Research on High Precision Flux Observer of Induction Motor Based on Neutral System Theory
摘要: 针对感应电机交流传动控制系统磁链观测模型不精确, 忽略控制中的延时问题, 转子磁链观测一般具有观测精度不高、易受电机参数变化影响等问题, 运用中立型理论, 建立中立型感应电机观测模型, 提出一种基于中立型的转子磁链观测方法, 设计了中立型转子磁链观测器.该磁链观测器具有观测精度高、受电机参数变化影响小、鲁棒性好的优点, 通过建立精确的观测模型, 解决控制中延时问题对磁链观测精度的影响.对感应电机中立型磁链观测模型进行了稳定性分析.仿真和实验结果证明了所设计中立型转子磁链观测器的可行性和有效性.Abstract: For AC drive control system of the inductive motor, the model of flux observation is inaccurate, ignoring the delay problem in the control. The rotor flux observation generally has problems such as low observation accuracy and vulnerability to motor parameter variation. Neutral theory is used to establish neutral type observation model of induction motor, a neutral rotor flux observation method is proposed to design a neutral rotor flux observer. The flux observer has the advantages of high observation precision, small influence on motor parameter variation and good robustness. By establishing an accurate observation model, the influence of delay time in control on the accuracy of flux observation is solved. The stability analysis of the neutral flux observation model of the induction motor was carried out. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the designed neutral rotor flux observer.
Key words:
- Induction motor /
- neutral theory /
- linear matrix inequality (LMI) /
- flux linkage observation /
- observation accuracy
1) 本文责任编委 梅生伟 -
表 1 电机参数
Table 1 Motor parameters
参数 数值 额定功率$P_N$ /kW 4 额定电压$U_N$/V 380 额定频率$f_N$/Hz 50 额定电流$I_N$/A 8.8 定子电阻$R_s/{\rm \Omega}$ 1.405 定子电感$L_s$/mH 178 转子电阻$R_r/{\rm \Omega}$ 1.395 转子电感$L_r/$mH 178 定转子互感$L_m/$mH 172.2 极对数$n_p$ 2 额定转速$n/{\rm r}\cdot {\rm min}_{-1}$ 1 440 表 2 磁链观测误差
Table 2 Observation error of flux linkage
参数变化量 $-0.5R_r$ $+0.5R_r$ $-0.5L_r$ $+0.5L_r$ $\Delta\Psi_{r\alpha}$变化量$10^{-3}$/kW + 0.9 + 1.0 +1.5 +1.6 $\Delta\Psi_{r\alpha}$变化率 $\leq 5 %$ $\leq 8 %$ -
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