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基于CE TransNet的腹部CT图像多器官分割

廖苗 杨睿新 赵于前 邸拴虎 杨振

廖苗, 杨睿新, 赵于前, 邸拴虎, 杨振. 基于CE TransNet的腹部CT图像多器官分割. 自动化学报, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240489
引用本文: 廖苗, 杨睿新, 赵于前, 邸拴虎, 杨振. 基于CE TransNet的腹部CT图像多器官分割. 自动化学报, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240489
Liao Miao, Yang Rui-Xin, Zhao Yu-Qian, Di Shuan-Hu, Yang Zhen. Multi-organ segmentation from abdominal CT images based on CE TransNet. Acta Automatica Sinica, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240489
Citation: Liao Miao, Yang Rui-Xin, Zhao Yu-Qian, Di Shuan-Hu, Yang Zhen. Multi-organ segmentation from abdominal CT images based on CE TransNet. Acta Automatica Sinica, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240489

基于CE TransNet的腹部CT图像多器官分割

doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240489 cstr: 32138.14.j.aas.c240489
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (62272161, U23B2063, 62076256), 湖南省科技创新计划 (2024RC3216), 湖南省教育厅资助科研项目 (24A0356)资助

    廖苗:湖南科技大学计算机科学与工程学院副教授. 主要研究方向为图像处理与模式识别. E-mail: mliao@hnust.edu.cn

    杨睿新:湖南科技大学计算机科学与工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为医学图像处理, 图像分割. E-mail: 22020501025@mail.hnust.edu.cn

    赵于前:中南大学自动化学院教授. 主要研究方向为图像处理, 模式识别, 机器学习. 本文通信作者. E-mail: zyq@csu.edu.cn

    邸拴虎:国防科技大学智能科学学院讲师. 主要研究方向为模式识别和持续学习. E-mail: dishuanhu@nudt.edu.cn

    杨振:中南大学湘雅医院副主任医师, 研究方向为医学影像学, 计算机辅助放疗. E-mail: yangzhen@188.com

Multi-organ Segmentation From Abdominal CT Images Based on CE TransNet

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62272161, U23B2063, and 62076256), Science and Technology Innovation Program of Hunan Province (2024RC3216), and Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department (24A0356)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LIAO Miao Associate professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology. Her research interest covers image processing and pattern recognition

    YANG Rui-Xin Master student at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers medical image processing and image segmentation

    ZHAO Yu-Qian Professor at the School of Automation, Central South University. His research interest covers image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning. Corresponding author of this paper

    Di Shuan-Hu Lecturer at the College of Intelligence Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology. His research interest covers pattern recognition and continual learning

    YANG Zhen Associate chief physician in Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. His research interest covers medical image science and computer-assisted radiotherapy

  • 摘要: 受限于局部感受野, 卷积神经网络无法建立足够的长距离依赖关系. 一些方法通过将Transformer部署至卷积网络的某些特定部位来缓解这个问题, 如网络编码器、解码器或跳跃连接层. 但这些方法只能为某些特定特征建立长距离依赖关系, 难以捕获大小、形态多样的腹部器官之间的复杂依赖关系. 针对该问题, 提出了一种交叉增强Transformer (Cross-connection enhanced transformer, CE transformer)结构, 并用它作为特征提取单元构建了一种新的多层级编-解码分割网络CE TransNet. CE transformer采用双路径设计, 深度融合Transformer与卷积结构, 可同时对长、短距离依赖关系进行建模. 在双路径中, 引入密集交叉连接促进不同粒度信息的交互与融合, 提高模型整体特征捕获能力. 将CE transformer部署于CE TransNet的整个编解码路径中, 可有效捕捉多器官的复杂上下文关系. 实验结果表明, 提出方法在WORD和Synapse腹部CT多器官数据集上的平均DSC值分别高达82.42%和81.94%, 显著高于多种当前先进方法.
  • 图  1  CE TransNet网络结构示意图

    Fig.  1  The network architecture of CE TransNet

    图  2  CE transformer结构

    Fig.  2  The structure of CE transformer

    图  3  焦点调制层结构

    Fig.  3  The structure of focal modulation layer

    图  4  卷积下采样模块

    Fig.  4  Convolutional downsampling module

    图  5  门控注意力模块

    Fig.  5  Attention gate module

    图  6  卷积上采样模块

    Fig.  6  Convolutional upsampling module

    图  7  不同方法在WORD数据集上的部分2D分割结果比较

    Fig.  7  Some segmentation results comparison of different models on the WORD dataset

    图  8  本文方法在WORD数据集上的部分3D结果可视化展示

    Fig.  8  3D visualization of some segmentation results of our method on the WORD dataset

    图  9  不同方法在Synapse数据集上的2D分割结果比较

    Fig.  9  Segmentation results comparison of different methods on the Synapse dataset

    图  10  本文方法在Synapse数据集上的一些3D结果可视化展示

    Fig.  10  3D visualization of some segmentation results of our method on the Synapse dataset

    图  11  不同方法在WORD数据集上的分割结果统计性能比较. 红色星号表示提出方法显著优于对比方法($ p < 0.05 $)

    Fig.  11  Statistical performance comparison of segmentation results on WORD database by different methods. The red star denotes that the proposed method significantly outperforms the comparison method($ p < 0.05 $)

    图  12  不同特征提取模块的结构

    Fig.  12  The Structure of different feature extraction module

    图  13  不同特征提取模块生成的特征图在目标区域的强度分布

    Fig.  13  Intensity distribution of the target regions in the feature maps produced by applying different feature extraction modules

    图  14  不同特征提取模块生成的特征图在背景区域的强度分布

    Fig.  14  Intensity distribution of the background regions in the feature maps produced by applying different feature extraction modules

    图  15  不同特征提取模块获取的特征图示例

    Fig.  15  Examples of feature maps extracted by different feature extraction modules

    图  16  采用不同交叉连接的CE transformer结构

    Fig.  16  The CE transformer with different cross-connection configurations

    表  1  不同方法在WORD数据集上的平均分割性能比较

    Table  1  Average segmentation performance comparison of different methods on the WORD dataset

    方法 出版/年份 DSC (%)$ \uparrow $ mIoU (%)$ \uparrow $ NSD (%)$ \uparrow $ HD (mm)$ \downarrow $ ASD (mm)$ \downarrow $ Recall (%)$ \uparrow $ Precision (%)$ \uparrow $
    UNet[10] MICCAI/2015 76.93 65.35 62.03 17.16 4.44 85.13 78.53
    Att-Unet[41] Elsevier MIA/2019 77.83 66.74 65.41 16.43 3.91 84.05 83.86
    TransUNet[23] arXiv/2021 80.32 69.95 69.29 20.31 5.51 87.98 80.92
    UCTransNet[25] AAAI/2022 81.64 71.34 69.78 11.30 2.67 86.10 84.16
    Crosslink-Net[42] IEEE TIP/2022 78.99 68.15 65.33 13.13 2.88 81.62 83.10
    CPP-Net[43] IEEE TIP/2023 80.36 70.04 70.76 12.82 2.98 85.31 84.53
    SwinUnet[28] ECCV/2022 80.64 69.82 69.09 15.23 4.12 82.93 80.40
    TransNuSeg[44] MICCAI/2023 78.63 68.31 67.73 14.41 2.89 85.78 80.06
    ScribFormer[31] IEEE TMI/2024 81.21 71.07 73.08 11.78 2.91 85.34 84.43
    YOHO[45] IEEE TIP/2024 78.23 67.45 65.67 13.68 3.29 81.86 81.97
    OUR[46] MBEC/2023 80.71 70.06 71.38 12.06 2.92 87.38 84.77
    CSSNet[47] CMB/2024 79.41 69.02 67.29 14.69 3.16 86.38 80.32
    本文方法 82.42 72.48 74.34 10.91 2.62 86.47 85.35
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    表  3  不同方法在WORD数据集各器官上的NSD (%)比较

    Table  3  NSD (%) score comparison of different methods on the WORD dataset

    方法肝脏脾脏左肾右肾胆囊食管胰腺十二指肠 结肠 直肠膀胱左股骨右股骨
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    表  2  不同方法在WORD数据集各器官上的DSC (%)比较

    Table  2  DSC (%) score comparison of different methods on the WORD dataset

    方法肝脏脾脏左肾右肾胆囊食管胰腺十二指肠 结肠 直肠膀胱左股骨右股骨
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    表  4  不同方法在Synapse数据上的分割性能比较

    Table  4  Segmentation performance comparison of different methods on the Synapse dataset

    方法 出版/年份 平均 各器官DSC (%)
    DSC (%)$ \uparrow $ HD (mm)$ \downarrow $ mIoU (%)$ \uparrow $ 主动脉 胆囊 左肾 右肾 肝脏 胰腺 脾脏
    UNet[10] MICCAI/2015 70.11 44.69 59.39 84.00 56.70 72.41 62.64 86.98 48.73 81.48 67.96
    Att-Unet[41] Elsevier MIA/2019 71.70 34.47 61.38 82.61 61.94 76.07 70.42 87.54 46.70 80.67 67.66
    TransUNet[23] arXiv/2021 77.62 26.90 67.32 86.56 60.43 80.54 78.53 94.33 58.47 87.06 75.00
    UCTransNet[25] AAAI/2022 80.21 23.33 70.46 87.36 66.49 83.77 79.95 94.23 63.72 89.38 76.75
    Crosslink-Net[42] IEEE TIP/2022 76.60 18.20 64.83 86.25 53.35 84.62 79.63 92.72 58.56 86.17 71.49
    CPP-Net[43] IEEE TIP/2023 80.11 26.41 71.23 87.59 67.14 83.09 82.31 94.03 67.34 87.53 71.81
    SwinUnet[28] ECCV/2022 79.13 21.55 68.81 85.47 66.53 83.28 79.61 94.29 56.58 90.66 76.60
    TransNuSeg[44] MICCAI/2023 78.06 28.69 69.03 82.47 65.94 79.05 79.11 93.12 58.40 88.85 77.49
    ScribFormer[31] IEEE TMI/2024 80.08 20.78 70.63 87.48 65.15 86.90 82.09 94.26 60.48 88.93 75.37
    YOHO[45] IEEE TIP/2024 76.85 27.41 67.79 85.34 66.33 83.38 73.66 93.82 55.57 82.65 74.07
    OUR[46] MBEC/2023 80.06 27.54 69.72 88.32 65.96 87.02 82.50 94.31 60.23 88.41 73.76
    CSSNet[47] CMB/2024 78.75 29.81 68.01 86.80 64.12 82.54 79.04 94.05 58.98 89.47 75.04
    本文方法 81.94 22.54 71.42 89.79 67.97 88.54 84.12 94.56 63.09 91.56 75.90
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    表  5  不同特征提取模块的分割性能比较

    Table  5  Segmentation performance comparison on different feature extraction module

    特征提取模块FLOPS (G)$ \downarrow $Params (M)$ \downarrow $DSC (%)$ \uparrow $HD (mm)$ \downarrow $
    CE transformer6.546.2381.9422.54
    Swin transformer[35]11.2815.8479.9727.42
    CSWin transformer[36]11.2915.8780.3324.31
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    表  6  采用不同$ N $值的分割性能比较

    Table  6  Segmentation performance comparison of applying different $ N $

    $ N $ FLOPS (G)$ \downarrow $ Params (M)$ \downarrow $ DSC (%)$ \uparrow $ HD (mm)$ \downarrow $
    阶段1 阶段2 阶段3 阶段4
    0 0 0 0 4.17 3.16 73.26 43.46
    1 1 1 1 5.16 4.59 77.43 35.78
    2 2 2 2 6.12 6.02 79.52 24.22
    1 2 4 2 6.54 6.23 81.94 22.54
    1 3 6 3 7.15 8.22 81.33 24.89
    2 4 8 4 8.33 9.92 81.43 25.42
    2 6 12 6 10.10 13.28 81.67 23.11
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    表  7  不同交叉连接策略的分割性能比较

    Table  7  Segmentation performance comparison of different cross-connection configurations

    交叉连接策略DSC (%)$ \uparrow $HD (mm)$ \downarrow $mIoU (%)$ \uparrow $
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    表  8  CE transformer中各子模块对网络性能的影响

    Table  8  Impact of each sub-module in CE transformer on network performance

    实验序号SAFACFPFDSC (%)$ \uparrow $HD (mm)$ \downarrow $
    1$ \checkmark$74.5940.70
    2$ \checkmark$$ \checkmark$78.4826.13
    3$ \checkmark$$ \checkmark$$ \checkmark$80.3123.31
    4$ \checkmark$$ \checkmark$$ \checkmark$$ \checkmark$81.9222.54
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