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侯瑞捷 李修贤 易新蕾 洪奕光 谢立华

侯瑞捷, 李修贤, 易新蕾, 洪奕光, 谢立华. 具有反馈延迟分布式在线复合优化的动态遗憾性能. 自动化学报, 2025, 51(4): 1−22 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240414
引用本文: 侯瑞捷, 李修贤, 易新蕾, 洪奕光, 谢立华. 具有反馈延迟分布式在线复合优化的动态遗憾性能. 自动化学报, 2025, 51(4): 1−22 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240414
Hou Rui-Jie, Li Xiu-Xian, Yi Xin-Lei, Hong Yi-Guang, Xie Li-Hua. Dynamic regret for distributed online composite convex optimization with delayed feedbacks. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2025, 51(4): 1−22 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240414
Citation: Hou Rui-Jie, Li Xiu-Xian, Yi Xin-Lei, Hong Yi-Guang, Xie Li-Hua. Dynamic regret for distributed online composite convex optimization with delayed feedbacks. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2025, 51(4): 1−22 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240414


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240414 cstr: 32138.14.j.aas.c240414
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62473292, 62088101), 上海市科技重大专项(2021SHZDZX0100)资助

    侯瑞捷:同济大学电子与信息工程学院博士研究生. 2021年获得兰州大学学士学位. 主要研究方向为分布式在线优化. E-mail: hourj21@tongji.edu.cn

    李修贤:同济大学电子与信息工程学院控制科学与工程系、上海自主智能无人系统科学中心教授. 国家级青年人才, IEEE高级会员. 主要研究方向为分布式控制与优化, 智能算法, 博弈论及无人系统应用. 本文通信作者. E-mail: xli@tongji.edu.cn

    易新蕾:分别于2011年和2014年获中国地质大学(武汉)专业学士学位和复旦大学硕士学位, 并于2020年获得瑞典皇家理工学院博士学位, 2020年至2022年在瑞典皇家理工学院任职博士后, 2022年至2024年在美国麻省理工学院信息与决策系统实验室任职博士后. 现为同济大学准聘教授, 获2021年欧洲系统与控制博士论文奖提名奖(共四项), 主要研究方向为分布式优化、在线优化、元学习和图神经网络. E-mail: xinleiy@kth.se

    洪奕光:同济大学控制科学与工程系、上海智能科学与技术中心教授. 2020年10月前, 任中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院教授. 主要研究方向为非线性控制, 多智能体系统, 分布式优化与博弈, 机器学习和社交网络. 他是中国人工智能学会会士, 也是中国自动化学会会士. 另外, 他是中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会的主席, 也是IEEE控制系统协会理事. 他是Control Theory and Technology主编. 他还担任许多期刊的副编委, 包括IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 和 IEEE Control Systems Magazine. 曾获中国控制会议关肇直奖、IFAC世界大会青年作者奖、中科院青年科学家奖、中国青年科技奖、中国自然科学奖. 他是IEEE会士与CAA会士.E-mail: yghong@tongji.edu.cn

    谢立华:南洋理工大学教授, 先进机器人技术创新中心主任. 主要研究方向为鲁棒控制与估计, 网络控制系统, 分布式优化, 多智能体网络、定位和无人系统. 他是Unmanned Systems主编, 曾担任IET控制丛书主编, 并担任多个期刊的副编委, 包括IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 和 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II. 他是IEEE杰出讲师(2012年1月至2014年12月). 他是新加坡工程院院士、IEEE会士、IFAC会士和CAA会士. E-mail: elhxie@ntu.edu.sg

  • 中图分类号: Y

Dynamic Regret for Distributed Online Composite Convex Optimization With Delayed Feedbacks

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62473292, 62088101) and Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (2021SHZDZX0100)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    HOU Rui-Jie Ph.D. candidate at the College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tongji University. She received her bachelor degree from Lanzhou University in 2021. Her main research interest is on distributed online optimization

    LI Xiu-Xian Professor in the Department of Control Science and Engineering and Shanghai Research Institute of Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Tongji University. He is national young talent, and a senior member of IEEE. His research interest covers distributed control and optimization, intelligent algorithms, game theory, and applications of autonomous vehicles. Corresponding author of this paper

    YI Xin-Lei Received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in mathematics from China University of Geoscience, Wuhan, China, and Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2011 and 2014, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2020. He was a Postdoc with KTH Royal Institute of Technology from 2020 to 2022 and with the Lab for Information & Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, from 2022 to 2024. He is a tenure-track professor of Shanghai Institute of Intelligent Science and Technology, Tongji University. Dr. Yi's was selected as one of the four finalists for the 2021 European Systems & Control PhD Thesis Award. His research interest covers distributed optimization, online optimization, meta-learning, and graph neural networks

    HONG Yi-Guang is currently a Professor in the Department of Control Science and Engineering, Tongji University, and Shanghai Institute of Intelligent Science and Technology, Tongji University. Before October 2020, he was a Professor at the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS. His research interest covers nonlinear control, multiagent systems, distributed optimization and game, machine learning, and social networks. Dr. Hong is a Fellow of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, and a Fellow of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). Additionally, he is the Chair of Technical Committee of Control Theory of CAA and was a Board of Governor of IEEE Control Systems Society. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Control Theory and Technology. He also serves or served as the Associate Editor for many journals including the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, and IEEE Control Systems Magazine. Moreover, he was the recipient of the Guan Zhaozhi Award at the Chinese Control Conference, Young Author Prize of the IFAC World Congress, Young Scientist Award of CAS, the Youth Award for Science and Technology of China, and the National Natural Science Prize of China. He is Fellow of IEEE and CAA

    XIE Li-Hua Professor at and Director, Center for Advanced Robotics Technology Innovation. His research interest covers robust control and estimation, networked control systems, distributed optimization, multi-agent networks, and localization and unmanned systems. He is an Editor-in-Chief for Unmanned Systems and has served as Editor of IET Book Series in Control and Associate Editor of a number of journals including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II. He was an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (Jan. 2012-Dec. 2014). Dr Xie is Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore, IEEE, IFAC, and CAA

  • 摘要: 研究了分布式在线复合优化场景中的几种反馈延迟, 包括梯度反馈、单点Bandit反馈和两点Bandit反馈. 其中, 每个智能体的局部目标函数由一个强凸光滑函数与一个凸的非光滑正则项组成. 在分布式场景下, 研究每个智能体具有不同时变延迟的场景. 基于近端梯度下降算法, 分别设计这三种延迟反馈的分布式在线复合优化算法, 并且对动态遗憾上界进行分析. 分析结果表示, 延迟梯度反馈和延迟两点Bandit反馈的动态遗憾上界阶数在期望意义下相同, 均为$ {\rm O}(\bar{\tau} (D_T+ $$ 1)+C_T+1) $, 而延迟单点Bandit反馈的动态遗憾上界中$ T $的次数稍差于前两者, 为$ {\rm O}(\sqrt{T\log T}+\bar{\tau} (D_T+1)+C_T+1) $, 其中, $ \bar{\tau} $为所有智能体的平均延迟, $ T $为总迭代次数, $ C_T $和$ D_T $是问题的复杂度度量, 分别称为路径长度和梯度变化度. 这表明, 存在延迟时, 两点Bandit反馈可以在期望意义下达到与梯度反馈相同阶数的动态遗憾上界, 且在步长选择合适的情况下, 三种反馈类型的平均延迟在动态遗憾上具有相同的阶数. 最后通过仿真实验验证算法的性能和理论分析结果.
  • 图  1  4种不同规模的网络

    Fig.  1  Four networks with different sizes

    图  2  不同网络规模下本文所提出算法的性能表现

    Fig.  2  Performance of the proposed algorithms under different network sizes

    图  3  2种不同的网络拓扑

    Fig.  3  Two different network topologies

    图  4  不同网络拓扑下本文所提出算法的性能表现

    Fig.  4  Performance of the proposed algorithms under different network topologies

    图  5  不同数据集下本文所提出算法的性能表现

    Fig.  5  Performance of the proposed algorithms under different datasets

    图  6  4种不同延迟分布

    Fig.  6  Four different delay distributions

    图  7  不同延迟分布下本文所提出算法的性能表现

    Fig.  7  Performance of the proposed algorithms under different delay distributions

    图  8  在小网络的不同延迟大小下本文所提出算法的性能表现 (小网络: N = 20)

    Fig.  8  Performance of the proposed algorithms under different delays (small network: N = 20)

    图  9  在大网络的不同延迟大小下本文所提出算法的性能表现 (大网络: N = 100)

    Fig.  9  Performance of the proposed algorithms under different delays of large networks (large network: N = 100)

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