Phase transition Control of UAV Swarm Based on Bird-inspired Self-propulsion Mechanism
摘要: 针对无人机集群的运动相态转换问题, 提出了一种基于仿鸟群自推进粒子模型的无人机集群相变控制方法. 首先, 从鸟群运动行为中获得启发, 通过设计速度保持项和势能梯度项构建仿鸟群运动模型, 并设计相变控制项模拟巢穴对鸟群的吸引, 以实现集群在不同相态之间的转换. 然后, 讨论了集群在设计的相变控制律作用下的运动相态, 证明无人机集群能够实现两种稳定的运动相态并进行相互转换. 最后, 仿真验证了集群存在的两种稳定运动构型, 所提出相变控制律能够实现两种集群运动相态的互相转换.Abstract: A phase transition control method for UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) swarms based on the bird-inspired self-propelled particle model has been proposed. Firstly, inspired from bird flock behavior, a bird-like motion model is constructed by designing a velocity maintenance term and a potential gradient term, and a phase transition control term is designed to simulate the attraction of the nest to the flock to achieve transition between different phases. Subsequently, the motion modalities of the swarm under the designed phase transition control law were discussed, demonstrating that the UAV swarm is capable of achieving two stable motion phases and reversible transition between them. Ultimately, simulations proved the existence of two stable motion phases within the swarm, and the proposed phase transition control protocol was validated to enable mutual transitions between the two motion phases.
图 7 集群相态转换结果. (a)集群序参量变化情况(第1、2条垂直虚线之间和第3、4条垂直虚线之间为相变控制项不为0的时间段. 第3、4条虚线由于距离过近在显示上略有重合, 在小图中进行了放大); (b) ~ (f) $t=180,\;205,\;300,\;405,\;500\;\text{s} $时的集群运动相态
Fig. 7 Results of phase transition. (a) Order parameter in phase transition process. (b) ~ (f) Group motion phase at $ t=180,\;205,\;300,\;405,\;500\;\text{s}$
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