Weapon Deployment Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and Stackelberg Game
摘要: 为应对来袭目标的机动调整对防区防御能力的影响, 针对性设计全新的部署优化模型和求解算法. 首先, 从战术层面出发, 提出一种考虑攻防信息变化的新型武器部署模型, 该模型能够动态调整部署策略以提高防御系统的整体效能; 其次, 设计基于混沌映射机制和$K$均值聚类与重心法的算法初始化方案, 以应对资源紧缺和充足两种情况, 降低算法陷入局部最优的风险; 然后, 设计基于Metropolis准则的个体最优更新方法和基于Stackelberg博弈模型的全局最优更新方法用以指导种群的进化方向; 最后, 通过提供多规模场景仿真实验, 验证了新模型和所提算法的有效性, 对比实验结果表明, 新模型能够更准确地反映部署方案之间的差异, 所提算法在求解质量与收敛性方面均有显著提高.
- 武器部署 /
- Stackelberg博弈 /
- 粒子群算法 /
- K均值聚类 /
- 重心法
Abstract: In order to cope with the impact of incoming target's maneuvering adjustment on the defensive capability of the defense zone, a new deployment optimization model and a solution algorithm are designed. Firstly, at the tactical level, a new weapon deployment model is proposed that takes into account changes in offensive and defensive information, allowing for dynamic adjustment of the deployment strategy to improve the overall effectiveness of the defense system; Secondly, an initialization scheme for the algorithm, based on chaotic mapping mechanism and $K$-means clustering and center-of-gravity method, is designed to cope with both limited and ample resources, reducing the risk of the algorithm falling into local optima; Then, an individual optimal renewal method based on the Metropolis criterion and a global optimal renewal method based on the Stackelberg game model are designed to guide the evolutionary directions of the population; Finally, the effectiveness of the new model and the proposed algorithm is verified through multi-scale scenario simulation experiments. The results of the comparative experiments show that the new model reflects deployment scheme differences more accurately and the proposed algorithm significantly improves the solution quality and convergence. -
表 1 最优进攻路径代价对比
Table 1 Comparison of optimal attack path costs
仿真实例 对比指标 PSO AGAPSO SSGWO IPSO 规模场景1 最大值 87.9157 90.1453 83.7577 81.1419 最小值 84.7922 85.7749 79.3922 78.6324 平均值 85.9452 87.0357 81.1712 79.4218 均方差 6.3320 6.9340 7.0318 7.8558 规模场景2 最大值 84.1190 72.7094 72.0462 71.9816 最小值 79.1262 70.2760 70.4387 70.1361 平均值 82.4984 71.6797 71.1869 70.8235 均方差 3.9597 3.6551 4.4898 3.9926 规模场景3 最大值 53.3404 52.7513 52.6991 52.6948 最小值 51.2769 51.2769 51.2769 51.2769 平均值 52.8909 51.9593 51.9407 51.9171 均方差 1.3500 2.8143 2.2543 1.9502 表 2 各算法计算时间对比
Table 2 Comparison of computation time
算法 规模场景1 规模场景2 规模场景3 PSO 0.6864 0.8446 0.9469 AGAPSO 0.6314 0.8430 0.9308 SSGWO 0.6437 0.8236 0.9107 IPSO 0.6357 0.7909 0.8991 表 3 两种模型在对比模型评价指标中的差异
Table 3 Differences between two models in comparing model evaluation indicators
规模 组别 评价指标均值 平均值差 t 显著性 场景1 对比模型 0.5927 0.0288 − 1.6265 0.1212 本文模型 0.6215 场景2 对比模型 0.6438 0.0088 0.3301 0.7451 本文模型 0.6350 场景3 对比模型 0.7500 0.0036 − 0.9334 0.3629 本文模型 0.7536 表 4 两种模型在本文模型评价指标中的差异
Table 4 Differences between two models in the model evaluation indicators of this paper
规模 组别 评价指标均值 平均值差 t 显著性 场景1 对比模型 75.5000 3.5126 − 2.4348 0.0255 *本文模型 79.0126 场景2 对比模型 73.4573 2.6694 2.2003 0.0411 *本文模型 76.1267 场景3 对比模型 63.1573 1.9786 − 1.7206 0.1025 本文模型 65.1359 -
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