A Review of Single Image Super-resolution Reconstruction Algorithms Based on Deep Learning
摘要: 单幅图像超分辨率(Single image super-resolution, SISR)重建是计算机视觉领域上的一个重要问题, 在安防视频监控、飞机航拍以及卫星遥感等方面具有重要的研究意义和应用价值. 近年来, 深度学习在图像分类、检测、识别等诸多领域中取得了突破性进展, 也推动着图像超分辨率重建技术的发展. 本文首先介绍单幅图像超分辨率重建的常用公共图像数据集; 然后, 重点阐述基于深度学习的单幅图像超分辨率重建方向的创新与进展; 最后, 讨论了单幅图像超分辨率重建方向上存在的困难和挑战, 并对未来的发展趋势进行了思考与展望.Abstract: Single image super-resolution (SISR) reconstruction is an important problem in the field of computer vision. It has important research significance and application value in security video surveillance, aircraft aerial photography and satellite remote sensing. In recent years, deep learning has made a breakthrough in many fields such as image classification, detection and recognition, and promoted the development of image super-resolution reconstruction technology. This paper first introduces the common public image datasets for single image super-resolution reconstruction. Then, the innovation and progress of single image super-resolution reconstruction based on deep learning are emphasized. Finally, the difficulties and challenges in the single image super-resolution reconstruction are discussed, and the future development trend is discussed.
Key words:
- Single image super-resolution (SISR) /
- computer vision /
- deep learning /
- neural network
表 1 常用超分辨率训练数据集
Table 1 Widely used Super-resolution training datasets
表 2 常用超分辨率测试数据集
Table 2 Widely used Super-resolution testing datasets
表 3 MOS评估准则
Table 3 The MOS assessment
分数 绝对评估 相对评估 1 图像质量非常差 该组中最差 2 图像质量较差 差于该组中平均水平 3 图像质量一般 该组中的平均水平 4 图像质量较好 好于该组中的平均水平 5 图像质量非常好 该组中最好 表 4 部分网络模型在基准数据集Set5、Set14的平均PSNR对比
Table 4 The average PSNR comparison of some network models on the Set5 and Set14 benchmark datasets
Set5 Set14 方法 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×8 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×8 Bicubic[2] 33.66 30.39 28.42 24.39 30.23 27.54 26.00 23.19 SRCNN[6] 36.66 32.75 30.49 25.33 32.45 29.30 27.50 23.85 VDSR[7] 37.10 32.89 30.84 25.72 32.97 29.77 28.03 24.21 ESPCN[33] — 33.13 30.90 — — 29.49 27.73 — SRGAN[8] — — 30.64 — — — 26.92 — LapSRN[47] 37.52 33.82 31.54 26.14 33.08 29.87 28.19 24.44 SRDenseNet[38] — — 32.02 — — — 28.50 — EDSR[43] 38.20 34.76 32.62 26.96 34.02 30.66 28.94 24.91 EnhanceNet[44] — — 31.74 — — — 28.42 — DBPN[53] 38.09 — 32.47 27.21 33.85 — 28.82 25.13 RCAN[55] 38.33 34.85 32.73 27.47 34.23 30.76 28.98 25.40 SRMD[61] 37.79 34.12 31.96 — 33.32 30.04 28.35 — ZSSR[77] 37.37 33.42 31.13 — 33.00 29.80 28.01 — Meta-SR[72] — — — — 34.04 30.55 28.84 — OISR[85] 38.12 34.56 32.33 — 33.80 30.46 28.73 — 表 5 部分网络模型在基准数据集Set5、Set14的平均SSIM对比
Table 5 The comparison of average SSIM of partial network models on the Set5 and Set14 benchmark datasets
Set5 Set14 方法 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×8 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×8 Bicubic[2] 0.9299 0.8682 0.8104 0.657 0.8687 0.7736 0.7019 0.568 SRCNN[6] 0.9542 0.9090 0.8628 0.689 0.9067 0.8215 0.7513 0.593 VDSR[7] 0.9587 0.9213 0.8838 0.711 0.9124 0.8314 0.7674 0.609 FSRCNN[13] 0.9558 0.9140 0.8657 0.682 0.9088 0.8242 0.7535 0.592 SRGAN[8] — — 0.8472 — — — 0.7397 — LapSRN[47] 0.959 0.9227 0.885 0.738 0.913 0.8320 0.772 0.623 SRDenseNet[38] — — 0.8934 — — — 0.7782 — EDSR[43] 0.9606 0.9290 0.8984 0.775 0.9204 0.8481 0.7901 0.640 MemNet[36] 0.9597 0.9248 0.8893 0.7414 0.9142 0.8350 0.7723 0.6199 DBPN[53] 0.960 — 0.898 0.784 0.919 — 0.786 0.648 RCAN55] 0.9617 0.9305 0.9013 0.7913 0.9225 0.8494 0.7910 0.6553 SRMD[61] 0.960 0.925 0.893 — 0.915 0.837 0.777 — ZSSR[77] 0.9570 0.9188 0.8796 — 0.9108 0.8304 0.7651 — Meta-SR[72] — — — — 0.9213 0.8466 0.7872 — OISR[85] 0.9609 0.9284 0.8968 — 0.9196 0.8450 0.7845 — 表 6 部分网络模型在基准数据集Set5、Set14和BSDS100的×4尺度上的MOS对比
Table 6 The MOS comparison of some network models at ×4 of the benchmark datasets Set5, Set14 and BSDS100
表 7 部分网络模型在各测试数据集上的运行时间对比
Table 7 The comparison of running time of partial network models on each testing datasets
方法 深度学习框架 CPU/GPU 测试数据集 上采样因子 运行时间 (s) SRCNN[6] Caffe CPU Set5 ×3 2.23 VDSR[7] MatConvNet CPU Set5 ×3 0.13 ESPCN[33] Theano CPU Set14 ×3 0.26 FSRCNN[13] Caffe CPU Set14 ×3 0.061 LapSRN[47] MatConvNet GPU Set14 ×4 0.04 MemNet[36] Caffe GPU Set5 ×3 0.4 EnhanceNet[44] Tensorflow GPU Set5 ×4 0.009 MS-LapSRN[69] MatConvNet GPU Urban100 ×4 0.06 ZSSR[77] — GPU BSDS100 ×2 9 Meta-SR[72] — GPU BSDS100 ×2 0.033 -
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