Structure Design for Feedforward Small-world Neural Network Based on Synaptic Consolidation Mechanism
摘要: 小世界神经网络具有较快的收敛速度和优越的容错性, 近年来得到广泛关注. 然而, 在网络构造过程中, 随机重连可能造成重要信息丢失, 进而导致网络精度下降. 针对该问题, 基于Watts-Strogatz (WS) 型小世界神经网络, 提出了一种基于突触巩固机制的前馈小世界神经网络(Feedforward small-world neural network based on synaptic consolidation, FSWNN-SC). 首先, 使用网络正则化方法对规则前馈神经网络进行预训练, 基于突触巩固机制, 断开网络不重要的权值连接, 保留重要的连接权值; 其次, 设计重连规则构造小世界神经网络, 在保证网络小世界属性的同时实现网络稀疏化, 并使用梯度下降算法训练网络; 最后, 通过4个UCI基准数据集和2个真实数据集进行模型性能测试, 并使用Wilcoxon符号秩检验对对比模型进行显著性差异检验. 实验结果表明: 所提出的FSWNN-SC模型在获得紧凑的网络结构的同时, 其精度显著优于规则前馈神经网络及其他WS型小世界神经网络.
- 小世界神经网络 /
- 突触巩固机制 /
- 网络正则化 /
- 重连规则 /
- Wilcoxon符号秩检验
Abstract: Because of faster convergence speed and superior fault tolerance, small-world neural network has attracted wide attention in recent years. However, in the construction process, it may cause the loss of important information due to random reconnection, which may lead to the decline of network accuracy. To solve this problem, derived from the Watts-Strogatz (WS) small-world neural network, a feedforward small-world neural network based on synaptic consolidation (FSWNN-SC) mechanism is proposed in this study. Firstly, the regular feedforward neural network is pre-trained by using the network regularization method. Based on the synaptic consolidation mechanism, the unimportant connection weights of the network are disconnected and the important connection weights are retained. Secondly, the rewiring rules are designed to construct a small-world neural network, which can realize the sparseness of the network while ensuring the small-world properties of the network. The gradient descent algorithm is used to train the network. Finally, four UCI benchmark experiments and two practical experiments are carried out to evaluate the model performance, and the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test is performed to test the significant differences between comparative models. Experimental results show that the FSWNN-SC model proposed in this study not only obtains a compact network structure, but also has significantly better accuracy than regular feedforward neural networks and other WS small-world neural networks. -
表 1 实验超参数设置
Table 1 Setting of the hyperparameters in experiments
数据集 网络结构 $\lambda$ $\mu$ $iter_{\mathrm{max}}$ $\mathrm{RMSE}_d$ 数据集1 8-15-15-1 $1.0\times10^{-3}$ 0.0003 6000 0.001 数据集2 4-15-15-1 $1.0\times10^{-3}$ 0.0008 6000 0.001 数据集3 13-20-20-1 $1.0\times10^{-6}$ 0.0008 10000 0.001 数据集4 8-20-20-1 $1.0\times10^{-6}$ 0.0008 10000 0.001 数据集5 6-20-20-1 $1.0\times10^{-6}$ 0.0005 10000 0.001 数据集6 10-20-20-1 $1.0\times10^{-6}$ 0.0008 10000 0.001 表 2 分类实验结果对比
Table 2 Comparison results in classification experiments
分类实验 网络 网络结构 稀疏度SP 测试 Acc 训练时间 (s) 均值 标准差 均值 标准差 数据集1 FSWNN-SC 8-15-12-1 0.8861 0.9472 0.0034 3.9631 0.1936 PFSWNN-SL 8-15-11-1 0.7511 0.9403 0.0026 5.6645 0.2085 PFSWNN-Katz 8-12-10-1 0.6056 0.9396 0.0126 4.0555 0.2764 FSWNN-TO 8-15-15-1 — 0.9392 0.0066 5.4922 0.0147 FSWNN-WS 8-15-15-1 — 0.9374 0.0073 3.9371 0.1255 FNN 8-15-15-1 — 0.9195 0.0093 3.7201 0.0609 数据集2 FSWNN-SC 4-15-12-1 0.8950 0.9883 0.0049 2.7552 0.4252 PFSWNN-SL 4-15-10-1 0.6608 0.9788 0.0081 4.6556 0.2525 PFSWNN-Katz 4-10-11-1 0.5463 0.9823 0.0054 2.8007 0.1837 FSWNN-TO 4-15-15-1 — 0.9840 0.0040 3.6596 0.0614 FSWNN-WS 4-15-15-1 — 0.9782 0.0071 2.3605 0.0419 FNN 4-15-15-1 — 0.9756 0.0132 2.3402 0.0347 表 3 回归实验结果对比
Table 3 Comparison results in regression experiments
回归实验 网络 网络结构 稀疏度SP 测试NRMSE 训练时间 (s) 均值 标准差 均值 标准差 数据集3 FSWNN-SC 13-20-13-1 0.7941 0.4331 0.0199 2.9838 0.0978 PFSWNN-SL 13-20-14-1 0.7265 0.4546 0.0187 6.9352 0.2077 PFSWNN-Katz 13-15-16-1 0.7563 0.4551 0.0200 4.6810 0.1358 FSWNN-TO 13-20-20-1 — 0.4476 0.0193 4.3250 0.0267 FSWNN-WS 13-20-20-1 — 0.4582 0.0232 2.9583 0.0609 FNN 13-20-20-1 — 0.5728 0.0235 3.1481 0.1228 数据集4 FSWNN-SC 8-20-16-1 0.8865 0.4814 0.0308 4.7431 0.1883 PFSWNN-SL 8-20-17-1 0.7706 0.5104 0.0275 8.4518 0.3075 PFSWNN-Katz 8-17-18-1 0.8064 0.5159 0.0234 5.6207 0.5053 FSWNN-TO 8-20-20-1 — 0.4944 0.0147 5.8352 0.0231 FSWNN-WS 8-20-20-1 — 0.5142 0.0222 4.6306 0.1288 FNN 8-20-20-1 — 0.6691 0.0058 4.4024 0.0585 数据集5 FSWNN-SC 6-20-14-1 0.7952 0.1351 0.0017 5.0063 0.2048 PFSWNN-SL 6-20-14-1 0.6698 0.1405 0.0080 8.3014 0.3069 PFSWNN-Katz 6-17-14-1 0.6647 0.1371 0.0031 5.2003 0.4510 FSWNN-TO 6-20-20-1 — 0.1374 0.0032 5.5165 0.1494 FSWNN-WS 6-20-20-1 — 0.1378 0.0026 4.8520 0.2943 FNN 6-20-20-1 — 0.1544 0.0084 5.0213 0.4910 数据集6 FSWNN-SC 10-20-16-1 0.8663 0.4055 0.0101 2.7706 0.1334 PFSWNN-SL 10-20-15-1 0.7298 0.4168 0.0112 6.2909 0.0112 PFSWNN-Katz 10-15-18-1 0.7649 0.4139 0.0093 3.5227 0.4455 FSWNN-TO 10-20-20-1 — 0.4124 0.0143 3.2057 0.0388 FSWNN-WS 10-20-20-1 — 0.4144 0.0102 2.7778 0.0161 FNN 10-20-20-1 — 0.4309 0.0134 2.7206 0.0132 表 4 Wilcoxon符号秩检验结果
Table 4 Results of Wilcoxon signed-rank test
实验 模型 ${R^+}$ ${R^-}$ $Z$ ${P_{w}}$ FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-SL 206 4 −3.7706 0.0002* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-Katz 179 31 −2.7626 0.0058* 数据集1 FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-TO 203 7 −3.6586 0.0002* FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-WS 198.5 11.5 −3.4906 0.0004* FSWNN-SC vs. FNN 210 0 −3.9199 0* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-SL 203.5 6.5 −3.6773 0.0002* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-Katz 177 33 −2.6880 0.0074* 数据集2 FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-TO 176.5 33.5 −2.6693 0.0076* FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-WS 199.5 10.5 −3.5279 0.0004* FSWNN-SC vs. FNN 206.5 3.5 −3.7893 0.0004* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-SL 187 23 −3.0613 0.0022* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-Katz 207 3 −3.8079 0.0002* 数据集3 FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-TO 190 20 −3.1733 0.0016* FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-WS 209 1 −3.8826 0.0002* FSWNN-SC vs. FNN 210 0 −3.9199 0* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-SL 184 26 −2.9493 0.0032* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-Katz 210 0 −3.9199 0.0000* 数据集4 FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-TO 159 51 −2.0160 0.0434* FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-WS 208 2 −3.8453 0.0002* FSWNN-SC vs. FNN 210 0 −3.9199 0* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-SL 187 23 −3.0613 0.0022* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-Katz 169 41 −2.3893 0.0168* 数据集5 FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-TO 177 33 −2.6880 0.0074* FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-WS 190 20 −3.1733 0.0016* FSWNN-SC vs. FNN 210 0 −3.9199 0* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-SL 171 39 −2.4640 0.0138* FSWNN-SC vs. PFSWNN-Katz 160 50 −2.0533 0.0434* 数据集6 FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-TO 177 33 −2.6880 0.0074* FSWNN-SC vs. FSWNN-WS 172 38 −2.5013 0.0124* FSWNN-SC vs. FNN 210 0 −3.9199 0* -
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