摘要: 作为多智能体对抗博弈问题的重要分支, 追逃博弈(Pursuit-evasion, PE)问题在控制和机器人领域得到了广泛的应用, 受到众多研究者的密切关注. 追逃博弈问题主要聚焦于追逐者和逃跑者双方为实现各自目标而展开的动态博弈: 追逐者试图在最短时间内抓到逃跑者, 逃跑者的目标则是避免被捕获. 本文概述追逃博弈问题的相关研究进展, 从空间环境、信息获取等五个方面介绍追逃博弈问题的各类设定; 简述理论求解、数值求解等四种当下主流的追逃博弈问题求解方法. 通过对现有研究的总结和分析, 给出几点研究建议, 对未来追逃博弈问题的发展具有一定指导意义.Abstract: As an important branch of multi-agent adversarial games, Pursuit-evasion (PE) games have found widespread applications in the fields of control and robotics, attracting considerable attention from researchers. PE games primarily focus on the dynamic games between pursuer and evader, each striving to achieve their respective objectives: The pursuer aims to capture the evader as quickly as possible, while the evader's goal is to avoid capture. This article provides an overview of the research progress in PE games, and introduces various settings of PE games across five key dimensions, including spatial environment, information acquisition, and so on. It briefly describes four mainstream methods for solving PE games, including theoretical approaches, numerical approaches, and so on. By summarizing and analyzing existing researches, this article offers several research suggestions, which are expected to provide significant guidance for future developments in PE games.
Key words:
- Pursuit-evasion (PE) games /
- multi-agent /
- adversarial games /
- differential games
A1 代表性追逃博弈文献分类
A1 Classification of representative literature on PE games
求解方法 文献 动态模型 追逃双方数量 维度 信息完整程度 状态空间 一阶积分器 二阶积分器 独轮车 其他 一对一 多对一 多对多 二维平面 三维空间 完全信息 不完全信息 连续 离散 理论求解法 [55] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [52] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [169] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [92] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ 数值求解法 [68] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [6] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [81] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [44] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [39] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ 积分强化学习法 [147] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [140] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [41] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [15] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [35] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [146] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ 几何法 [157] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [91] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [155] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [161] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [102] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [18] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [26] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ [34] $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ $\checkmark $ -
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