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周登文 刘子涵 刘玉铠

周登文, 刘子涵, 刘玉铠. 基于像素对比学习的图像超分辨率算法. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(1): 181−193 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230395
引用本文: 周登文, 刘子涵, 刘玉铠. 基于像素对比学习的图像超分辨率算法. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(1): 181−193 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230395
Zhou Deng-Wen, Liu Zi-Han, Liu Yu-Kai. Pixel-wise contrastive learning for single image super-resolution. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(1): 181−193 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230395
Citation: Zhou Deng-Wen, Liu Zi-Han, Liu Yu-Kai. Pixel-wise contrastive learning for single image super-resolution. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(1): 181−193 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230395


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230395

    周登文:华北电力大学控制与计算机工程学院教授. 主要研究方向为图像去噪, 图像去马赛克, 图像插值和图像超分辨率. 本文通信作者. E-mail: zdw@ncepu.edu.cn

    刘子涵:华北电力大学控制与计算机工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 深度学习. E-mail: 120212227102@ncepu.edu.cn

    刘玉铠:华北电力大学控制与计算机工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 深度学习. E-mail: liuyk@ncepu.edu.cn

Pixel-wise Contrastive Learning for Single Image Super-resolution

More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHOU Deng-Wen Professor at the School of Control and Compu-ter Engineering, North China Electric Power University. His research interest covers image denoising, image demosaic, image interpolation, and image super-resolution. Corresponding author of this paper

    LIU Zi-Han Master student at the School of Control and Compu-ter Engineering, North China Electric Power University. His research interest covers computer vision and deep learning

    LIU Yu-Kai Master student at the School of Control and Compu-ter Engineering, North China Electric Power University. His research interest covers computer vision and deep learning

  • 摘要: 目前, 深度卷积神经网络(Convolutional neural network, CNN)已主导了单图像超分辨率(Single image super-resolution, SISR)技术的研究, 并取得了很大进展. 但是, SISR仍是一个开放性问题, 重建的超分辨率(Super-resolution, SR)图像往往会出现模糊、纹理细节丢失和失真等问题. 提出一个新的逐像素对比损失, 在一个局部区域中, 使SR图像的像素尽可能靠近对应的原高分辨率(High-resolution, HR)图像的像素, 并远离局部区域中的其他像素, 可改进SR图像的保真度和视觉质量. 提出一个组合对比损失的渐进残差特征融合网络(Progressive residual feature fusion network, PRFFN). 主要贡献有: 1)提出一个通用的基于对比学习的逐像素损失函数, 能够改进SR图像的保真度和视觉质量; 2)提出一个轻量的多尺度残差通道注意力块(Multi-scale residual channel attention block, MRCAB), 可以更好地提取和利用多尺度特征信息; 3)提出一个空间注意力融合块(Spatial attention fuse block, SAFB), 可以更好地利用邻近空间特征的相关性. 实验结果表明, PRFFN显著优于其他代表性方法.
  • 图  1  不同损失及其组合的PSNR/SSIM和视觉效果

    Fig.  1  PSNR/SSIM and visual effects for different losses and their combinations

    图  2  在Set14数据集上, 不同SISR方法2倍SR结果的平均PSNR值和参数量

    Fig.  2  Average PSNRs and parameter counts for 2 times SR models for each state-of-the-art SISR method on the Set14 dataset

    图  3  网络架构细节

    Fig.  3  Network architecture details

    图  4  多尺度残差通道注意力块

    Fig.  4  Multi-scale residual channel attention block

    图  5  空间注意力融合块

    Fig.  5  Spatial attention fusion block

    图  6  像素级对比损失

    Fig.  6  Pixel-wise contrastive loss

    图  7  Urban100数据集中, SwinIR-light使用不同损失函数, img004图像的3倍SR结果

    Fig.  7  The 3 times SR results of SwinIR-light using different losses on the img004 image inthe Urban100 data set

    图  8  2倍SR的视觉效果比较

    Fig.  8  Visual comparison for 2 times SR

    图  9  3倍SR的视觉效果比较

    Fig.  9  Visual comparison for 3 times SR

    图  10  4倍SR的视觉效果比较

    Fig.  10  Visual comparison for 4 times SR

    表  1  DIV2K_val5验证集上, 不同模型, 3倍SR的平均PSNR和参数量

    Table  1  The average PSNRs and parameter counts of 3 times SR for different models on the DIV2K_val5 validation data set

    模型$L_{1}$$L_{cntr}$参数量(K)PSNR (dB)
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    表  2  DIV2K_val5验证集上, 不同损失函数及其组合, 3倍SR的平均PSNR和LPIPS结果

    Table  2  The average PSNRs and LPIPSs of 3 times SR for different losses and their combinations on the DIV2K_val5 validation data set

    $L_{1}$$L_{perc}$$L_{CSD}$$L_{cntr}$PSNR (dB)LPIPS
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    表  3  DIV2K_val5验证集上, 不同$ \lambda_{C} $, 3倍SR的平均PSNR结果

    Table  3  The average PSNRs of 3 times SR for different $ \lambda_{C} $on the DIV2K_val5 validation data set

    $\lambda_{C}$PSNR (dB)
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    表  4  DIV2K_val5验证集上, 不同模型包含与不包含$ L_{cntr} $损失, 3倍SR的平均PSNR和SSIM结果

    Table  4  The average PSNRs and SSIMs of 3 times SR for different models with and without $ L_{cntr} $ loss on the DIV2K_val5 validation data set

    模型$L_{cntr}$PSNR (dB)SSIM
    $ \checkmark$32.334 ($\uparrow 0.061$)0.9067 ($\uparrow 0.0010$)
    $ \checkmark$32.489 ($\uparrow 0.047$)0.9069 ($\uparrow 0.0007$)
    $ \checkmark$32.628 ($\uparrow 0.064$)0.9096 ($\uparrow 0.0008$)
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    表  5  DIV2K_val5验证集上, 不同大小局部区域, 3倍SR的平均PSNR结果

    Table  5  The average PSNRs of 3 times SR for different size local regions on the DIV2K_val5 validation data set

    $S$PSNR (dB)
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    表  6  3倍SR训练10个迭代周期, 训练占用的内存和使用的训练时间

    Table  6  For 3 times SR, 10 epochs, comparing the memory and time used by training

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    表  7  DIV2K_val5验证集上, MRCAB不同分支和不同扩张率组合, 3倍SR的平均PSNR结果

    Table  7  The average PSNRs of 3 times SR for the different branches of MRCAB with different dilation rate combinations on the DIV2K_val5 validation data set

    不同的扩张率卷积组合PSNR (dB)
    $1, 2$32.370
    $1, 2, 3$32.392
    $1, 2, 4$32.451
    $1, 2, 5$32.415
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    表  8  5个标准测试数据集上, 不同SISR方法的2倍、3倍和4倍SR的平均PSNR和SSIM结果

    Table  8  The average PSNRs and SSIMs of 2 times, 3 times, and 4 times SR for different SISR methods on five standard test data sets

    放大倍数方法参数量(K)计算量(G)推理时间(ms)Set5 PSNR/SSIMSet14 PSNR/SSIMB100 PSNR/SSIMUrban100 PSNR/SSIMManga109 PSNR/SSIM
    TSAN4137415.145232.40/0.897528.73/0.7847 27.67/0.739826.39/0.7955—/—
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