A Modeling Method of Blast Furnace Burden Surface Accumulation Shape Based on the Motion Trajectory and Radial Distance
摘要: 高炉料面形貌是反映煤气流分布和煤气利用率的关键指标, 研究高炉料面炉料堆积形状数学建模方法对实现高炉精准布料控制和“双碳”战略在钢铁行业落地具有重要意义. 针对高炉多环布料情况下料面堆积形状预测难的问题, 本文提出了一种基于炉料运动轨迹和径向移动距离的高炉料面炉料堆积形状建模方法. 首先, 提出了一种与炉料初始状态和溜槽状态相关的炉料运动轨迹建模方法, 获取炉料从节流阀至料面的炉料运动轨迹, 并确定炉料在炉喉空区的内轨迹曲线和外轨迹曲线. 然后, 基于炉料运动轨迹和初始料面形状, 以体积守恒原则为约束, 提出了一种基于炉料径向移动距离的高炉料面炉料堆积形状数学建模方法, 获取炉料在料面的堆积形状. 最后, 基于某钢铁厂2# 高炉的尺寸建立离散单元法 (Discrete element method, DEM) 仿真模型, 模型仿真结果验证了所提方法的准确性和有效性.Abstract: The blast furnace burden surface is the key index to reflect the distribution of gas flow and the utilization rate of gas. Studying the mathematical modeling method of burden flow accumulation shape on the blast furnace burden surface is of great significance to realize the precise charging control and the implementation of “dual carbon” strategy in the steel industry. Aiming at the difficulty of predicting the burden flow accumulation shape in the blast furnace multi-ring charging, a modeling method for the accumulation shape of the burden flow on the blast furnace burden surface based on the burden flow motion trajectory and radial movement distance is proposed. Firstly, a modeling method of burden flow motion trajectory relate to the burden flow state and chute state is proposed to obtain the motion trajectory of burden flow from throttle valve to the burden surface, and further determine the internal and external trajectory of burden flow in the blast throat. Secondly, a mathematical modeling method of burden flow accumulation on the blast furnace burden surface based on the radial moving distance is proposed to obtain the accumulation shape of burden flow on the burden surface according to the motion trajectory, initial shape of burden surface, and the principle of volume conservation. Finally, a discrete element method (DEM) simulation model is established based on the 2# blast furnace of a steel plant, and the simulation results verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method.
表 1 DEM仿真中的粒子属性
Table 1 The particle properties used in DEM simulation
参数 数值 焦炭属性 半径(m) 0.04 ~ 0.06 泊松比(P−P) 0.22 剪切模量(Pa) 2.2×107 密度(kg/m3) 1050 恢复系数 碰撞恢复系数(P−P; P−C) 0.18; 0.2 静摩擦系数(P−P; P−C) 0.56; 0.41 滚动摩擦系数(P−P; P−C) 0.15; 0.09 (P−P和P−C分别表示粒子与粒子、粒子与溜槽接触) 表 2 仿真中高炉布料操作参数
Table 2 The charging operation parameters in the simulation
布料环 环1 环2 环3 环4 环5 溜槽转速(°/s) 60 60 60 60 60 溜槽倾角(°) 41 39 36 33 30 旋转圈数 4 3 3 2 1 表 3 基于数学模型的料面高度预测性能
Table 3 The charging operation parameters in the burden furnace simulation
布料环 环1 环2 环3 环4 环5 合计轮廓点数 料面轮廓点 14 19 25 31 34 123 RMSE 0.0429 0.0240 0.0214 0.0259 0.0376 0.0308 $\Delta h \le 0.08$m $H(n)$ 14 19 25 31 32 121 ${\rm{HR}}$ 100% 100% 100% 100% 94.12% 98.37% $\Delta h \le 0.06$m $H(n)$ 11 19 25 31 32 116 ${\rm{HR}}$ 78.57% 100% 100% 96.77% 91.18% 94.31% -
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