Customized Interior-point Method for Cooperative Trajectory Planning of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
摘要: 为提高多无人机(Unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV)协同轨迹规划(Cooperative trajectory planning, CTP)效率, 在解耦序列凸优化(Sequential convex programming, SCP)方法基础上, 提出一种高效求解凸优化子问题的定制内点法. 首先引入松弛变量, 构建子问题的等价描述形式, 并推导该形式下的子问题最优性条件. 然后在预测−校正原对偶内点法的框架下, 构建一套高效求解最优性条件方程组的计算流程以降低子问题计算复杂度, 并利用约束矩阵特征提出一种快速计算原对偶搜索方向的方法以提高规划效率. 仿真结果表明, 在解耦序列凸优化框架下, 定制内点法可将协同轨迹规划耗时降低一个数量级, 达到秒级.Abstract: To improve the efficiency of cooperative trajectory planning (CTP) for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), a customized interior-point method is proposed for efficiently solving convex subproblems within the decoupled sequential convex programming (SCP) method. Firstly, slack variables are introduced to construct an equivalent form of the subproblem, and the optimality conditions of the subproblem in this equivalent form are derived. Then, under the frame of the predictor-corrector primal-dual interior-point method, an efficient computation procedure for solving the equations of optimality conditions is developed. And through exploring the matrix characteristics of constraints to reduce the complexity of solving subproblems, a fast generation method for primal-dual search direction is proposed to improve the planning efficiency. Simulation results demonstrate that the customized interior-point method can decrease the computation times of CTP by one order of magnitude to several seconds.
表 1 原对偶搜索方向计算复杂度
Table 1 Computation complexity for primal-dual search direction
计算方法 计算成本 方法 I 0.33$n_{{X}}^3$+ 3$n_A^3$+$n_{{X}}^2{n_A}$+${n_{{X}}}n_A^2$ 方法 II 2.67$n_{{X}}^3$+ 3$n_A^3$+$n_{{X}}^2{n_A}$+${n_{{X}}}n_A^2$ 方法III 2.67 (${n_{{X}}}$+2${n_A}$)3 -
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