Analyzing Intellectual Structure of Related Topics to Blockchain and Bitcoin: From Co-citation Clustering and Bibliographic Coupling Perspectives
摘要: 区块链与比特币作为当前一种重要的新兴技术和数字货币,随着相关应用的拓展,一些理论和应用问题开始得到更多的关注.近年来,区块链和比特币的相关概念已经逐渐扩散到其他的学术领域.但是,对区块链和比特币相关主题的知识结构(Intellectual structure),包括知识基础(Intellectual base)和研究前沿(Research front)的探讨较少,定量化研究基本为空白.本文通过对Web of Science数据库收录的相关文献进行计量分析,并结合科学图谱分析工具,以较为直观的方式,部分呈现了区块链与比特币相关主题的知识结构,其中包括以共被引聚类分析呈现的知识基础和以耦合聚类分析和关键词共现分析呈现的研究前沿.对于推进区块链和比特币相关主题的知识扩散,以及对未来区块链和比特币的相关学术研究具有一定的参考价值.Abstract: As an emerging technology and an important digital currency, blockchain and bitcoin have attracted more and more attention from diversified researchers for the past three years. Actually, the conceptual framework of blockchain and bitcoin has increasingly diffused into other research and application areas. Therefore, to analyze the intellectual structure of the related topics to bitcoin and blockchain sounds significant and valuable. However, the relevant research literature based on the bibliometrics keeps the blank. In this paper, co-citation clustering and bibliographic coupling are utilized to analyze and present the intellectual structure. The related result of analysis could be valuable for the next relevant exploration.1) 本文责任编委 袁勇
表 1 不同组合检索式实验结果一览表
Table 1 The different experiments of literature retrieving
序号 组合检索式 文献数量 文献类型分布 1 TS = (“blockchain*”)索引= SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, CPCI-S, 30 会议论文: 21 CPCI-SSH, CCR-EXPANDED, IC时间跨度= 1986~2016 期刊论文: 2 2 TS = (“blockchain*”) NOT TS = (“bitcoin*”)索引= 4 会议论文: 2 SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, 期刊论文: 2 CCR-EXPANDED, IC时间跨度= 1986~2016 3 TS = (“blockchain*” OR “bitcoin*” OR “proof of work” OR 264 会议论文: 158 “Ethereum*” OR “crypto-currenc*” OR “digital currenc*”) 期刊论文: 70 索引= SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, CCR-EXPANDED, IC时间跨度= 1986~2016 4 TS = (“bitcoin*” OR “proof of work” OR “Ethereum*” 234 会议论文: 137 OR “crypto-currenc*” OR “digital currenc*”) 期刊论文: 68 NOT TS = “blockchain*” 索引= SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, CCR-EXPANDED, IC时间跨度= 1986~2016 5 TS = (“blockchain*” OR ”bitcoin*” OR ”proof of work” 221 会议论文: 158 OR “Ethereum*” OR ”crypto-currenc*” 期刊论文: 70 OR “digital currenc*”) 精炼依据:文献类型: (PROCEEDINGS PAPER OR ARTICLE) 索引= SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, CCR-EXPANDED, IC时间跨度= 1986~2016 表 2 文献占比最高的前5个国家(地区)
Table 2 Top 5 countries or territories of the literature proportion
国家 论文数量 占比(%) 4 美国 63 28.64 4 英国 23 10.45 4 德国 21 9.55 4 瑞士 10 4.55 4 印度 9 4.09 4 中国 9 4.09 4 西班牙 9 4.09 4 表 3 文献占比最高的前10个科目(Category of WOS)
Table 3 Top 10 categories of WOS ordered by the proportion of literature
WOS的科目 论文数量 占比(%) 学科方向 Computer science theory methods 113 51.36 计算机科学 Computer science information systems 93 42.27 计算机科学 Computer science interdisciplinary applications 39 17.73 计算机科学 Engineering electrical electronic 29 13.18 工程(电气) Computer science software engineering 28 12.73 工程(软件) Computer science hardware architecture 25 11.36 计算机科学 Economics 15 6.82 经济学 Computer science artificial intelligence 12 5.46 计算机科学 Telecommunications 12 5.46 通信 Business finance 11 5.00 金融 Multidisciplinary sciences 9 4.09 综合 表 4 共引网络聚类的文献规模前10的簇
Table 4 Top 10 clusters ordered by size in co-citation clustering
ID 文献数量 轮廓系数 主题(Log-likelihood ration, LLR) 主题(TF-IDF加权) 0 67 0.823 mining pool; bitcoin ecosystem; rational zero; bitcoins bitcoin protocol 1 41 0.962 client puzzle; dos attack; denial; cryptography computational power 2 37 1.000 set-up assumption; unified framework; a unified framework for concurrent concurrent secure computation-both security:universal composability from stand-alone non-malleability 3 34 0.999 transaction prefixe; the case for public work human behaviour offer; empirical inquiry 4 32 0.976 storage complexity; difficulty notions; constructing peer-to-peer system; storage complexity storage-enforcing commitment scheme 5 28 0.965 effective method; rejection notice; spam-combating system compromising party 7 24 0.998 hidden internet service; silk road silk road; online media 6 24 0.982 potential attack; several month; proof-of-work advanced bot 9 23 0.957 transaction prefixe; fairnet -how to counter free riding human behaviour offer; in peer-to-peer data structures empirical inquiry 8 23 0.937 bread pudding protocol; application; work security protocol; untrusted computational device 10 22 1.000 business process; security intent; secure business process modelling; business process expert SOA system 11 21 1.000 electronic payment system; multi-analyses electronic broad classes; payment system encryption method 表 5 图 2中共被引频次(Frequency of co-citation)最高的10篇文献
Table 5 Top 10 articles with high frequency of co-citation in Fig. 2
序号 论文 频次 1 Nakamoto S. Bitcoin:a peer-to-peer electronic cash system [Online], 62 available:https: //, 2008. 2 Ron D. Shamir A. Quantitative Analysis of the Full Bitcoin Transaction Graph. 24 LNCS, 2013, vol. 7859(3-4): 6-24. 3 Reid F, Harrigan M. An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System. 23 IEEE Third International Conference on Privacy, 2013, vol.1, 1318-1326. 4 Barber S, Boyen X, Shi E, et al. Bitter to Better — How to Make Bitcoin a Better 23 Currency, LNCS, 2012, 7397: 399-414. 5 Meiklejohn S, Pomarole M, Jordan G, et al. A fistful of bitcoins:characterizing payments 22 among men with no names. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Internet Measurement Conference, 2013, vol. 1, 127-140. 6 Ober M, Katzenbeisser S, Hamacher K. Structure and Anonymity of the Bitcoin 17 Transaction Graph. Future Internet, 2013, 5(2): 237-250. 7 Androulaki E, Karame G, Roeschlin M, et al. Evaluating User Privacy in Bitcoin. 16 LNCS, 2013, 7859: 34-51. 8 Moore T, Christin N. Beware the Middleman:Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin-Exchange 14 Risk. LNCS, 2013, 7859: 25-33. 9 Miers I, Garman C, Green M, Rubin AD. Zerocoin:Anonymous Distributed E-Cash 10 from Bitcoin. Security and Privacy, 2013: 397-411. 10 Christin N. Traveling the silk road:a measurement analysis of a large anonymous online 10 marketplace. International Conference on World Wide Web, 2012, 2(3): 293-304. 表 6 相关文献的耦合聚类分析结果表(文献规模排名前5)
Table 6 Top 5 clusters of bibliographic coupling analysis
ID 文献数量 轮廓系数 主题(Log-likelihood ration, LLR) 主题(TF-IDF加权) 0 21 0.984 carbon emission; trading infrastructure model | bitcoins cryptocurrency system; using p2p network traffic 1 20 0.991 renewable energy; empirical analysis | bitcoin network smart grid; difficulty control 2 18 0.97 bitcoin-based transaction rating system; weird trick peer-to-peer affine commitment; algorithmic trading 3 17 0.935 bitcoin ecosystem; empirical analysis | bitcoins conjoint analysis; future online banking service 4 17 0.972 adaptive identity management; cloudlet-based multi-lateral resource certified bitcoin; exchange framework | bitcoin making puzzle 5 15 0.979 virtual currencies; denial new phenomenon; financial market 序号 论文 中心性 1 Donet JAD, Pérez-Solà C, Herrera-Joancomar J. The Bitcoin P2P Network. The Workshop 1.12 on Bitcoin Research, 2014, 8438: 87$-$102. 2 Wang LQ, Liu Y. Exploring Miner Evolution in Bitcoin Network. LNCS, 2015, 0.87 8995:290$-$302. 3 Ron D, Shamir A.How Did Dread Pirate Roberts Acquire and Protect his Bitcoin 0.8 Wealth? LNCS, 2014, 8438:3$-$15. 4 Dev JA. Bitcoin mining acceleration and performance quantification. IEEE 27th Canadian 0.6 Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2014, vol.1, 1$-$6. 5 Bamert T, Decker C, Elsen L, et al. Have a Snack, Pay with Bitcoins. IEEE Thirteenth 0.51 International Conference on Peer-to-peer Computing, 2013, 19(17): 1$-$5. 6 Meiklejohn S, Orlandi C. Privacy-Enhancing Overlays in Bitcoin. LNCS, 2015, 0.49 8976:127$-$141. 7 Herrera-Joancomarti J. Research and Challenges on Bitcoin Anonymity. LNCS, 2015, 0.36 9229:163$-$180. 8 Novak M, Skalak P. Virtual currencies. International Scientific Conference on Knowledge 0.34 for Market Use ---Women in Business in the Past and Present, 2015, vol. 1, 880$-$887. 9 Vasek, Marie, Moore, Tyler. There$'$s No Free Lunch, Even Using Bitcoin:Tracking the 0.33 Popularity and Profits of Virtual Currency Scams. LNCS, 2015, 8975:44$-$61. 10 Sapuric S, Kokkinaki A. Bitcoin Is Volatile! Isn$'$t that Right? Lecture Notes in Business 0.19 Information Processing, 2014, 183:255$-$265. 表 8 共现频次和节点中心性排名前10的关键词
Table 8 Top 10 keywords ordered by frequency of co-occurrence and centrality
序号 共现频次 节点中心性 关键词 序号 节点中心性 共现频次 关键词 1 75 0.62 bitcoin 1 0.62 75 bitcoin 2 23 0.5 cryptocurrency 2 0.5 23 cryptocurrency 3 14 0.38 proof-of-work 3 0.41 11 money 4 13 0.3 security 4 0.38 14 proof-of-work 5 11 0.41 money 5 0.3 13 security 6 10 0.22 digital; currency 6 0.22 10 digital currency 7 8 0.1 anonymity 7 0.21 5 attack 8 7 0.06 blockchain 8 0.16 2 e cash 8 7 0.02 virtual; currency 9 0.15 1 financial; investment 9 6 0.12 privacy 10 0.14 3 silk road 9 6 0.03 cryptography 10 0.14 1 money laundering 10 5 0.21 attack -
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