Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control for Asynchronous Motor Based on Rotor Flux Online Identification
摘要: 研究了基于磁链在线辨识的异步电机超螺旋滑模控制问题. 针对异步电机, 设计了一种改进的超螺旋滑模速度控制器 (Improved super-twisting sliding mode speed controller, IMSTSMC), 提升了系统的动态响应性能. 为抑制算法中符号函数高频切换所引起的系统抖振问题, 构造了一种可变指数切换函数. 进一步地, 考虑到转子磁链受惯性延迟的影响, 设计了磁链在线观测器 (Flux online observer, FOO), 可辨识转子磁链幅值, 提升系统的控制精度和参数鲁棒性. 数值仿真和实验结果验证了所提算法的可行性和有效性.Abstract: The problem of super-twisting sliding mode control for asynchronous motor based on rotor flux online identification is studied. In order to enhance the dynamic response performance of the system, an improved super-twisting sliding mode speed controller (IMSTSMC) is designed for the asynchronous motor. To suppress the system chattering problem caused by the high-frequency switching of the sign function in the algorithm, a variable exponent switching function is constructed. Furthermore, considering the influence of the inertia delay on the rotor flux, a flux online observer (FOO) is designed to identify the rotor flux amplitude, which boosts the control accuracy and parameter robustness of the system. Numerical simulations and experimental results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
表 1 异步电机基本参数
Table 1 Basic parameters of asynchronous motor
参数 数值 额度功率$ \rm (kW) $ 5.5000 额度转速$ \rm (r/min) $ 1455 定子电阻$ (\Omega) $ 0.6930 转子电阻$ (\Omega) $ 0.5850 定子漏感$ \rm (H) $ 0.0018 转子漏感$ \rm (H) $ 0.0018 转动惯量$ \rm (kg{\cdot }m^{2}) $ 0.0233 极对数 2 表 2 IMSTSMC-FOO参数
Table 2 Parameters of IMSTSMC-FOO
参数 数值 调节系数$ \lambda $ 35 调节比例系数$ k $ 5 调节系数$ \alpha $ 2 可调节指数$ m $ 0.2 调节系数$ K $ 1 阻尼系数$ \xi $ 100 中心频率$ \omega_{c1} $ 1 截止频率$ \omega_{c2} $ 100 表 3 三种控制方案下的阶跃转速控制性能表
Table 3 The performance table of step response speed control under three control
控制方式 收敛时间(s) 超调量(%) 转速波动(r/min) PI 5.722 3.040 ±3.0 STSMC 5.510 0.653 ±3.0 IMSTSMC-FOO 5.276 0.039 ±1.0 表 4 三种控制方案下的突变转速控制性能表
Table 4 The performance table of sudden speed control under three control schemes
控制方式 收敛时间(s) 超调量(%) 转速波动(r/min) 第一段 PI 4.028 5.493 ±2.0 STSMC 3.658 1.178 ±2.0 IMSTSMC-FOO 3.420 0.067 ±1.5 第二段 PI 9.516 1.347 ±3.0 STSMC 9.284 0.544 ±4.0 IMSTSMC-FOO 9.013 0.096 ±1.5 第三段 PI 14.741 2.184 ±2.5 STSMC 14.548 0.774 ±2.0 IMSTSMC-FOO 14.405 0.055 ±1.0 第四段 PI 20.117 12.992 ±1.5 STSMC 20.193 14.167 ±1.5 IMSTSMC-FOO 19.972 1.128 ±1.0 表 5 三种控制方案下的突增负载转速控制性能表
Table 5 The performance table of sudden load increase speed control under three control schemes
控制方式 收敛时间(s) 掉落量(r/min) PI 0.241 33.7 STSMC 0.219 29.2 IMSTSMC-FOO 0.184 23.1 -
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