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吕茂隆 丁晨博 韩浩然 段海滨

吕茂隆, 丁晨博, 韩浩然, 段海滨. 基于深度强化学习的无人机自主感知-规划-控制策略. 自动化学报, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240639
引用本文: 吕茂隆, 丁晨博, 韩浩然, 段海滨. 基于深度强化学习的无人机自主感知-规划-控制策略. 自动化学报, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240639
Lv Mao-Long, Ding Chen-Bo, Han Hao-Ran, Duan Hai-Bin. Autonomous perception-planning-control strategy based on deep reinforcement learning for unmanned aerial vehicles. Acta Automatica Sinica, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240639
Citation: Lv Mao-Long, Ding Chen-Bo, Han Hao-Ran, Duan Hai-Bin. Autonomous perception-planning-control strategy based on deep reinforcement learning for unmanned aerial vehicles. Acta Automatica Sinica, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240639


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240639 cstr: 32138.14.j.aas.c240639
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62303489, GKJJ24050502, 62350048, T2121003), 博士后面上基金(2022M723877), 博士后特别资助(2023T160790), 中国博士后国际交流引进计划(YJ20220347), 陕西省青年人才托举工程(20220101), 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(2024JC-YBQN-0668)资助

    吕茂隆:空军工程大学副教授, 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学博士. 主要研究方向为集群无人机协同打击、有人-无人智能空战. 本文通信作者. E-mail: maolonglv@163.com

    丁晨博:空军工程大学研究生院博士研究生. 主要研究方向为智能无人作战, 有人-无人协同作战和集群无人机协同打击. E-mail: chenbo_ding2024@163.com

    韩浩然:电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院博士研究生. 主要研究方向为强化学习技术与应用. E-mail: hanadam@163.com

    段海滨:北京航空航天大学教授. 主要研究方向为基于仿生智能的无人机自主控制研究. E-mail: hbduan@buaa.edu.cn

Autonomous Perception-Planning-Control Strategy Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(62303489, GKJJ24050502, 62350048, T2121003), Post-Doctoral Foundation(2022M723877), Post-Doctoral Special Grant(2023T160790), China Post-Doctoral International Exchange Introduction Program(YJ20220347), Shaanxi Provincial Youth Talent Promotion Project(20220101), and Shaanxi Natural Science Basic Research Program (2024JC-YBQN-0668)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LV Mao-Long Associate professor at Air Force Engineering University, Doctorate from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. His research interest covers cooperative strike of swarming unmanned aerial vehicles and intelligent air combat between manned and unmanned systems. Corresponding author of this paper

    DING Chen-Bo Ph.D. candidate at the Graduate School of Air Force Engineering University. His research interest covers intelligent unmanned combat, man-unmanned cooperative combat and coordinated strike by clustered unmanned aerial vehicles

    HAN Hao-Ran Ph.D. candidate at the School of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology. His main research interest is reinforcement learning techniques and applications

    DUAN Hai-Bin Professor at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His main research interest is the autonomous control of UAV based on bionic intelligence

  • 摘要: 近年来, 随着深度强化学习方法快速发展, 其在无人机自主导航上的应用也受到越来越广泛地关注. 然而, 面对复杂未知的环境, 现存的基于深度强化学习的无人机自主导航算法常受限于对全局信息的依赖和特定训练环境的约束, 极大地限制了其在各种场景当中的应用潜力. 为了解决上述问题, 提出了多尺度输入用于平衡感受野与状态维度, 以及截断操作来使智能体能够在扩张后的环境中运行. 此外, 构建了自主感知-规划-控制架构, 赋予无人机在多样复杂环境中自主导航的能力.
  • 图  1  算法训练障碍物环境观察图

    Fig.  1  Algorithm training obstacle environment observation map

    图  2  感知状态覆盖空间表示

    Fig.  2  Perceptual state coverage space representation

    图  3  不同截断操作示意图

    Fig.  3  Illustrations of different truncation operations

    图  4  自主导航技术框架

    Fig.  4  Autonomous navigation technology framework

    图  5  不同尺度输入下导航性能图

    Fig.  5  Navigation performance maps at different scales of input

    图  6  任务一导航情况对比图

    Fig.  6  Task 1 navigation situation comparison chart

    图  7  不同截断参数下导航性能图

    Fig.  7  Navigation performance charts for different truncation parameters

    图  8  截断效果展示图

    Fig.  8  The diagram showing the cutting effect

    图  9  基于深度强化学习的自主导航技术导航效果展示图

    Fig.  9  A demonstration of the navigation performance based on deep reinforcement learning-based autonomous navigation technology

    图  10  基于A*算法的自主导航技术导航效果展示图

    Fig.  10  A* algorithm-based autonomous navigation technology demonstration map for navigation effect

    图  11  决策短视问题情况图

    Fig.  11  Graph of short-sighted decision-making problems

    图  12  轨迹震荡问题情况图

    Fig.  12  Graph of trajectory oscillation problem

    表  1  Double DQN算法伪代码

    Table  1  Pseudocode for Double DQN algorithm

    算法1. 用于无人机路径规划的Double DQN
    输入. 环境$\tilde X$, 初始化网络参数α
    1: 对于每一轮训练episode = 1, 2,... 执行以下代码:
    2:   初始化无人机的出发位置${\tilde p_\text{init}} \sim U({\tilde M_\text{free}})$
    3:   初始化无人机的目标位置${\tilde p_\text{d}} \sim U({\tilde M_\text{free}}/{\tilde p_\text{init}})$
    4:   对于每一刻时间 = 0, 1,... 执行以下代码:
    5:    在概率$\varepsilon $下, 均匀随机选择动作at = U(A)
    6:    否则, 选择动作at = arg max Q(st, a)
    7:    执行动作at, 同时获取下一时刻状态和奖励st + 1, rt
    8:    将本次轨迹(st, at, st + 1, rt)放入经验回放缓冲区D
    9:    随机均匀采集N条轨迹(st, at, st + 1, rt), 满足1 ≤ iN
    10:    对于每一条轨迹, 使用式(7)的损失函数更新主网络参数α
    11:    每C次训练步数使用主网络参数更新目标网络参数$\hat \alpha \leftarrow \alpha $
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    表  2  无人机自主导航技术伪代码

    Table  2  Pseudocode for Drone Autonomous Navigation Technology

    算法2. 无人机自主导航技术
    输入. 环境$X$, 网络参数$\alpha $, 无人机初始位置${p_\text{init}}$, 期望位置${p_\text{d}}$
    1: 初始化感知、规划和飞行控制时间${t^\text{sense}}$, ${t^\text{plan}}$和${t^\text{control}}$为零
    2: 初始化体素环境空间$\tilde X$为无障碍物空间
    3: 判定无人机未到达目标位置时, 即$\parallel p - {p_d}{\parallel _2}$, 执行以下代码:
    4:   执行路径规划及轨迹优化模块:
    5:    初始化离散路径点$\tilde P = \left[ {{{\tilde p}_0}} \right]$, 初始位置${\tilde p_0} = \rm{floor}(p/2\tilde d)$
    6:    对于每一刻时间$t = 0,\; 1,\; \ldots ,\; x - 1$, 执行以下代码:
    7:       利用网络参数$\alpha $选择动作${a_t} = \arg \max Q({s_t},\; a)$
    8:       在体素环境中执行动作${a_t}$
    9:       更新离散路径点$\tilde P.\text{append}({\tilde p_{t + 1}})$
    10:    使用式(13)进行飞行轨迹优化$\Gamma $
    11:    更新飞行控制时间为零, 即${t^\text{control}} = 0$
    12:  更新规划时间${t^\text{plan}} + = \Delta t$
    13:  当判定满足环境感知条件$\text{mod} ({T^\text{sense}},\; {t^\text{sense}}) = = 0$时:
    14:    获取新的障碍物环境${\tilde M'_\text{obs}}$
    15:    当判定原感知障碍物环境与规划路径冲突${\tilde M_{{\rm{obs}}}} \cap \tilde P \ne \emptyset $时:
    16:      设定规划时间为零, 即${t^\text{plan}} = 0$
    17:    更新障碍物环境${\tilde M_\text{obs}} = {\tilde M_{obs}} \cup {\tilde M'_{obs}}$
    18:  更新感知时间${t^\text{sense}} + = \Delta t$
    19:  当判定满足轨迹优化条件${t^\text{control}} = = 0$时:
    20:    重新进行飞行轨迹优化$\Gamma $
    21:  产生PWM信号
    22:  更新飞行控制时间${t^\text{control}} + = \Delta t$
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    表  3  迭代训练后不同尺度输入下智能体导航性能

    Table  3  Navigation performance of agents under different scale inputs after iterative training

    成功率(%) 碰撞率(%) 失效率(%) 路径长度(m)
    尺度I状态 89.61% 0.02% 10.37% 8.73
    尺度II状态 88.25% 0.72% 11.03% 8.79
    尺度III状态 0.51% 17.66% 81.83% 11.56
    多尺度状态 97.19% 0.08% 2.74% 8.62
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    表  4  不同体素环境下的导航性能

    Table  4  Navigation performance in different voxel environments

    成功率(%) 碰撞率(%) 失效率(%) 路径长度(m)
    训练环境 97.19% 0.08% 2.74% 8.62
    测试环境(未采取截断操作) 77.20% 6.52% 16.29% 20.30
    测试环境(采取截断操作) 96.93% 0.17% 2.89% 21.90
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    表  5  A*算法与DRL路径规划器导航情况对比

    Table  5  Comparison of A* algorithm with DRL path planner navigation

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