Finite-time Identification and Adaptive Consensus Control of Uncertain Parametric Systems Over Directed Graphs
摘要: 针对有向图上一类不确定性多智能体系统, 研究一体化参数辨识与一致性控制策略. 在现有模型参考自适应一致性(Model reference adaptive consensus, MRACon)框架基础上, 结合动态回归因子扩张与融合(Dynamic regressor extension and mixing, DREM)技术, 提出两类改进的MRACon控制协议, 即固定耦合DREM-MRACon和自适应耦合DREM-MRACon. 其中, 自适应耦合DREM-MRACon在有向支撑树结构上具有时变的耦合增益. 与MRACon相比, 此两类改进算法均能保证系统未知参数的有限时间辨识. 此外, 固定耦合DREM-MRACon保证了多智能体系统的指数时间一致性, 而自适应耦合DREM-MRACon则克服了对于全局网络拓扑特征信息的依赖性. 最后, 通过数值仿真验证了理论成果的有效性.Abstract: The paper addresses an integrated parameter identification and consensus control problem of a class of uncertain multi-agent systems over directed graphs. Based on the existing model reference adaptive consensus (MRACon) framework and by leveraging dynamic regressor extension and mixing (DREM) techniques, two improved MRACon protocols are established, namely fixed-coupling DREM-MRACon and adaptive-coupling DREM-MRACon. The latter protocol contains time-varying coupling gains along a directed spanning tree. As compared to the baseline MRACon, both of the proposed protocols ensure finite-time identification of the system's unknown parameters. Additionally, fixed-coupling DREM-MRACon achieves exponential consensus of the agents, while adaptive-coupling DREM-MRACon overcomes the requirement of global information on the network topology. Finally, numerical simulations are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical results.
Key words:
- Multi-agent systems /
- adaptive control /
- parameter identification /
- directed graphs /
- adaptive consensus
表 1 参数辨识的精确时刻$ T_i $
Table 1 The exact time $T_i$ for parameter identification
智能体序号 MRACon[30] 固定耦合
DREM-MRACon1 — 6.84 7.43 2 — 2.77 2.75 3 — 2.16 2.26 4 — 2.03 1.74 5 — 1.74 1.78 6 — 1.55 1.74 -
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