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周平 赵向志

周平, 赵向志. 面向建模误差PDF形状与趋势拟合优度的动态过程优化建模. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(10): 2402−2411 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200001
引用本文: 周平, 赵向志. 面向建模误差PDF形状与趋势拟合优度的动态过程优化建模. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(10): 2402−2411 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200001
Zhou Ping, Zhao Xiang-Zhi. Optimized modeling of dynamic process oriented towards modeling error PDF shape and goodness of fit. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(10): 2402−2411 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200001
Citation: Zhou Ping, Zhao Xiang-Zhi. Optimized modeling of dynamic process oriented towards modeling error PDF shape and goodness of fit. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(10): 2402−2411 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200001


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200001
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(61890934, 61790572), 辽宁省‘兴辽英才计划’项目(XLYC1907132), 央高校基本科研业务费项目(N180802003)

    周平:东北大学教授. 分别于2003年, 2006年, 2013年获得东北大学学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位. 主要研究方向为工业过程运行反馈控制, 数据驱动建模与控制. 本文通信作者.E-mail: zhouping@mail.neu.edu.cn

    赵向志:东北大学硕士研究生. 2018 年获得东北石油大学学士学位. 主要研究方向为数据驱动建模与控制, 机器学习算法.E-mail: 2092371322@qq.com

Optimized Modeling of Dynamic Process Oriented Towards Modeling Error PDF Shape and Goodness of Fit

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61890934, 61790572), Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program (XLYC1907132), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (N180802003)
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    Author Bio:

    ZHOU Ping Ph.D., Professor at Northeastern University. He received his bachelor degree, master degree, and Ph. D. degree from Northeastern University in 2003, 2006, and 2013, respectively. His research interest covers operation feedback control of industrial process, data-driven modeling and control. Corresponding author of this paper

    ZHAO Xiang-Zhi Master student at Northeastern University. She received his bachelor degree from Northeast Petroleum University in 2018. Her research interest covers data-driven modeling and control, and machine learning algorithm

  • 摘要: 本文提出一种新的数据驱动建模思路及方法, 即面向建模误差概率密度函数(Probability density function, PDF)形状与趋势拟合优度(相似度)的动态过程多目标优化建模方法. 首先, 针对均方根误差(Root mean square error, RMSE)等常规一维性能指标不能完全刻画建模误差在时间和空间二维随机动态特性的问题, 引入PDF指标来对动态过程的建模误差在时间和空间进行二维尺度的全面刻画和评价, 并采用核密度估计技术对关于时间的建模误差序列的PDF进行估计; 其次, 为了刻画动态过程数据建模的拟合趋势, 进一步引入趋势拟合优度指标, 从而构造综合描述数据建模误差PDF形状与趋势拟合相似性的多目标性能指标; 在此基础上, 采用NSGA-II算法优化数据模型的参数集, 获取一大类满足上述多目标性能优化的智能模型参数解. 数值仿真及工业数据验证表明, 所提方法的建模误差PDF逼近设定的期望PDF, 并且模型输出与样本数据拟合趋势接近, 好于常规最小化一维RMSE指标的数据建模方法.
  • 图  1  WNN结构图

    Fig.  1  Structure diagram of WNN

    图  2  面向建模误差PDF形状与趋势拟合优度的优化建模策略

    Fig.  2  Optimized modeling strategy towards modeling error PDF shape and goodness of fit

    图  3  Pareto前沿解进化过程

    Fig.  3  Evolution process of Pareto front

    图  4  不同优化解对应的拟合优度值变化曲线

    Fig.  4  Change curve of goodness of fit corresponding to different optimization solutions

    图  5  不同优化解对应的建模误差PDF变化曲面

    Fig.  5  PDF changing surface corresponding to different optimization solutions

    图  6  不同方法建模误差PDF比较

    Fig.  6  Comparison of modeling error PDF with different methods

    图  7  所提方法30号优化解对应的建模效果

    Fig.  7  Modeling result corresponding to the 30th optimization solution of the proposed method

    图  8  所提方法30号优化解对应的测试效果

    Fig.  8  Testing result corresponding to the 30th optimization solution of the proposed method

    图  9  典型活性污泥法污水处理过程工艺流程图

    Fig.  9  Flow chart of a typical activated sludge wastewater treatment process

    图  10  COD含量建模Pareto前沿进化过程

    Fig.  10  Pareto front evolution process of COD content modeling

    图  11  不同优化解对应的拟合优度值变化曲线

    Fig.  11  Change curve of goodness of fit corresponding to different optimization solutions

    图  12  不同优化解对应的COD含量建模误差PDF变化曲面

    Fig.  12  PDF changing surface of COD content modeling error corresponding to different optimization solutions

    图  13  不同方法COD含量建模误差PDF比较

    Fig.  13  PDF comparison of COD content modeling error with different methods

    图  14  所提方法50号优化解对应的COD含量建模效果

    Fig.  14  Modeling result of COD content corresponding to the 50th optimization solution of the proposed method

    图  15  所提方法50号优化解对应的COD含量测试效果

    Fig.  15  Testing result of COD content corresponding to the 50th optimization solution of the proposed method

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