摘要: 随着遥感对地观测技术的飞速发展, 成像光谱图像呈现指数增长, 特别是人工智能技术和高性能计算的加速崛起, 进一步推动了成像光谱大数据时代的到来. 因此, 如何高效地组织和管理海量的成像光谱图像数据成为一个亟待解决的实际应用问题. 然而, 网络时代的开放性与共享性, 使得网络信息安全问题日益突出, 特别是含有重要信息的成像光谱图像应具有严格的保密性, 确保检索过程中不发生失泄密事件. 本文总结了近年来成像光谱图像安全检索的主要技术, 包括特征提取与表示、特征降维、加密域安全检索技术和性能评价准则, 最后对成像光谱图像安全检索技术进行了总结与展望.Abstract: With the rapid development of remote-sensing technology for earth observation, spectral imagery data presents exponential growth. The accelerated rise of artificial intelligence technology and high-performance computing has further promoted the arrival of the big data era of spectral imagery. Therefore, how to organize and manage the massive spectral imagery data efficiently has become an urgent practical application problem. However, because the openness and sharing of the network era makes the security of network information increasingly prominent, especially for the spectral imagery containing important information, it should have strict confidentiality to ensure that no leakage of information in the retrieval process. This paper summarizes the main techniques of spectral imagery secure retrieval in recent years, including feature extraction and representation, feature dimensionality reduction, secure retrieval in encryption domain and performance evaluation criteria.
表 1 两种不同特征加密方法的加密时间和检索时间比较 (s)
Table 1 The time cost of feature encryption andretrieval between two different methods (s)
方法 特征加密时间 加密后检索时间 特征随机化加密 5.0×10−3 1.0 保序加密 1.10 3.0 -
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