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张桂梅 孙晓旭 刘建新 储珺

张桂梅, 孙晓旭, 刘建新, 储珺. 基于分数阶微分的TV-L1光流模型的图像配准方法研究. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(12): 2213-2224. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160367
引用本文: 张桂梅, 孙晓旭, 刘建新, 储珺. 基于分数阶微分的TV-L1光流模型的图像配准方法研究. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(12): 2213-2224. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160367
ZHANG Gui-Mei, SUN Xiao-Xu, LIU Jian-Xin, CHU Jun. Research on TV-L1 Optical Flow Model for Image Registration Based on Fractional-order Differentiation. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(12): 2213-2224. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160367
Citation: ZHANG Gui-Mei, SUN Xiao-Xu, LIU Jian-Xin, CHU Jun. Research on TV-L1 Optical Flow Model for Image Registration Based on Fractional-order Differentiation. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(12): 2213-2224. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160367


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160367

国家自然科学基金 61462065

国家自然科学基金 61661036

江西省自然科学基金 20151BAB207036

江西省科技支撑计划重点项目 20161BBF60091


    张桂梅 南昌航空大学江西省图像处理与模式识别重点实验室教授.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 图像处理与模式识别.E-mail:guimei.zh@163.com

    孙晓旭 南昌航空大学江西省图像处理与模式识别重点实验室硕士研究生.主要研究方向为图像处理与计算机视觉.E-mail:sunxiaoxu@outlook.com

    储珺 南昌航空大学江西省图像处理与模式识别重点实验室教授.主要研究方向为图像处理与计算机视觉.E-mail:chujun99602@163.com


    刘建新 西华大学机械工程学院教授.主要研究方向为图像处理与机器视觉.本文通信作者.E-mail: jamson_liu@163.com

Research on TV-L1 Optical Flow Model for Image Registration Based on Fractional-order Differentiation


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61462065

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61661036

Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province 20151BAB207036

the Key Science and Technology Support Program of Jiangxi Province 20161BBF60091

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Professor at the Key Laboratory of Jiangxi Province for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Nanchang Hangkong University. Her research interest covers computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition

    Master student at the Key Laboratory of Jiangxi Province for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Nanchang Hangkong University. His research interest covers image processing and computer vision

    Professor at the Key Laboratory of Jiangxi Province for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Nanchang Hangkong University. Her research interest covers image processing and computer vision

    Corresponding author: LIU Jian-Xin Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xihua University. His research interest covers image processing and machine vision. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 图像的非刚性配准在计算机视觉和医学图像分析中有着重要的作用.TV-L1(全变分L1范数、Total variation-L1)光流模型是解决非刚性配准问题的有效方法,但TV-L1光流模型的正则项是一阶导数,会导致纹理特征等具有弱导数性质的信息模糊.针对该问题,将G-L(Grünwald-Letnikov)分数阶引入TV-L1光流模型,提出基于G-L分数阶微分的TV-L1光流模型,并应用原始-对偶算法求解该模型.新的模型用G-L分数阶微分代替正则项中的一阶导数,由于分数阶微分比整数阶微分具有更好的细节描述能力,并能有效地、非线性地保留具有弱导数性质的纹理特征,从而提高图像的配准精度.另外,通过实验给出了配准精度与G-L分数阶模板参数之间的关系,从而为模板最佳参数的选取提供了依据.尽管不同类型的图像其最佳参数是不同的,但是其最佳配准阶次一般在1 ~2之间.理论分析和实验结果均表明,提出的新模型能够有效地提高图像配准的精度,适合于包含较多弱纹理和弱边缘信息的医学图像配准,该模型是TV-L1光流模型的重要延伸和推广.
    1)  本文责任编委 张长水
  • 图  1  分数阶微分模板

    Fig.  1  Differential template

    图  2  迭代次数的选择

    Fig.  2  Choice of iteration number

    图  3  分数阶微分算子幅频特性曲线

    Fig.  3  The amplitude-frequency curve of fractional differentiator

    图  4  验图像(其中第一行为参考图像, 第二行为与参考图像对应的浮动图像)

    Fig.  4  Experimental images (The first line are reference images, the second line are floating images corresponding to reference images)

    图  5  Lena图像实验(第一行为浮动图像和配准后图像, 第二行为差值图像. (a)为浮动图像, (b) $\sim$ (e)为配准后的图像; (b) TV-L$^{1}$方法; (c)本文方法($\alpha=1.2, k=1$); (d)本文方法($\alpha=1.2, k=2$); (e)本文方法($\alpha=1.2, k=3$); (f) $\sim$ (j)分别为第一行图像与参考图像(图 4(a))的差值图像)

    Fig.  5  Lena image (The first line is floating image and registered image, the second line is difference image. (a) Floating image, (b) $\sim$ (e) are registered images, (b) TV-L$^{1}$, (c) Our method ($\alpha=1.2, k=1$), (d) Our method ($\alpha=1.2, k=2$), (e) Our method ($\alpha=1.2, k=3$), (f) $\sim$ (j) are difference images)

    图  6  配准精度与模板参数间的关系曲线

    Fig.  6  Curve between registration accuracy with mask parameters

    图  7  Brain1图像实验(第一行为浮动图像和配准后图像, 第二行为差值图像. (a)为浮动图像, (b) $\sim$ (e)为配准后的图像; (b) TV-L$^{1}$方法; (c)本文方法($\alpha=1.3, k=1$); (d)本文方法($\alpha=1.3, k=2$); (e)本文方法($\alpha=1.3, k=3$); (f) $\sim$ (j)分别为第一行图像与参考图像(图 4(b))的差值图像)

    Fig.  7  Brain1 image (The first line is floating image and registered image, the second line is difference image. (a) Floating image, (b) $\sim$ (e) are registered images, (b) TV-L$^{1}$, (c) Our method ($\alpha=1.3, k=1$), (d) Our method ($\alpha=1.3, k=2$), (e) Our method ($\alpha=1.3, k=3$), (f) $\sim$ (j) are difference images)

    图  8  Brain2图像实验(第一行为浮动图像和配准后图像, 第二行为差分图像. (a)为浮动图像, (b) $\sim$ (e)为配准后的图像; (b) TV-L$^{1}$方法; (c)本文方法($\alpha=1.3$, $k=1$); (d)本文方法($\alpha=1.3$, $k=2$); (e)本文方法($\alpha=1.3$, $k=3$); (f) $\sim$ (j)分别为第一行图像与参考图像(图 4(c))的差值图像)

    Fig.  8  Brain2 image. The first line is floating image and registered image, the second line is difference image ((a) floating image, (b) $\sim$ (e) are registered images, (b) TV-L$^{1}$, (c) Our method ($\alpha=1.3$, $k=1$), (d) Our method ($\alpha=1.3$, $k=2$), (e) Our method ($\alpha=1.3$, $k=3$), (f) $\sim$ (j) are difference images)

    表  1  参考图像和配准图像的均方误差(MSE)

    Table  1  Mean square error (MSE) of reference image and registered

    输入图片配准前TV-L $^{1}$本文算法($k$ = 1)本文算法($k$ = 2)本文算法($k$ = 3)
    Lena ($\alpha$ = 1.2)669.3314.8610.369.1711.56
    Brain1 ($\alpha$ = 1.3)295.8527.5118.2015.9320.22
    Brain2 ($\alpha$ = 1.3)813.7731.0211.479.9517.89
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    表  2  峰值信噪比(PSNR)

    Table  2  Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR)

    输入图片配准前TV-L $^{1}$本文算法($k$ = 1)本文算法($k$ = 2)本文算法($k$ = 3)
    Lena ($\alpha$ = 1.2)19.3235.5538.1838.8837.50
    Brain1 ($\alpha$ = 1.3)22.7833.7335.3436.1734.89
    Brain2 ($\alpha$ = 1.3)19.0331.2137.7338.1535.60
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