Cooperative Optimal Output Regulation Under Quantized Communication Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming
摘要: 本文考虑了量化通信下多智能体系统的协同最优输出调节问题. 为了降低通信负担, 本文利用取整量化器将智能体之间传输的浮点数数据转化为整数, 从而减少通信信道中传输数据的比特数. 通过将量化器引入到编码-解码方案中, 设计了分布式量化观测器, 保证了在量化通信下, 每个跟随者对外部系统状态的估计误差渐近收敛至零. 在此基础上, 在多智能体系统动态未知的情况下, 提出基于自适应动态规划的数据驱动算法, 在线学习次优控制策略, 解决协同最优输出调节问题, 保证每个跟随者的输出信号渐近跟踪参考信号, 并抑制由外部系统产生的干扰信号. 最后, 在智能车联网自适应巡航控制系统上进行了仿真实验并验证了所提方法的有效性. 结果表明与精确通信相比, 量化通信下比特数降低了58.33%.Abstract: This paper considers the cooperative optimal output regulation problem of multi-agent systems under quantized communication. To reduce the communication burden, this paper uses the rounding quantizer to convert floating point data transmitted among agents into integers, reducing the number of bits of data transmitted in the communication channel. By introducing the quantizer into the encoder-decoder scheme, a distributed quantized observer for each follower agent is designed to ensure that the estimation error of the exosystem's state asymptotically converges to zero under quantized communication. On this basis, a data-driven algorithm based on adaptive dynamic programming is proposed to learn the suboptimal control strategy online with unknown multi-agent system dynamics. The algorithm solves the cooperative optimal output regulation problem, ensuring that each follower's output signal asymptotically tracks the reference signal and rejects disturbance signal generated by the exosystem. Finally, The simulation on the adaptive cruise control system of intelligent vehicle networking verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results shows that 58.33% of the bits are reduced under quantized communication compared with exact communication.
表 1 达到$ ||P_{i,\;k}-P_{i}^{*}||<10^{-4} $有无量化通信传输的比特数.
Table 1 Transmitted bits with and without quantized communication to reach $ ||P_{i,\;k}-P_{i}^{*}||<10^{-4} $.
算法1下传输的比特数 无量化通信传输的比特数[3] 降低百分比 80000 192000 58.33% -
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