摘要: 前沿的自然场景文本检测方法大多基于全卷积语义分割网络, 利用像素级分类结果有效检测任意形状的文本, 其主要缺点是模型大、推理时间长、内存占用高, 这在实际应用中限制了其部署. 提出一种基于信息熵迁移的自蒸馏训练方法(Self-distillation via entropy transfer, SDET), 利用文本检测网络深层网络输出的分割图(Segmentation map, SM)信息熵作为待迁移知识, 通过辅助网络将信息熵反馈给浅层网络. 与依赖教师网络的知识蒸馏 (Knowledge distillation, KD)不同, SDET仅在训练阶段增加一个辅助网络, 以微小的额外训练代价实现无需教师网络的自蒸馏(Self-distillation, SD). 在多个自然场景文本检测的标准数据集上的实验结果表明, SDET在基线文本检测网络的召回率和F1得分上, 能显著优于其他蒸馏方法.Abstract: Most of the state-of-the-art text detection methods in natural scenes are based on full convolutional network, which can effectively detect arbitrary shape text by using the pixel level classification results from the segmentation network. The main defects of these methods, i.e. large size of the networks, time-consuming forward reasoning and large memory occupation, hinder their deployment in practical applications. In this paper, we propose self-distillation via entropy transfer (SDET), which takes the information entropy of the segmentation map (SM) output by the deep layers of the text detection network as the knowledge to be transferred, and feeds it directly back into the shallow layers through an auxiliary network. Different from traditional knowledge distillation (KD) which relies on teacher network, SDET utilizes an auxiliary network in the training stage and realizes self-distillation (SD) at a small extra training cost. Experiments conducted on multiple standard datasets for natural scene text detection demonstrate that SDET significantly improves the recall rate and F1 score of the baseline text detection networks, and outperforms other distillation methods.
表 1 不同辅助分类器对SDET的影响 (%)
Table 1 The impact of different auxiliary classifiers on SDET (%)
模型 方法 ICDAR2013 ICDAR2015 P R F P R F MV3-EAST 基线 81.7 64.4 72.0 80.9 75.4 78.0 A型 78.8 65.9 71.8 78.8 76.3 77.5 B型 84.4 66.5 74.4 81.3 77.0 79.1 C型 81.4 67.4 73.7 78.9 77.7 78.3 MV3-DB 基线 83.7 66.0 73.8 87.1 71.8 78.7 A型 84.1 68.8 75.7 86.5 73.9 79.7 B型 81.1 67.3 73.6 87.8 71.7 78.9 C型 84.9 67.9 75.4 87.8 73.0 79.7 表 2 不同特征金字塔位置对B型的影响 (%)
Table 2 The impact of different feature pyramid positions on type B (%)
方法 特征图尺寸(像素) P R F 基线 — 80.9 75.4 78.0 P0 ${\text{16}} \times {\text{16}}$ 79.1 75.8 77.4 P1 ${\text{32}} \times {\text{32}}$ 79.5 76.5 78.0 P2 ${\text{64}} \times {\text{64}}$ 80.7 77.4 79.0 P3 ${\text{128}} \times {\text{128}}$ 81.3 77.0 79.1 表 3 MV3-DB在不同数据集上的知识蒸馏实验结果(%)
Table 3 Experimental results of knowledge distillation of MV3-DB on different datasets (%)
方法 ICDAR2013 TD500 TD-TR ICDAR2015 Total-text CASIA-10K P R F P R F P R F P R F P R F P R F 基线 83.7 66.0 73.8 78.7 71.4 74.9 83.6 74.4 78.7 87.1 71.8 78.7 87.2 66.9 75.7 88.1 51.9 65.3 ST 82.5 65.8 73.2 77.0 73.0 74.9 84.6 73.5 78.7 85.4 72.2 78.2 87.4 65.3 74.8 88.8 49.4 63.5 KA 82.5 66.8 73.8 79.5 71.3 75.2 86.3 72.5 78.8 85.0 73.3 78.7 85.9 66.8 75.2 87.8 51.4 64.8 FitNets 84.7 65.4 73.8 78.6 73.3 75.8 85.3 74.0 79.2 85.3 73.3 78.8 87.4 67.5 76.2 88.0 52.3 65.6 SKD 82.4 68.8 75.0 81.2 70.6 75.5 84.8 74.5 79.3 87.4 71.6 78.7 87.4 67.0 75.9 88.6 51.6 65.2 SD 83.5 67.8 74.8 79.4 72.2 75.6 85.0 74.0 79.1 85.1 73.0 78.6 87.0 67.6 76.1 87.1 52.0 65.1 SAD 82.8 66.7 73.9 78.7 72.3 75.4 87.3 72.0 78.9 86.7 72.7 79.1 86.5 67.1 75.6 88.4 50.7 64.4 本文方法 84.1 68.8 75.7 80.6 72.2 76.2 85.6 74.6 79.7 86.5 73.9 79.7 87.5 68.4 76.8 87.4 53.4 66.3 表 4 MV3-EAST在不同数据集上的知识蒸馏实验结果(%)
Table 4 Experimental results of knowledge distillation of MV3-EAST on different datasets (%)
方法 ICDAR2013 ICDAR2015 CASIA-10K P R F P R F P R F 基线 81.7 64.4 72.0 80.9 75.4 78.0 66.1 64.9 65.5 ST 77.8 64.9 70.8 80.9 75.1 77.9 64.7 65.1 64.9 KA 78.6 64.0 70.5 78.2 76.4 77.3 67.7 63.0 65.3 FitNets 82.4 65.8 73.2 78.0 77.8 77.9 65.4 64.2 64.8 SKD 79.5 66.3 72.3 81.9 75.6 78.6 66.6 64.7 65.6 SD 80.2 63.8 71.1 79.6 74.7 77.1 66.2 63.5 64.8 SAD 81.4 65.6 72.6 80.2 76.5 78.3 65.7 64.1 64.9 本文方法 84.4 66.5 74.4 81.3 77.0 79.1 70.8 63.0 66.7 表 5 SDET与DSN在不同数据集上的对比(%)
Table 5 Comparison of SDET and DSN on different datasets (%)
方法 ICDAR2013 TD500 TD-TR ICDAR2015 Total-text CASIA-10K P R F P R F P R F P R F P R F P R F 基线 83.7 66.0 73.8 78.7 71.4 74.9 83.6 74.4 78.7 87.1 71.8 78.7 87.2 66.9 75.7 88.1 51.9 65.3 DSN 84.4 68.0 75.3 79.7 71.5 75.4 86.4 72.2 78.7 85.8 73.4 79.1 86.1 67.9 75.9 87.9 52.3 65.6 本文方法 84.1 68.8 75.7 80.6 72.2 76.2 85.6 74.6 79.7 86.5 73.9 79.7 87.5 68.4 76.8 87.4 53.4 66.3 表 6 SDET在不同数据集上提升ResNet50-DB的效果(%)
Table 6 The effect of SDET on improving ResNet50-DB on different datasets (%)
方法 ICDAR2013 TD500 TD-TR ICDAR2015 Total-text CASIA-10K P R F P R F P R F P R F P R F P R F 基线 86.3 72.9 79.0 84.1 75.9 79.8 87.3 80.4 83.7 90.3 80.1 84.9 87.7 79.4 83.3 90.1 64.7 75.3 本文方法 82.7 77.2 79.9 79.9 81.5 80.7 87.2 83.0 85.0 90.3 82.1 86.0 87.4 81.8 84.5 86.0 68.7 76.4 -
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