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粟傈 杨帆 王向禹 郭川东 童良乐 胡权

粟傈, 杨帆, 王向禹, 郭川东, 童良乐, 胡权. 基于事件相机的机器人感知与控制综述. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(8): 1869−1889 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210263
引用本文: 粟傈, 杨帆, 王向禹, 郭川东, 童良乐, 胡权. 基于事件相机的机器人感知与控制综述. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(8): 1869−1889 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210263
Su Li, Yang Fan, Wang Xiang-Yu, Guo Chuan-Dong, Tong Liang-Le, Hu Quan. A survey of robot perception and control based on event camera. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(8): 1869−1889 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210263
Citation: Su Li, Yang Fan, Wang Xiang-Yu, Guo Chuan-Dong, Tong Liang-Le, Hu Quan. A survey of robot perception and control based on event camera. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(8): 1869−1889 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210263


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210263
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11872011), 国防科工局稳定支持科研项目基金(HTKJ2020KL502013)资助

    粟傈:首都师范大学信息工程学院讲师. 分别于2011年和2017年获得北京航空航天大学学士和博士学位. 2013年 ~ 2015年为在法国南巴黎大学联合培养的博士研究生. 主要研究方向为类脑计算和机器人感知与控制. 本文通信作者. E-mail: li.su@cnu.edu.cn

    杨帆:首都师范大学信息工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为基于事件相机的目标检测. E-mail: yangfannie@cnu.edu.cn

    王向禹:首都师范大学信息工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为基于事件相机的目标识别与跟踪. E-mail: wangxiangyu@cnu.edu.cn

    郭川东:北京理工大学宇航学院博士研究生. 主要研究方向为复杂柔性航天器动力学、测量与控制. E-mail: guochuandong@bit.edu.cn

    童良乐:首都师范大学信息工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为类脑器件与电路设计. E-mail: kytll2021@163.com

    胡权:北京理工大学宇航学院副教授. 分别于2009年和2014年获北京航空航天大学学士和博士学位. 主要研究方向为多体系统动力学, 空间机器人感知与控制. E-mail: huquan@bit.edu.cn

A Survey of Robot Perception and Control Based on Event Camera

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11872011) and Stable Support of Scientific Research Projects by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (HTKJ2020KL502013)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    SU Li Lecturer at the College of Information Engineering, Capital Normal University. She received her bachelor degree and Ph.D. degree from Beihang University, in 2011 and 2017, respectively. From 2013 to 2015, she was a visiting Ph.D. student with the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France. Her research interest covers neuromorphic computing, perception and control of robot. Corresponding author of this paper

    YANG Fan Master student at the College of Information Engineering, Capital Normal University. Her main research interest is object detection based on event camera

    WANG Xiang-Yu Master student at the College of Information Engineering, Capital Normal University. His research interest covers object recognition and tracking based on event camera

    GUO Chuan-Dong Ph.D. candidate at the College of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interest covers attitude dynamics, measurement and control of complex flexible spacecraft

    TONG Liang-Le Master student at the College of Information Engineering, Capital Normal University. His research interest covers neuromorphic device and circuit design

    HU Quan Associate professor at the College of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology. He received his bachelor degree and Ph.D. degree from Beihang University in 2009, 2014, respectively. His research interest covers multibody dynamics, perception and control of space robot

  • 摘要: 事件相机作为一种新型动态视觉传感器, 通过各个像素点独立检测光照强度变化并异步输出“事件流”信号, 具有数据量小、延迟低、动态范围高等优秀特性, 给机器人控制带来新的可能. 本文主要介绍了近年来涌现的一系列事件相机与无人机、机械臂和人形机器人等机器人感知与运动控制结合的研究成果, 同时聚焦基于事件相机的控制新方法、新原理以及控制效果, 并指出基于事件相机的机器人控制的应用前景和发展趋势.
  • 图  1  本文结构图

    Fig.  1  Structure diagram of this paper

    图  2  旋转圆盘场景下帧相机与事件相机输出对比[2-3]. 帧相机在每一帧图像中记录全部像素点上的数据, 即使圆盘中大部分区域的信息是无用的; 事件相机仅记录圆盘中的黑点位置, 因此仅对运动的有效信息输出事件

    Fig.  2  Comparison of outputs between frame camera and event camera in rotating disc scene[2-3]. The frame camera records the data on all pixels in each frame image, even if the information in most areas of the disc is useless; The event camera only records the position of black spots in the disc, so it only outputs events for the effective information of motion

    图  3  DVS原理图

    Fig.  3  Schematic diagram of DVS

    图  4  实验环境[22]

    Fig.  4  Experimental environment[22]

    图  5  实验装置[24]

    Fig.  5  Experimental platform[24]

    图  6  无人机躲避高速运动物体的相关实验((a)无人机实验平台[26]; (b)真实无人机躲避两个飞行障碍物, 四旋翼无人机使用EVDodgeNet进行障碍物躲避, 其中无人机左右两侧的弧线轨迹为同时掷向无人机的两个障碍物, 中间的轨迹为无人机闪躲轨迹[27]; (c)神经网络架构图[27], 其中EVDeblurNet: 事件帧去噪网络, 在模拟数据集上进行训练就可推广到真实场景, 无需重新训练或者微调; EVHomographyNet: 单应性估计网络, 用于自我运动估计, 计算相机的自我运动. 第一个使用事件相机的单应性估计方案; EVSegFlowNet: 物体分割与光流计算网络, 该网络可分割场景中的运动物体并获取其光流信息)

    Fig.  6  Experiments of UAV avoiding high-speed moving obstacles ((a) UAV experimental platform[26]; (b) The real UAV avoids two flying obstacles, and the quadrotor UAV uses EVDodgeNet to avoid obstacles, in which the arc trajectory on left and right sides of the UAV is two obstacles thrown at the same time, and the middle trajectory is the UAV dodge trajectory[27]; (c) Neural network architecture diagram[27], in which EVDeblurNet: event frame denoising network, which can be extended to real scenes by training on simulated datasets without retraining or fine tuning; EVHomographyNet: homography estimation network, which is used to estimate self-motion and calculate self-motion of camera. The first homography estimation scheme using event camera; EVSegFlowNet: an object segmentation and optical flow computing network, which can segment moving objects in the scene and obtain their optical flow information)

    图  7  无人机垂直降落实验装置[35]

    Fig.  7  Experimental device for vertical landing of UAV[35]

    图  8  处理步骤以及抓取场景[41]

    Fig.  8  Processing steps and capture scene of reference[41]

    图  9  实验装置的俯视图和侧视图[42]

    Fig.  9  Top view and side view of the experimental device[42]

    图  10  夹持器及网络示意图[45]

    Fig.  10  Schematic diagram of gripper and network[45]

    图  11  人形机器人事件视觉系统

    Fig.  11  Event vision system of humanoid robot

    图  12  前馈分类系统的结构[65]

    Fig.  12  Structure of feedforward classification system[65]

    图  13  篮球得分检测框架[68]

    Fig.  13  Basketball score detection framework[68]

    图  14  两层脉冲神经网络结构示意图[74]

    Fig.  14  Schematic diagram of two-layer spiking neural network structure[74]

    图  15  步态模仿系统结构示意图[76]

    Fig.  15  Schematic diagram of gait simulation system[76]

    图  16  铅笔倒立平衡控制系统: 两台DVS事件相机进行线检测(右上角及左下角), 左上角运动平台由中间两部伺服电机驱动[81]

    Fig.  16  Photo of balancer hardware: 2 DVS (right top and bottom left), the motion table (top left) actuated by two servos (center)[81]

    图  17  Summit XL机器人追踪实验[82]

    Fig.  17  Summit XL robot tracking experiment[82]

    图  18  技术发展脉络图 (横轴为感知技术分类, 负横轴为基于事件帧的图像感知算法, 正横轴为基于异步事件流的感知算法; 纵轴为控制技术分类, 正纵轴为基于目标特征的运动规划与控制的传统方法, 负纵轴为基于异步事件流的新型控制算法,其中使用相似技术路线的文献处于同一象限, 标注是根据机器人类型进行分类并按时间顺序排列, 虚线内文献只涉及基于事件相机的感知技术)

    Fig.  18  Development venation map of technology (The horizontal axis is the classification of perception technology, the negative horizontal axis is the image perception algorithm based on event frame, and the positive horizontal axis is the perception algorithm based on asynchronous event stream. The vertical axis is the classification of control technology, the positive vertical axis is the traditional method of motion planning and control based on object features, and the negative vertical axis is a new control algorithm based on asynchronous event stream. The literatures using similar technical routes are in the same quadrant, and the labels are classified according to robot types and arranged in chronological order. The literatures in the dotted line only involve the sensing technology based on event cameras)

    表  1  几种事件相机的性能比较表

    Table  1  Performance comparison table of several event cameras

    文献事件相机型号产品年份分辨率 (pixel)最高动态范围 (dB)功耗 (mW)延迟 (μs)像素大小 (μm2)
    [10]DVS1282008128×128120132 ~ 2311240 × 40
    [17]DVS128020201280×9601201504.95 × 4.95
    [15]ATIS2011304×24014350 ~ 175330 × 30
    [19]DAVIS2402014240×1801305 ~ 141218.5 × 18.5
    [20]DAVIS3462018346×26012010 ~ 1702018.5 × 18.5
    [21]CeleX-V20191280×800120390 ~ 47089.8 × 9.8
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    表  2  无人机部分实验场景

    Table  2  Experimental scenarios of UAV

    [2]Parrot AR.Drone 2.0DVSOdroid U2 onboard computerHough 变换跟踪速度高达 1200°/s
    [22]DVSStandard PC卡尔曼滤波, Lie-EKF 公式跟踪速度超过 2.5 m/s,
    加速度超过 25.8 g
    [24]组装DAVIS 240CIntel Upboard Lumenier F4
    AIO flight controller
    Hough 变换, 卡尔曼滤波跟踪速度高达 1600°/s
    [27]Intel Aero Ready to
    Fly Drone
    DAVIS 240C
    DAVIS 240B
    NVIDIA TX2 CPU+GPU浅层神经网络碰撞预测时间 60 ms
    [37]定制 MavTecDVS128Lisa/MX Odroid XU4聚类, 光流算法
    [25]组装双目 DVS 128Odroid U3 quad-core computer高斯核函数, 卡尔曼滤波碰撞预测时间 250 ms
    [26]基于 DJI F330 定制Insigthness SEEM1Intel Upboard Lumenier F4
    AIO flight controller
    DBSCAN 聚类, 光流算法碰撞预测时间 68 ms (2 m 处)
    183 ms (3 m 处)
    [28]定制Insightness SEEM1Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight
    NVIDIA Jetson TX2
    DBSCAN 聚类, 光流
    算法, 卡尔曼滤波
    碰撞预测时间 3.5 ms
    [35]基于 DJI F450DAVIS 346PixRacer Khadas VIM3Hough 变换, 卡尔曼滤波规划时间 2.95 ms
    [39]Parrot Bebop2Dual-core ARM cortex A9 processor.脉冲神经网络, 光流算法神经形态控制器效果良好
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    表  3  部分基于事件相机的实验设备

    Table  3  Experimental equipment based on event camera

    [43]Prophesee Gen3, NeuTouch7 DOF Franka Emika Panda arm事件流 + SNN
    [42]DAVIS240CBaxter robot arm事件帧
    [45]DAVIS240CAX-12A Dynamixel servo motor事件帧 + DNN
    [46]DAVIS240C, ATI F/T sensor (Nano17)Baxter robot arm事件帧 + CNN
    [47]DAVIS240C, ATI F/T sensor (Nano17)Baxter robot daul-arm事件帧
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