8.23 × 10−2) −
    1.5483 × 100
    (2.75 × 10−1) −
    8.1670 × 10−1
    (8.21 × 10−2) =
    9.8678 × 10−1
    (7.18 × 10−2) −
    7.7364 × 10−1
    (7.65 × 10−2)
    63.6040 × 100
    (3.76 × 10−1) −
    2.5352 × 100
    (1.50 × 10−1) −
    2.9141 × 100
    (3.36 × 10−1) −
    1.7992 × 100
    (4.76 × 10−2) +
    2.1228 × 100
    (1.22 × 10−1) −
    1.8370 × 100
    (5.25 × 10−2)
    85.9740 × 100
    (4.07 × 10−1) −
    4.3118 × 100
    (2.44 × 10−1) −
    5.8308 × 100
    (4.61 × 10−1) −
    3.2283 × 100
    (2.39 × 10−1) =
    3.4432 × 100
    (1.44 × 10−1) −
    3.3000 × 100
    (2.59 × 10−1)
    109.1735 × 100
    (5.27 × 10−1) −
    7.2985 × 100
    (3.71 × 10−1) −
    8.6988 × 100
    (9.68 × 10−1) −
    5.9483 × 100
    (5.44 × 10−1) −
    5.0437 × 100
    (2.82 × 10−1) +
    5.4156 × 100
    (3.45 × 10−1)
    WFG536.9770 × 10−1
    (3.25 × 10−2) −
    5.8013 × 10−1
    (1.71 × 10−2) −
    5.2657 × 10−1
    (3.82 × 10−2) −
    4.3283 × 10−1
    (6.77 × 10−2) −
    5.8135 × 10−1
    (2.95 × 10−2) −
    3.8674 × 10−1
    (6.33 × 10−2)
    41.3558 × 100
    (1.03 × 10−1) −
    1.3003 × 100
    (4.72 × 10−2) −
    1.1067 × 100
    (1.51 × 10−1) −
    7.8509 × 10−1
    (6.09 × 10−2) −
    9.8506 × 10−1
    (4.70 × 10−2) −
    7.1114 × 10−1
    (4.18 × 10−2)
    62.7646 × 100
    (1.73 × 10−1) −
    2.5373 × 100
    (1.03 × 10−1) −
    2.4254 × 100
    (2.43 × 10−1) −
    1.7916 × 100
    (8.92 × 10−2) =
    2.1839 × 100
    (1.45 × 10−1) −
    1.8386 × 100
    (8.92 × 10−2)
    84.7298 × 100
    (2.08 × 10−1) −
    4.5985 × 100
    (1.45 × 10−1) −
    4.7238 × 100
    (4.32 × 10−1) −
    3.0908 × 100
    (7.65 × 10−2) +
    4.4346 × 100
    (2.48 × 10−1) −
    3.1917 × 100
    (1.30 × 10−1)
    107.3037 × 100
    (2.91 × 10−1) −
    7.0171 × 100
    (3.14 × 10−1) −
    7.0938 × 100
    (3.27 × 10−1) −
    4.8049 × 100
    (3.18 × 10−1) +
    6.6075 × 100
    (4.97 × 10−1) −
    5.0163 × 100
    (2.42 × 10−1)
    WFG638.0656 × 10−1
    (3.30 × 10−2) −
    7.8806 × 10−1
    (2.19 × 10−2) −
    7.1317 × 10−1
    (3.92 × 10−2) =
    7.1713 × 10−1
    (4.87 × 10−2) =
    8.0570 × 10−1
    (4.64 × 10−2) −
    7.2868 × 10−1
    (3.97 × 10−2)
    41.3827 × 100
    (8.35 × 10−2) −
    1.2283 × 100
    (5.92 × 10−2) −
    1.0173 × 100
    (8.09 × 10−2) =
    1.0307 × 100
    (9.56 × 10−2) =
    1.1020 × 100
    (4.08 × 10−2) −
    1.0481 × 100
    (4.41 × 10−2)
    62.8461 × 100
    (2.15 × 10−1) −
    2.6368 × 100
    (1.36 × 10−1) −
    2.3941 × 100
    (1.92 × 10−1) −
    2.2878 × 100
    (1.10 × 10−1) −
    2.1672 × 100
    (5.45 × 10−2) −
    2.1051 × 100
    (7.48 × 10−2)
    84.9875 × 100
    (3.24 × 10−1) −
    4.6116 × 100
    (2.17 × 10−1) −
    4.7585 × 100
    (5.04 × 10−1) −
    3.6354 × 100
    (8.70 × 10−2) −
    3.7239 × 100
    (1.43 × 10−1) −
    3.4682 × 100
    (1.18 × 10−1)
    107.4853 × 100
    (4.37 × 10−1) −
    6.9814 × 100
    (4.94 × 10−1) −
    7.2251 × 100
    (6.41 × 10−1) −
    5.1438 × 100
    (1.55 × 10−1) =
    5.3090 × 100
    (3.81 × 10−1) =
    5.0901 × 100
    (1.35 × 10−1)
    WFG736.6448 × 10−1
    (4.60 × 10−2) =
    6.3768 × 10−1
    (3.13 × 10−2) =
    5.8351 × 10−1
    (3.07 × 10−2) +
    6.0448 × 10−1
    (2.89 × 10−2) +
    6.6027 × 10−1
    (3.26 × 10−2) =
    6.5385 × 10−1
    (4.34 × 10−2)
    41.5156 × 100
    (1.31 × 10−1) −
    1.4000 × 100
    (1.10 × 10−1) −
    1.3798 × 100
    (1.35 × 10−1) −
    8.9610 × 10−1
    (6.80 × 10−2) =
    1.2373 × 100
    (1.22 × 10−1) −
    8.6343 × 10−1
    (6.67 × 10−2)
    63.0239 × 100
    (2.27 × 10−1) −
    2.6972 × 100
    (1.90 × 10−1) −
    2.5951 × 100
    (2.70 × 10−1) −
    1.9468 × 100
    (4.95 × 10−2) +
    2.4804 × 100
    (1.69 × 10−1) −
    2.0185 × 100
    (5.45 × 10−2)
    85.2874 × 100
    (2.64 × 10−1) −
    4.9740 × 100
    (4.19 × 10−1) −
    5.4691 × 100
    (4.66 × 10−1) −
    3.4310 × 100
    (1.05 × 10−1) =
    5.1211 × 100
    (3.92 × 10−1) −
    3.4353 × 100
    (7.80 × 10−2)
    108.0948 × 100
    (4.84 × 10−1) −
    7.6933 × 100
    (4.38 × 10−1) −
    8.1050 × 100
    (5.92 × 10−1) −
    5.1689 × 100
    (1.77 × 10−1) =
    6.9773 × 100
    (6.25 × 10−1) −
    5.2380 × 100
    (3.09 × 10−1)
    WFG838.7226 × 10−1
    (3.67 × 10−2) −
    8.4186 × 10−1
    (2.79 × 10−2) −
    7.3788 × 10−1
    (5.34 × 10−2) −
    7.2196 × 10−1
    (3.90 × 10−2) −
    8.6180 × 10−1
    (2.30 × 10−2) −
    6.7398 × 10−1
    (4.58 × 10−2)
    41.7785 × 100
    (1.02 × 10−1) −
    1.7130 × 100
    (8.86 × 10−2) −
    1.7122 × 100
    (1.64 × 10−1) −
    1.3654 × 100
    (5.98 × 10−2) −
    1.3509 × 100
    (3.48 × 10−2) −
    1.2069 × 100
    (5.72 × 10−2)
    63.2270 × 100
    (2.38 × 10−1) −
    2.8330 × 100
    (1.62 × 10−1) −
    3.0250 × 100
    (2.19 × 10−1) −
    2.3476 × 100
    (9.36 × 10−2) −
    2.4530 × 100
    (5.19 × 10−2) −
    2.2095 × 100
    (4.49 × 10−2)
    85.2767 × 100
    (2.91 × 10−1) −
    5.1048 × 100
    (3.42 × 10−1) −
    5.4616 × 100
    (3.15 × 10−1) −
    3.5830 × 100
    (1.18 × 10−1) =
    4.2845 × 100
    (2.58 × 10−1) −
    3.5916 × 100
    (1.02 × 10−1)
    107.8537 × 100
    (3.65 × 10−1) −
    7.3927 × 100
    (4.54 × 10−1) −
    7.9521 × 100
    (4.13 × 10−1) −
    5.0690 × 100
    (1.21 × 10−1) +
    5.6966 × 100
    (2.55 × 10−1) −
    5.1969 × 100
    (1.70 × 10−1)
    WFG938.1617 × 10−1
    (4.19 × 10−2) −
    7.8612 × 10−1
    (4.07 × 10−2) −
    6.2832 × 10−1
    (6.58 × 10−2) =
    6.6725 × 10−1
    (4.52 × 10−2) =
    7.8107 × 10−1
    (5.79 × 10−2) −
    6.6782 × 10−1
    (5.50 × 10−2)
    41.3187 × 100
    (8.63 × 10−2) −
    1.3147 × 100
    (7.88 × 10−2) −
    1.1780 × 100
    (1.25 × 10−1) −
    1.1332 × 100
    (2.03 × 10−1) =
    1.3423 × 100
    (1.28 × 10−1) −
    1.0305 × 100
    (1.72 × 10−1)
    63.0388 × 100
    (2.54 × 10−1) −
    3.0806 × 100
    (1.69 × 10−1) −
    2.9442 × 100
    (2.94 × 10−1) −
    2.1042 × 100
    (1.22 × 10−1) +
    2.7797 × 100
    (3.25 × 10−1) −
    2.4146 × 100
    (1.84 × 10−1)
    85.1537 × 100
    (3.04 × 10−1) −
    5.1279 × 100
    (3.30 × 10−1) −
    5.2404 × 100
    (4.41 × 10−1) −
    3.9706 × 100
    (6.27 × 10−1) =
    4.8820 × 100
    (4.82 × 10−1) −
    4.0674 × 100
    (5.76 × 10−1)
    107.6142 × 100
    (4.20 × 10−1) −
    7.6831 × 100
    (3.48 × 10−1) −
    7.5833 × 100
    (5.26 × 10−1) −
    6.2079 × 100
    (5.79 × 10−1) =
    7.2823 × 100
    (5.75 × 10−1) −
    6.0729 × 100
    (6.67 × 10−1)
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  5  6种算法在不同维数的WFG测试问题上获得的HV平均值和标准差

    Table  5  The HV average and standard deviation obtained by the six algorithms on WFG test problems of different dimensions

    WFG13 0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    2.3754 × 10−3
    (5.39 × 10−3) −
    1.5551 × 10−1
    (4.56 × 10−2) =
    1.6255 × 10−1
    (2.88 × 10−2) =
    5.6758 × 10−3
    (1.33 × 10−2) −
    1.4541 × 10−1
    (3.90 × 10−2)
    4 1.9475 × 10−1
    (3.30 × 10−2) =
    2.9110 × 10−1
    (6.17 × 10−3) +
    2.7323 × 10−1
    (3.27 × 10−2) +
    2.3182 × 10−1
    (4.43 × 10−2) =
    2.7638 × 10−1
    (1.47 × 10−2) +
    2.1878 × 10−1
    (6.03 × 10−2)
    6 3.0659 × 10−2
    (2.10 × 10−2) −
    9.9187 × 10−2
    (1.20 × 10−2) −
    2.0714 × 10−1
    (3.65 × 10−2) =
    2.0241 × 10−1
    (5.23 × 10−2) =
    1.2496 × 10−1
    (2.73 × 10−2) −
    1.8319 × 10−1
    (6.40 × 10−2)
    8 1.0632 × 10−1
    (2.34 × 10−2) −
    1.7126 × 10−1
    (9.62 × 10−3) =
    2.0631 × 10−1
    (2.29 × 10−2) =
    2.0651 × 10−1
    (3.16 × 10−2) =
    1.8449 × 10−1
    (1.97 × 10−2) =
    1.9834 × 10−1
    (1.06 × 10−1)
    10 1.0646 × 10−1
    (2.91 × 10−2) −
    1.9083 × 10−1
    (6.61 × 10−3) =
    2.1349 × 10−1
    (2.85 × 10−2) =
    2.1469 × 10−1
    (7.69 × 10−3) =
    1.8981 × 10−1
    (1.13 × 10−2) =
    1.8994 × 10−1
    (6.85 × 10−2)
    WFG23 5.7155 × 10−1
    (3.23 × 10−2) −
    6.0180 × 10−1
    (1.47 × 10−2) −
    7.0816 × 10−1
    (2.55 × 10−2) −
    7.6969 × 10−1
    (2.32 × 10−2) −
    6.3021 × 10−1
    (2.06 × 10−2) −
    7.9608 × 10−1
    (3.12 × 10−2)
    4 6.0584 × 10−1
    (3.12 × 10−2) −
    6.5097 × 10−1
    (2.87 × 10−2) −
    6.8373 × 10−1
    (5.07 × 10−2) −
    7.5823 × 10−1
    (3.40 × 10−2) −
    6.5436 × 10−1
    (3.73 × 10−2) −
    7.8405 × 10−1
    (2.80 × 10−2)
    6 6.4455 × 10−1
    (3.97 × 10−2) −
    6.8126 × 10−1
    (2.19 × 10−2) −
    7.9691 × 10−1
    (6.05 × 10−2) −
    8.6678 × 10−1
    (3.48 × 10−2) −
    6.9228 × 10−1
    (2.95 × 10−2) −
    9.3463 × 10−1
    (1.69 × 10−2)
    8 8.1555 × 10−1
    (6.07 × 10−2) −
    8.6795 × 10−1
    (1.99 × 10−2) −
    9.1947 × 10−1
    (4.73 × 10−2) −
    9.6566 × 10−1
    (1.18 × 10−2) −
    8.5448 × 10−1
    (3.00 × 10−2) −
    9.9044 × 10−1
    (4.99 × 10−3)
    10 7.6764 × 10−1
    (4.56 × 10−2) −
    8.3857 × 10−1
    (3.36 × 10−2) −
    8.7953 × 10−1
    (5.73 × 10−2) −
    9.6830 × 10−1
    (1.01 × 10−2) −
    8.4508 × 10−1
    (4.68 × 10−2) −
    9.9466 × 10−1
    (2.01 × 10−3)
    WFG33 1.5521 × 10−1
    (1.05 × 10−2) −
    1.6033 × 10−1
    (9.18 × 10−3) −
    1.9966 × 10−1
    (2.70 × 10−2) =
    2.4291 × 10−1
    (2.18 × 10−2) +
    1.4825 × 10−1
    (9.09 × 10−3) −
    2.0974 × 10−1
    (3.45 × 10−2)
    4 8.3428 × 10−2
    (2.38 × 10−2) −
    8.8702 × 10−2
    (2.16 × 10−2) −
    1.6360 × 10−1
    (3.01 × 10−2) −
    2.2785 × 10−1
    (2.52 × 10−2) +
    8.1881 × 10−2
    (1.96 × 10−2) −
    2.0271 × 10−1
    (2.29 × 10−2)
    6 0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    6.2531 × 10−3
    (1.43 × 10−2) −
    7.5288 × 10−3
    (1.24 × 10−2) −
    1.2130 × 10−3
    (5.42 × 10−3) −
    2.7253 × 10−2
    (2.58 × 10−2)
    8 4.5931 × 10−3
    (2.01 × 10−2) −
    2.6674 × 10−4
    (9.23 × 10−4) −
    3.3423 × 10−2
    (4.46 × 10−2) =
    1.4620 × 10−2
    (2.21 × 10−2) −
    9.6695 × 10−3
    (2.28 × 10−2) −
    4.9333 × 10−2
    (3.21 × 10−2)
    10 0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    8.4506 × 10−5
    (3.78 × 10−4) =
    2.1320 × 10−3
    (8.52 × 10−3) =
    2.5236 × 10−3
    (1.13 × 10−2) =
    0.0000 × 100
    (0.00 × 100) −
    5.1517 × 10−3
    (1.19 × 10−2)
    WFG43 3.1526 × 10−1
    (1.26 × 10−2) −
    3.3905 × 10−1
    (1.08 × 10−2) =
    3.8760 × 10−1
    (2.00 × 10−2) +
    3.6710 × 10−1
    (1.16 × 10−2) +
    3.3783 × 10−1
    (1.33 × 10−2) −
    3.4727 × 10−1
    (1.35 × 10−2)
    4 3.1231 × 10−1
    (1.20 × 10−2) −
    3.8630 × 10−1
    (1.57 × 10−2) −
    3.6772 × 10−1
    (3.32 × 10−2) −
    4.7669 × 10−1
    (2.16 × 10−2) −
    4.3451 × 10−1
    (2.48 × 10−2) −
    4.8908 × 10−1
    (1.89 × 10−2)
    6 3.6756 × 10−1
    (2.66 × 10−2) −
    4.6632 × 10−1
    (1.82 × 10−2) −
    4.6846 × 10−1
    (2.89 × 10−2) −
    5.8503 × 10−1
    (3.32 × 10−2) −
    5.1160 × 10−1
    (2.69 × 10−2) −
    6.3545 × 10−1
    (2.31 × 10−2)
    8 4.2581 × 10−1
    (1.93 × 10−2) −
    5.5373 × 10−1
    (2.95 × 10−2) −
    5.0393 × 10−1
    (4.44 × 10−2) −
    7.0749 × 10−1
    (3.11 × 10−2) −
    6.5901 × 10−1
    (2.55 × 10−2) −
    7.7127 × 10−1
    (3.11 × 10−2)
    10 4.1946 × 10−1
    (2.30 × 10−2) −
    5.4379 × 10−1
    (2.16 × 10−2) −
    4.9750 × 10−1
    (5.18 × 10−2) −
    6.5396 × 10−1
    (3.22 × 10−2) −
    6.5974 × 10−1
    (3.52 × 10−2) −
    7.6087 × 10−1
    (2.71 × 10−2)
    WFG53 2.4395 × 10−1
    (1.12 × 10−2) −
    2.9918 × 10−1
    (7.98 × 10−3) −
    3.4805 × 10−1
    (2.40 × 10−2) −
    3.9021 × 10−1
    (3.64 × 10−2) −
    3.6004 × 10−1
    (1.89 × 10−2) −
    4.2110 × 10−1
    (3.46 × 10−2)
    4 2.7954 × 10−1
    (1.14 × 10−2) −
    3.3688 × 10−1
    (1.26 × 10−2) −
    3.9549 × 10−1
    (3.14 × 10−2) −
    4.7832 × 10−1
    (2.30 × 10−2) −
    4.0185 × 10−1
    (1.44 × 10−2) −
    5.0051 × 10−1
    (2.40 × 10−2)
    6 3.2385 × 10−1
    (1.38 × 10−2) −
    4.0172 × 10−1
    (1.59 × 10−2) −
    4.9501 × 10−1
    (3.25 × 10−2) −
    5.6239 × 10−1
    (4.28 × 10−2) −
    5.0007 × 10−1
    (1.55 × 10−2) −
    5.9915 × 10−1
    (3.21 × 10−2)
    8 3.6783 × 10−1
    (2.95 × 10−2) −
    4.6548 × 10−1
    (1.24 × 10−2) −
    5.4239 × 10−1
    (3.56 × 10−2) −
    6.6693 × 10−1
    (4.28 × 10−2) −
    5.3718 × 10−1
    (2.14 × 10−2) −
    7.2794 × 10−1
    (2.07 × 10−2)
    10 3.7342 × 10−1
    (2.07 × 10−2) −
    4.6464 × 10−1
    (1.42 × 10−2) −
    5.2257 × 10−1
    (2.90 × 10−2) −
    6.2569 × 10−1
    (4.07 × 10−2) −
    5.5522 × 10−1
    (3.41 × 10−2) −
    7.1028 × 10−1
    (3.10 × 10−2)
    WFG63 2.0832 × 10−1
    (1.01 × 10−2) −
    2.0973 × 10−1
    (7.97 × 10−3) −
    2.5872 × 10−1
    (1.90 × 10−2) +
    2.5438 × 10−1
    (1.91 × 10−2) +
    2.5210 × 10−1
    (1.88 × 10−2) +
    2.2621 × 10−1
    (1.93 × 10−2)
    4 2.6812 × 10−1
    (1.80 × 10−2) −
    2.9358 × 10−1
    (1.92 × 10−2) −
    3.5227 × 10−1
    (2.85 × 10−2) +
    3.7527 × 10−1
    (4.14 × 10−2) +
    2.9643 × 10−1
    (1.56 × 10−2) −
    3.3339 × 10−1
    (3.07 × 10−2)
    6 3.0489 × 10−1
    (1.75 × 10−2) −
    3.4169 × 10−1
    (1.88 × 10−2) −
    4.0660 × 10−1
    (3.70 × 10−2) =
    3.9532 × 10−1
    (4.83 × 10−2) =
    4.1998 × 10−1
    (1.48 × 10−2) =
    4.0315 × 10−1
    (3.75 × 10−2)
    8 3.9079 × 10−1
    (4.10 × 10−2) −
    4.6339 × 10−1
    (2.22 × 10−2) −
    5.1016 × 10−1
    (4.92 × 10−2) −
    6.6623 × 10−1
    (2.77 × 10−2) −
    5.1183 × 10−1
    (2.19 × 10−2) −
    7.3524 × 10−1
    (4.15 × 10−2)
    10 3.9579 × 10−1
    (2.55 × 10−2) −
    4.7448 × 10−1
    (2.34 × 10−2) −
    4.9997 × 10−1
    (4.80 × 10−2) −
    6.7299 × 10−1
    (3.78 × 10−2) −
    5.3339 × 10−1
    (2.18 × 10−2) −
    7.9146 × 10−1
    (4.70 × 10−2)
    WFG73 2.7294 × 10−1
    (1.31 × 10−2) =
    2.7768 × 10−1
    (1.21 × 10−2) =
    3.2790 × 10−1
    (2.16 × 10−2) +
    2.9637 × 10−1
    (1.66 × 10−2) +
    2.8180 × 10−1
    (1.13 × 10−2) =
    2.7832 × 10−1
    (1.80 × 10−2)
    4 3.0770 × 10−1
    (1.53 × 10−2) −
    3.3113 × 10−1
    (1.54 × 10−2) −
    3.6574 × 10−1
    (2.60 × 10−2) −
    4.5508 × 10−1
    (2.66 × 10−2) =
    3.5393 × 10−1
    (1.72 × 10−2) −
    4.6052 × 10−1
    (2.59 × 10−2)
    6 3.5607 × 10−1
    (1.68 × 10−2) −
    4.0546 × 10−1
    (1.42 × 10−2) −
    4.6728 × 10−1
    (2.93 × 10−2) −
    5.1981 × 10−1
    (3.50 × 10−2) −
    4.1921 × 10−1
    (1.60 × 10−2) −
    5.5770 × 10−1
    (4.09 × 10−2)
    8 4.1954 × 10−1
    (3.00 × 10−2) −
    4.7747 × 10−1
    (2.38 × 10−2) −
    5.3422 × 10−1
    (4.07 × 10−2) −
    6.6874 × 10−1
    (3.33 × 10−2) −
    4.9354 × 10−1
    (2.52 × 10−2) −
    7.9566 × 10−1
    (1.82 × 10−2)
    10 4.3978 × 10−1
    (2.68 × 10−2) −
    4.9236 × 10−1
    (1.55 × 10−2) −
    5.3589 × 10−1
    (3.53 × 10−2) −
    6.4650 × 10−1
    (4.91 × 10−2) −
    5.2947 × 10−1
    (3.36 × 10−2) −
    8.2131 × 10−1
    (3.53 × 10−2)
    WFG83 2.0563 × 10−1
    (9.02 × 10−3) −
    2.1117 × 10−1
    (9.38 × 10−3) −
    2.5649 × 10−1
    (1.96 × 10−2) =
    2.7987 × 10−1
    (1.16 × 10−2) +
    2.0196 × 10−1
    (9.26 × 10−3) −
    2.5619 × 10−1
    (2.12 × 10−2)
    4 2.2504 × 10−1
    (1.58 × 10−2) −
    2.4391 × 10−1
    (1.41 × 10−2) −
    2.7342 × 10−1
    (2.59 × 10−2) =
    3.0350 × 10−1
    (2.26 × 10−2) =
    2.6327 × 10−1
    (1.60 × 10−2) −
    2.9119 × 10−1
    (2.71 × 10−2)
    6 2.9374 × 10−1
    (2.14 × 10−2) −
    3.1166 × 10−1
    (1.44 × 10−2) −
    3.5815 × 10−1
    (3.05 × 10−2) −
    3.4101 × 10−1
    (1.70 × 10−2) −
    3.4154 × 10−1
    (1.45 × 10−2) −
    3.8034 × 10−1
    (1.95 × 10−2)
    8 3.3827 × 10−1
    (2.25 × 10−2) −
    3.9489 × 10−1
    (2.24 × 10−2) −
    4.3731 × 10−1
    (2.62 × 10−2) −
    4.9176 × 10−1
    (3.96 × 10−2) −
    4.3251 × 10−1
    (3.33 × 10−2) −
    5.4014 × 10−1
    (4.21 × 10−2)
    10 3.7424 × 10−1
    (1.66 × 10−2) −
    4.1948 × 10−1
    (1.39 × 10−2) −
    4.3470 × 10−1
    (2.64 × 10−2) −
    5.0197 × 10−1
    (4.74 × 10−2) −
    4.7105 × 10−1
    (2.48 × 10−2) −
    6.1406 × 10−1
    (5.41 × 10−2)
    WFG93 2.1195 × 10−1
    (1.55 × 10−2) −
    2.2346 × 10−1
    (2.06 × 10−2) −
    2.8163 × 10−1
    (3.02 × 10−2) =
    2.6005 × 10−1
    (1.97 × 10−2) =
    2.2416 × 10−1
    (2.21 × 10−2) −
    2.6152 × 10−1
    (3.23 × 10−2)
    4 3.1377 × 10−1
    (2.84 × 10−2) −
    3.3327 × 10−1
    (1.77 × 10−2) −
    3.5582 × 10−1
    (4.06 × 10−2) −
    3.8240 × 10−1
    (6.37 × 10−2) =
    3.0577 × 10−1
    (1.98 × 10−2) −
    4.1389 × 10−1
    (6.77 × 10−2)
    6 3.1971 × 10−1
    (2.97 × 10−2) −
    3.3719 × 10−1
    (1.64 × 10−2) −
    3.8869 × 10−1
    (4.85 × 10−2) −
    4.8276 × 10−1
    (5.15 × 10−2) =
    3.4419 × 10−1
    (2.18 × 10−2) −
    4.7707 × 10−1
    (6.45 × 10−2)
    8 4.5419 × 10−1
    (3.01 × 10−2) −
    4.7014 × 10−1
    (2.00 × 10−2) −
    5.4358 × 10−1
    (3.44 × 10−2) −
    6.3781 × 10−1
    (6.24 × 10−2) =
    4.9095 × 10−1
    (3.53 × 10−2) −
    6.5968 × 10−1
    (6.23 × 10−2)
    10 4.8221 × 10−1
    (2.31 × 10−2) −
    4.7502 × 10−1
    (1.84 × 10−2) −
    5.6346 × 10−1
    (4.24 × 10−2) −
    6.1737 × 10−1
    (3.46 × 10−2) −
    5.0326 × 10−1
    (3.14 × 10−2) −
    6.7554 × 10−1
    (4.40 × 10−2)
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    表  6  汽车碰撞优化设计问题上获得的IGD和HV的平均值

    Table  6  The average values of IGD and HV obtained on the car crash optimization design problem

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