Research on Topology Optimization of Resilient Defense Strategy Against False Data Injection Attack in Smart Grid
摘要: 基于虚拟隐含网络的虚假数据注入攻击(False data injection attack, FDIA)防御控制策略, 本文提出了一种基于图论的拓扑优化算法来提高其防御性能. 首先, 提出了一种图的等效变换方法 — 权值分配法, 实现二分图连接拓扑与二分图拉普拉斯矩阵的一一对应; 进而基于网络拓扑的连通度以及连通图的可去边理论, 给出了虚拟隐含网络和二分图连接网络的拓扑选择依据; 在考虑拓扑权值的基础上, 给出了权值拓扑优化的指标评价函数; 通过求解指标评价函数的最小化代价实现拓扑优化选择, 从而改善基于虚拟隐含网络的虚假数据注入攻击防御方法的性能. 最后, 通过在IEEE-14总线电网系统上的仿真验证了所提算法的有效性.Abstract: Based on the defense control strategy of virtual hidden network, this paper proposes a topology optimization algorithm based on graph theory to improve the defense performance of power system against false data injection attacks. Firstly, an equivalent transformation method of graph-weight distribution method is proposed to realize the one-to-one correspondence between the connection topology of bipartite graph and the Laplace matrix of bipartite graph; Then, based on the connectivity of network topology and the theory of removable edges of connected graphs, the topological selection basis of virtual hidden networks and bipartite graph connected networks is given; Based on the consideration of topological weights, the index evaluation function of topological optimization of weights is given; By minimizing the cost of index evaluation function, topology optimization is realized, and then the performance of false data injection attack defense method based on virtual hidden network is improved. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by simulation on IEEE-14 bus power grid system.
图 2 互联网络结构: ${{{\Sigma}}_{{1}}}$为电力系统拓扑, ${{{\Sigma}}_{{2}}}$为虚拟隐含网络拓扑, ${{{\Sigma}}_{\rm{eng}}}$为二分图连接拓扑
Fig. 2 Connection network structure: ${{{\Sigma}}_{{1}}}$ is the power system topology, ${{{\Sigma}}_{{2}}}$ is the virtual network topology, and ${{{\Sigma}}_{\rm{eng}}}$ is the connection topology of bipartite graph
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