摘要: 子母式无人机(Unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs)通常指一类由无人载机搭载和投放多架子机执行协同作业任务的新型飞行器. 相较于传统无人机和无人机集群, 子母式无人机兼具航程长、空间可达性强等优势, 得到了广泛关注. 首先针对子母式无人机在编队飞行任务中的载机姿态稳定控制与子机轨迹跟踪控制问题, 建立子母式无人机动力学模型. 在此基础上, 分别设计基于多平衡点切换模型预测控制的飞行控制方法以及基于多胞不确定性模型预测控制的轨迹跟踪控制方法, 实现了子母式无人机的稳定、安全编队飞行. 仿真结果表明, 所提出的方法能够实现预期的编队飞行目标, 具有良好的稳定性和鲁棒性.Abstract: Composite unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) typically refer to a class of novel aircraft, each of which involves a carrier UAV deploying and airdropping multiple parasite UAVs for collaborative operations. Compared to traditional UAVs and UAV swarms, composite UAVs offer significant advantages in terms of extended range and enhanced spatial accessibility, garnering widespread attention. First, the dynamic model of the composite UAV is established for the problem of attitude stabilization control for the carrier UAV and trajectory tracking control for the parasite UAVs during formation flight tasks. On this basis, the flight control method based on multi-equilibrium switched model predictive control, as well as the trajectory tracking control method based on model predictive control with the polytopic model uncertainty, are designed to achieve a stable and safe formation flight of the composite UAV. Simulation results indicate that the proposed methods achieve the anticipated formation flight, demonstrating satisfying stability and robustness.
表 1 不同模态下载机飞行状态及平衡点
Table 1 Flight states and equilibria of the carrier UAV in different modes
模态 I II III IV V 时间 0 ~ 5 s 5 ~ 10 s 10 ~ 25.7 s 25.7 ~ 30.7 s 30.7 ~ 40 s 子机1 $ \surd $ 子机2 $ \surd $ $ \surd $ $ \surd $ $ \surd $ 直线 $ \surd $ $ \surd $ $ \surd $ $ \surd $ 转弯 $ \surd $ $ h^*_i $ 20 20 20 20 20 $ u^*_i $ 19.8381 19.8794 19.8517 19.8794 19.9146 $ v^*_i $ 0 0 0.0197 0 0.0771 $ w^*_i $ 2.5399 2.1933 2.4312 2.1933 1.8449 $ \phi^*_i $ 0 $ - $ 0.0313 0.3495 $ - $ 0.0313 0 $ \theta^*_i $ 0.1273 0.1099 0.1149 0.1099 0.0925 $ \psi^*_i $ 0 0 不适用 $ \pi $ $ \pi $ $ p^*_i $ 0 0 $ - $ 0.0229 0 0 $ q^*_i $ 0 0 0.0680 0 0 $ r^*_i $ 0 0 0.1867 0 0 $ \delta^*_{e,\;i} $ $ - $ 0.0838 $ - $ 0.0611 $ - $ 0.0811 $ - $ 0.0611 $ - $ 0.0383 $ \delta^*_{a,\;i} $ 0 0.0301 0.0289 0.0301 $ - $ 0.0127 $ \delta^*_{r,\;i} $ 0 0.0132 $ - $ 0.0110 0.0132 0.0182 $ \delta^*_{t,\;i} $ 0.2292 0.2259 0.2276 0.2259 0.2226 -
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