Recent Progress and Challenges of Robotic Lower-limb Prostheses for Human-robot Integration
摘要: 智能动力下肢假肢在残疾人生活中起着越来越重要的作用.解决人-智能假肢-环境融合中的关键科学问题是实现假肢穿戴者安全、流畅运动的必要条件.本文针对此问题,综述了面向人机融合的智能动力下肢假肢研究,包括智能动力下肢假肢的仿生结构和控制方法、人体运动意图识别、复杂环境下的人-智能假肢融合、以及用于下肢假肢的感知替代和反馈,深入探讨了智能动力下肢假肢人机融合研究中所面临的挑战和问题,最后,本文对该领域的未来发展方向进行了展望和总结.Abstract: Robotic lower-limb prosthesis plays an increasingly important role in amputees' daily activities. One of the key programs in this research area is the human-prosthesis-environment interaction, and its solution is a crucial step towards reliable and smooth motions of the amputee wearing a robotic prosthesis in practical applications. In this paper, we overview the state-of-the-art of the robotic lower-limb prosthesis in the context of human-prosthesis-environment interaction. The overview includes bio-inspired mechanical structure design, control strategy, human intenting recognition, human-prosthesis interaction in complex environments, and sensory substitution for human-in-loop control. At last, existing challenges and future directions are discussed.1) 本文责任编委 王卫群
图 1 智能动力下肢假肢((a) MIT智能动力小腿假肢[2]; (b)智能动力小腿假肢Odyssey[21]; (c)储能小腿假肢AMP-foot 2.0[5]; (d)含膝、踝关节的智能动力大腿假肢[24]; (e)含踝、趾关节的智能动力假肢PANTOE[6]; (f)智能动力小腿假肢PKU-RoboTPro[7])
Fig. 1 Robotic lower-limb prostheses ((a) MIT powered ankle-foot prosthesis[2]; (b) Odyssey[21]; (c) AMP-foot 2.0[5]; (d) Vanderbilt powered lower-limb prosthesis[24]; (e) PANTOE[6]; (f) PKU-RoboTPro[7])
图 3 基于sEMG运动意图识别研究((a)残疾人穿戴智能动力小腿假肢, 通过sEMG主动控制在不同角度的斜坡上行走[34]; (b)大腿肌肉重定向手术示意图(上), 重定向手术后通过收缩大腿肌肉来反映踝关节的跖屈和背屈[37])
Fig. 3 Human intent recognition based on sEMG signals ((a) sEMG-based volitional control of robotic transtibial prosthesis, and the amputee walks on ramps with different angles[34]; (b) Target muscle reinnervation (TMR)(upper half), sEMG signals of ankle dorsiflexion and ankle plantarflexion through TMR muscles (bottom half)[37])
图 4 基于非接触式电容传感的运动意图识别((a)非接触式电容传感在小腿假肢上测量原理示意图; (b)基于非接触式电容传感的运动意图识别研究,与小腿智能动力假肢穿戴示意图)
Fig. 4 Lower-limb motion intent recognition based on noncontact capacitive sensing ((a) The sensing principle of noncontact capacitive sensing on transtibial prosthesis; (b) A study on noncontact capacitive sensing based locomotion transition recognition with robotic prosthesis, and its placement on human body)
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