摘要: 自主无人系统是一类具有自主感知和决策能力的智能系统, 在国防安全、航空航天、高性能机器人等方面有着广泛的应用. 近年来, 基于Transformer架构的各类大模型快速革新, 极大地推动了自主无人系统的发展. 目前, 自主无人系统正迎来一场以“具身智能”为核心的新一代技术革命. 大模型需要借助无人系统的物理实体来实现“具身化”, 无人系统可以利用大模型技术来实现“智能化”. 本文阐述了具身智能自主无人系统的发展现状, 详细探讨了包含大模型驱动的多模态感知、面向具身任务的推理与决策、基于动态交互的机器人学习与控制、三维场景具身模拟器等具身智能领域的关键技术. 最后, 指出了目前具身智能无人系统所面临的挑战, 并展望了未来的研究方向.Abstract: Autonomous unmanned systems are intelligent systems with autonomous perception and decision-making capabilities, widely applied in areas such as defense security, aerospace, and high-performance robotics. In recent years, the rapid advancements of various large models based on the Transformer architecture have significantly accelerated the development of autonomous unmanned systems. Currently, these systems are undergoing a new technological revolution centered on “embodied intelligence.” Large models require the physical embodiment of unmanned systems to achieve “embodiment,” while unmanned systems can leverage large model technologies to achieve “intelligence.” This paper outlines the current state of development in embodied intelligent autonomous unmanned systems and provides a detailed discussion of key technologies in the field of embodied intelligence, including large-model-driven multimodal perception, reasoning and decision-making for embodied tasks, robot learning and control based on human-computer interaction, and 3D embodied simulators. Finally, the paper identifies existing challenges in autonomous unmanned systems and explores future research directions.
表 1 具身智能模型架构
Table 1 Embodied intelligence model architecture
名称 模型参数 响应频率 模型架构说明 SayCan[75] — — SayCan利用价值函数表示各个技能的可行性, 并由语言模型进行技能评分, 能够兼顾任务需求和机器人技能的可行性 RT-1[31] 350万 3 Hz RT-1采用13万条机器人演示数据的数据集完成模仿学习训练, 能以97%的成功率执行超过700个语音指令任务 RoboCat[108] 12亿 10 ~ 20 Hz RoboCat构建了基于目标图像的可迁移机器人操纵框架, 能够实现多个操纵任务的零样本迁移 PaLM-E[32] 5620 亿5 ~ 6 Hz PaLM-E构建了当时最大的具身多模态大模型, 将机器人传感器模态融入语言模型, 建立了端到端的训练框架 RT-2[33] 550亿 1 ~ 3 Hz RT-2首次构建了视觉-语言-动作的模型, 在多个具身任务上实现了多阶段的语义推理 VoxPoser[52] — — VoxPoser利用语言模型生成关于当前环境的价值地图, 并基于价值地图进行动作轨迹规划, 实现了高自由度的环境交互 RT-2-X[105] 550亿 1 ~ 3 Hz RT-2-X构建了提供了标准化数据格式、交互环境和模型的数据集, 包含展示了527种技能和16万个任务 -
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