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刘袁缘 刘树阳 刘云娇 袁雨晨 唐厂 罗威

刘袁缘, 刘树阳, 刘云娇, 袁雨晨, 唐厂, 罗威. 提示学习在计算机视觉中的分类、应用及展望. 自动化学报, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240177
引用本文: 刘袁缘, 刘树阳, 刘云娇, 袁雨晨, 唐厂, 罗威. 提示学习在计算机视觉中的分类、应用及展望. 自动化学报, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240177
Liu Yuan-Yuan, Liu Shu-Yang, Liu Yun-Jiao, Yuan Yu-Chen, Tang Chang, Luo Wei. The classification, applications, and prospects of prompt learning in computer vision. Acta Automatica Sinica, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240177
Citation: Liu Yuan-Yuan, Liu Shu-Yang, Liu Yun-Jiao, Yuan Yu-Chen, Tang Chang, Luo Wei. The classification, applications, and prospects of prompt learning in computer vision. Acta Automatica Sinica, xxxx, xx(x): x−xx doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240177


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c240177 cstr: 32138.14.j.aas.c240177
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62076227), 湖北省自然科学基金(2023AFB572), 湖北省智能地理信息处理重点实验室(KLIGIP-2022-B10), 国家自然科学基金(U2341228)资助

    刘袁缘:中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院副教授. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉. E-mail: liuyy@cug.edu.cn

    刘树阳:中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为人脸情感识别. E-mail: 20171003670@cug.edu.cn

    刘云娇:中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为遥感图像分割. E-mail: luyunjiao@cug.edu.cn

    袁雨晨:中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为聚类分析. E-mail: 1202321648@cug.edu.cn

    唐厂:中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院教授. 主要研究方向为多视图学习. E-mail: tangchang@cug.edu.cn

    罗威:中国舰船研究设计中心高级工程师. 主要研究方向为舰船人工智能. 本文通信作者. E-mail: csddc_weiluo@163.com

The Classification, Applications, and Prospects of Prompt Learning in Computer Vision

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62076227), Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (2023AFB572), Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Geo-information Processing (KLIGIP-2022-B10), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2341228)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LIU Yuan-Yuan Associate professor at the School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). Her mian research interest is computer vision

    LIU Shu-Yang Master student at the School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). His main research interest is facial emotion recognition

    LIU Yun-Jiao Master student at the School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). Her main research interest is remote sensing image segmentation

    YUAN Yu-Chen Master student at the School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). His main research interest is cluster analysis

    TANG Chang Professor at the School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). His main research interest is multi-view learning

    LUO Wei Senior engineer at China Ship Development and Design Center. His main research interest is ship artificial intelligence. Corresponding author of this paper

  • 摘要: 随着计算机视觉(Computer vision, CV)的快速发展, 人们对于提高视觉任务的性能和泛化能力的需求不断增长, 导致模型的复杂度与对各种资源的需求进一步提高. 提示学习(Prompt learning, PL)作为一种能有效地提升模型性能和泛化能力、重用预训练模型和降低计算量的方法, 在一系列下游视觉任务中受到了广泛的关注与研究. 然而, 现有的PL综述缺乏对PL方法全面的分类和讨论, 也缺乏对现有实验结果进行深入的研究以评估现有方法的优缺点. 因此, 本文对PL在CV领域的分类、应用和性能进行全面的概述. 首先, 介绍PL的研究背景和定义, 并简要回顾CV领域中PL研究的最新进展. 其次, 对目前CV领域中的PL方法进行分类, 包括文本提示、视觉提示和视觉—语言联合提示, 对每类PL方法进行详细阐述并探讨其优缺点. 接着, 综述PL在十个常见下游视觉任务中的最新进展. 此外, 提供三个CV应用的实验结果并进行总结和分析, 全面讨论不同PL方法在CV领域的表现. 最后, 基于上述讨论对PL在CV领域面临的挑战和机遇进行分析, 为进一步推动PL在CV领域的发展提供前瞻性的思考.
  • 图  1  基于PL的CV应用概述

    Fig.  1  Overview of CV applications based on PL

    图  2  NLP中的提示流程

    Fig.  2  The prompting process in NLP

    图  3  文本提示((a)基于手工设计的文本提示; (b)连续提示; (c)基于梯度引导的文本提示; (d)基于视觉映射到语言空间的提示; (e)基于图像引导的文本提示; (f)基于伪标签的文本提示; (g)基于多任务的文本提示)

    Fig.  3  Text prompts((a)Text prompt based on hand-crafted; (b)Continuous prompt; (c)Text prompt based on gradient guidance; (d)Prompt based on the mapping from vision to the language space; (e)Text prompt based on image guidance; (f)Text prompt based on pseudo-labels; (g)Text prompt based on multi-tasking)

    图  4  视觉提示((a)基于像素扰动的视觉提示; (b)基于提示tokens的视觉提示; (c)基于提示模块的视觉提示; (d)基于上下文样例模板的视觉提示; (e)基于网络结构搜索的视觉提示)

    Fig.  4  Visual prompts ((a) Pixel perturbation-based visual prompt; (b) Prompt tokens-based visual prompt; (c) Prompt module-based visual prompt; (d) Contextual example template-based visual prompt; (e) Network architecture search-based visual prompt)

    图  5  在视觉—语言模型上引入视觉—语言联合提示的四种方法对比((a)独立训练两种模态的提示; (b)共享地训练两种模态的提示; (c)使用两个MLP层来生成提示; (d)使用一个轻量级的自注意力网络来生成提示)

    Fig.  5  Comparison of four methods for introducing vision-language joint prompts in vision-language models ((a) Independently train the prompts of the two modalities; (b) Train the prompts of two modalities in a shared manner; (c) Utilizing two MLP layers to generate prompts; (d) Employing a lightweight self-attention network to generate prompts)

    图  6  图像识别中的视觉提示方法((a)基于像素扰动提示的DAM-VP; (b)基于提示tokens的VQT)

    Fig.  6  Visual prompt methods in image recognition ((a) DAM-VP based on pixel perturbation prompts; (b) VQT based on prompt tokens)

    图  7  基于视觉—语言联合提示的MaPLe图像分类框架

    Fig.  7  Vision-language joint prompts-based MaPLe image classification framework

    图  8  SAM方法流程图

    Fig.  8  Flowchart of the SAM method

    图  9  基于CLIP的OVD框架((a)在CLIP的文本编码器端引入文本提示; (b)在CLIP的图像编码器端引入提示tokens)

    Fig.  9  CLIP-based OVD framework ((a) Introducing text prompts at the text encoder side of CLIP; (b) Introducing prompt tokens at the image encoder side of CLIP)

    图  10  CLIPCap图像描述任务框架

    Fig.  10  Image caption task framework of CLIPCap

    图  11  ViPT方法流程图

    Fig.  11  Flowchart of the ViPT method

    图  12  基于手工设计的文本提示的FEWVLM模型结构

    Fig.  12  FEWVLM model structure based on hand-crafted text prompts

    表  1  CV领域视觉与多模态基础大模型及其参数量

    Table  1  Vision and multimodal foundational large models in CV with their parameter size

    模型 视觉 多模态
    DERT Vision Transformer DINOv2 LVM CLIP SAM MiniGPT-4 LLaVA Yi-VL
    年份 2020 2021 2023 2023 2021 2023 2023 2023 2024
    参数量 40M 86M$ \sim $632M 1.1B 300M$ \sim $3B 400M$ \sim $1.6B 1B 13B 7B$ \sim $13B 6B$ \sim $34B
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    表  2  图像分类任务中提示方法和非提示方法的性能对比(加粗表示性能最优, 下划线表示性能次优)

    Table  2  In the task of image classification, a comparison of the performance between prompted and unprompted methods is presented (Bold indicates the best performance and underline indicates the second-best performance)

    预训练模型 ViT-B-22K Swin-B-22K
    方法 非PL方法 PL方法 非PL方法 PL方法
    全面微调 (%) 线性探测 (%) VP (%) VPT (%) DAM-VP (%) 全面微调 (%) 线性探测 (%) VP (%) VPT (%) DAM-VP (%)
    CIFAR10 97.4 96.3 94.2 96.83 97.3 98.3 96.3 94.8 96.9 97.3
    CIFAR100 68.9 63.4 78.7 78.8 88.1 73.3 61.6 80.6 80.5 88.1
    Food-101 84.9 84.4 80.5 83.3 86.9 91.7 88.2 83.4 90.1 90.5
    DTD 64.3 63.2 59.5 65.8 73.1 72.4 73.6 75.1 78.5 80.0
    SVHN 87.4 36.6 87.6 78.1 87.9 91.2 43.5 80.3 87.8 81.7
    CUB-200 87.3 85.3 84.6 88.5 87.5 89.7 88.6 86.5 90.0 90.4
    Stanford Dogs 89.4 86.2 84.5 90.2 92.3 86.2 85.9 81.3 84.8 88.5
    Flowers102 98.8 97.9 97.7 99.0 99.2 98.3 99.4 98.6 99.3 99.6
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    表  3  从基类到新类的泛化设置下CLIP、CoOp、CoCoOp和MaPLe的对比(HM代表对基类和新类的准确率取调和平均值, 加粗表示性能最优)

    Table  3  Comparison of CLIP, CoOp, CoCoOp and MaPLe under the generalization setting from base class to new class (HM denotes the harmonic mean of the accuracies on both base and new classes, bold indicates the best performance)

    数据集 CLIP CoOp) CoCoOp MaPLe
    Base (%) New (%) HM (%) Base (%) New (%) HM (%) Base (%) New (%) HM (%) Base (%) New (%) HM (%)
    ImageNet 72.43 68.14 70.22 76.47 67.88 71.92 75.98 70.43 73.10 76.66 70.54 73.47
    Caltech101 96.84 94.00 95.40 98.00 89.81 93.73 97.96 93.81 95.84 97.74 94.36 96.02
    OxfordPets 91.17 97.26 94.12 93.67 95.29 94.47 95.20 97.69 96.43 95.43 97.76 96.58
    StanfordCars 63.37 74.89 68.65 78.12 60.40 68.13 70.49 73.59 72.01 72.94 74.00 73.47
    Flowers102 72.08 77.80 74.83 97.60 59.67 74.06 94.87 71.75 81.71 95.92 72.46 82.56
    Food-101 90.10 91.22 90.66 88.33 82.26 85.19 90.70 91.29 90.99 90.71 92.05 91.38
    FGVCAircraft 27.19 36.29 31.09 40.44 22.30 28.75 33.41 23.71 27.74 37.44 35.61 36.50
    SUN397 69.36 75.35 72.23 80.60 65.89 72.51 79.74 76.86 78.27 80.82 78.70 79.75
    DTD 53.24 59.90 56.37 79.44 41.18 54.24 77.01 56.00 64.85 80.36 59.18 68.16
    EuroSAT 56.48 64.05 60.03 92.19 54.74 68.69 87.49 60.04 71.21 94.07 73.23 82.35
    UCF101 70.53 77.50 73.85 84.69 56.05 67.46 82.33 73.45 77.64 83.00 78.66 80.77
    平均值 69.34 74.22 71.10 82.69 63.22 71.66 80.47 71.69 75.83 82.28 75.14 78.55
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    表  4  ADE20K数据集上提示方法和非提示方法的语义分割性能对比(加粗表示性能最优, 下划线表示性能次优

    Table  4  Comparison of semantic segmentation performance on the ADE20K dataset between prompted and unprompted methods (Bold indicates the best performance and underline indicates the second-best performance)

    评价指标 参数量(M) mIoU(%)
    非PL方法fully tuning317.2947.53
    head tuning13.1437.77
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    表  5  COCO数据集上提示方法和非提示方法的实例分割性能对比(加粗表示性能最优, 下划线表示性能次优)

    Table  5  Comparison of instance segmentation performance on the COCO dataset between prompted and unprompted methods (Bold indicates the best performance and underline indicates the second-best performance)

    评价指标 mAP(%)
    HQ-SAM 49.5
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    表  6  多模态跟踪任务中提示方法和非提示方法的性能对比(加粗表示性能最优, 下划线表示性能次优)

    Table  6  Performance comparison between prompted and unprompted methods in multimodal tracking tasks (Bold indicates the best performance and underline indicates the second-best performance)

    数据集 RGBT234 LasHeR
    评价指标 precision (%) success (%) precision (%) success (%)
    TaTrack 87.2 64.4 85.3 61.8
    MPLT 88.4 65.7 72.0 57.1
    ViPT 83.5 61.7 65.1 52.5
    ProTrack 79.5 59.9 53.8 42.0
    OsTrack 72.9 54.9 51.5 41.2
    FANet 78.7 55.3 44.1 30.9
    SGT 72.0 47.2 36.5 25.1
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