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胡光政 朱圆恒 赵冬斌

胡光政, 朱圆恒, 赵冬斌. 两团队零和博弈下熵引导的极小极大值分解强化学习方法. 自动化学报, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240258
引用本文: 胡光政, 朱圆恒, 赵冬斌. 两团队零和博弈下熵引导的极小极大值分解强化学习方法. 自动化学报, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240258
Hu Guang-Zheng, Zhu Yuan-Heng, Zhao Dong-Bin. Entropy-guided minimax value decomposition for reinforcement learning in two-team zero-sum games. Acta Automatica Sinica, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240258
Citation: Hu Guang-Zheng, Zhu Yuan-Heng, Zhao Dong-Bin. Entropy-guided minimax value decomposition for reinforcement learning in two-team zero-sum games. Acta Automatica Sinica, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240258


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240258 cstr: 32138.14.j.aas.c240258
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62293541, 62136008), 北京市自然科学基金(4232056), 北京市科技新星计划(20240484514), 中国科学院“全球共性挑战专项”(104GJHZ2022013GC)资助

    胡光政:里巴巴集团控股有限公司高级算法工程师. 2016年获得北京理工大学学士学位. 2019年获得北京理工大学硕士学位. 2024年获得中国科学院大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为深度强化学习和多机器人博弈. E-mail: hugaungzheng2019@ia.ac.cn

    朱圆恒:中国科学院自动化研究所副研究员. 2010年获得南京大学自动化专业学士学位. 2015年获得中国科学院自动化研究所控制理论和控制工程专业博士学位. 主要研究方向为深度强化学习, 博弈理论, 博弈智能和多智能体学习. E-mail: yuanheng.zhu@ia.ac.cn

    赵冬斌:中国科学院自动化研究所研究员, 中国科学院大学教授. 分别于1994年、1996年和2000年获得哈尔滨工业大学学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位. 主要研究方向为深度强化学习、计算智能、自动驾驶、游戏人工智能、机器人. 本文通信作者. E-mail: dongbin.zhao@ia.ac.cn

Entropy-guided MiniMax Value Decomposition for Reinforcement Learning in Two-team Zero-sum Games

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62293541, 62136008), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (4232056), Beijing Nova Program (20240484514), and International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (104GJHZ2022013GC)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    HU Guang-Zheng Senior Algorithm Engineer at Alibaba. He received the B.S. degree from Beijing Institute of Technology, China, in 2016, the M.S. degree from Beijing Institute of Technology, China, in 2019, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, in 2024. His current research interests include deep reinforcement learning and multi-robot game

    ZHU Yuan-Heng Associate Professor at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received the B.S. degree in automation from Nanjing University, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in control theory and control engineering from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2015. His research interests include deep reinforcement learning, game theory, game intelligence, and multiagent learning

    ZHAO Dong-Bin Professor at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received the B.S., M.S., Ph.D. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology, in 1994, 1996, and 2000 respectively. His current research interests are in the area of deep reinforcement learning, computational intelligence, autonomous driving, game artificial intelligence, and robotics. Corresponding author of this paper

  • 摘要: 在两团队零和马尔科夫博弈中, 一组玩家通过合作与另一组玩家进行对抗. 由于对手行为的不确定性和复杂的团队内部合作关系, 在高采样成本的任务中快速找到优势的分布式策略仍然具有挑战性. 本文提出了熵引导的极小极大值分解(Entropy-guided minimax factorization, EGMF)强化学习方法, 在线学习队内合作和队间对抗的策略. 首先, 提出了基于极小极大值分解的多智能体执行器-评估器框架, 在高采样成本的、不限动作空间的任务中, 提升优化效率和博弈性能. 其次, 引入最大熵使智能体可以更充分地探索状态空间, 避免在线学习过程收敛到局部最优. 统计策略在时间域累加的熵值用于评估策略的熵, 并将其与分解的个体独立Q函数结合用于策略改进. 最后, 在多种博弈仿真场景和一个实体任务平台上进行方法验证, 并与其他基线方法进行比较, 结果显示EGMF可以在更少样本下学到更具有对抗性能的两团队博弈策略.
    1)  11 红方(Proponents, Pros)和蓝方(Antagonists, Ants)
  • 图  1  EGMF的方法架构(EGMF通过联合极小极大Q函数分解框架进行策略评估, 分解的个体独立Q函数与熵评估函数结合用于策略改进)

    Fig.  1  The architecture of EGMF (EGMF evaluates policies through the joint minimax Q decomposition framework, and combines the factorized individual Q function with the entropy evaluation function for policy improvement)

    图  2  实验验证平台. 包括Wimblepong, MPE, RoboMaster, 以及实体机器人平台

    Fig.  2  Illustrations of Wimblepong, MPE, simulative and real-world RoboMaster

    图  3  训练过程中与基于脚本的智能体进行对抗的结果

    Fig.  3  The result of playing against the rule-based bots during the training process

    图  4  训练过程中多种算法交叉对抗的循环赛回报

    Fig.  4  The cross-play results of RR returns throughout training

    图  5  训练期间EGMF和基线方法的近似NashConv结果

    Fig.  5  Illustration of the approximate NashConv of EGMF and baselines during training

    图  6  EGMF方法在六种场景中的收益矩阵

    Fig.  6  Illustration of the payoff values of EGMF modules in the six scenarios

    图  7  最大熵消融实验过程中与基于脚本的智能体对抗的结果

    Fig.  7  The results with respect to the ablation of maximum entropy by playing against the rule-based bots

    图  8  最大熵优化提升策略的多样性.

    Fig.  8  Maximum entropy optimization enhance the diversity of policy.

    图  9  EGMF算法模型部署在实体机器人任务中的演示

    Fig.  9  Demonstration of the continuous real-world robot task based on EGMF model

    表  1  实验中所有方法的重要超参数

    Table  1  Important hyperparameters of all methods in experiments

    hidden_layers隐藏层[64, 64][64, 64][128, 128]
    EGMF (本文)buffer_size经验池大小4e64e54e6
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    表  2  训练结束后各个算法与基于脚本的智能体对抗的结果和循环赛交叉对抗的结果

    Table  2  Performance of all methods at the end of training by playing against the scripted-based bots, and the cross-play results of Round-Robin returns

    指标 算法 场景
    Pong-D MPE-D RM-D Pong-C MPE-C RM-C
    与固定脚本对抗 EGMF (本文) 0.95(±0.01) 32.3(±1.0) 0.63(±0.03) 0.95(±0.02) 23.0(±0.5) 0.62(±0.03)
    RADAR[15] 0.52(±0.11) 16.3(±5.2) 0.35(±0.02) 0.58(±0.03) 12.5(±5.1) 0.52(±0.02)
    Team-PSRO[16] 0.71(±0.04) 21.2(±3.4) 0.33(±0.01) 0.71(±0.06) 22.1(±2.9) 0.54(±0.03)
    NXDO[44] 0.71(±0.10) 24.1(±1.6) 0.45(±0.02) 0.80(±0.05) 23.0(±0.4) 0.61(±0.01)
    循环赛结果 EGMF (本文) 0.92(±0.01) 12.1(±0.3) 0.90(±0.02) 0.91(±0.02) 7.8(±2.2) 0.72(±0.01)
    RADAR[15] 0.45(±0.02) −2.4(±2.5) 0.45(±0.04) 0.43(±0.02) −1.8(±1.9) 0.50(±0.01)
    Team-PSRO[16] 0.53(±0.02) 1.9(±1.9) 0.49(±0.01) 0.56(±0.04) −3.7(±2.8) 0.55(±0.01)
    NXDO[44] 0.51(±0.02) 2.5(±1.2) 0.51(±0.02) 0.63(±0.02) 2.9(±1.9) 0.58(±0.02)
    注: 粗体表示各算法在不同场景下的最优结果.
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    表  3  EGMF和FM3Q与基于脚本的智能体对抗的结果

    Table  3  Performance of EGMF and FM3Q by playing against the scripted-based bots

    EGMF (本文)3.0k0.95(±0.01)2.8k32.3(±1.0)35k0.63(±0.03)
    注: 粗体表示各方法在不同场景下的最优结果.
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