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李娟娟 袁勇 王飞跃

李娟娟, 袁勇, 王飞跃. 基于区块链的数字货币发展现状与展望. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(4): 715−729 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210018
引用本文: 李娟娟, 袁勇, 王飞跃. 基于区块链的数字货币发展现状与展望. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(4): 715−729 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210018
Li Juan-Juan, Yuan Yong, Wang Fei-Yue. Blockchain-based digital currency: The state of the art and future trends. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(4): 715−729 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210018
Citation: Li Juan-Juan, Yuan Yong, Wang Fei-Yue. Blockchain-based digital currency: The state of the art and future trends. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(4): 715−729 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210018


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210018
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划专项 (2018AAA0101401), 国家自然科学基金 (61533019), 澳门科学技术发展基金(0050/2020/A1)资助

    李娟娟:北京理工大学自动化学院博士, 中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室助理研究员. 2010年获中国人民大学经济学硕士学位. 主要研究方向为区块链, 计算经济学. 本文通信作者. E-mail: juanjuan.li@ia.ac.cn

    袁勇:中国人民大学数学学院教授, 中国自动化学会区块链专委会主任. 2008年获得山东科技大学计算机软件与理论专业博士学位. 主要研究方向为区块链, 计算经济学. E-mail: yong.yuan@ruc.edu.cn

    王飞跃:中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室主任, 国防科技大学军事计算实验与平行系统技术研究中心主任, 中国科学院大学中国经济与社会安全研究中心主任, 青岛智能产业技术研究院院长. 主要研究方向为平行系统的方法与应用, 社会计算, 平行智能和知识自动化. E-mail: feiyue.wang@ia.ac.cn

Blockchain-based Digital Currency: The State of the Art and Future Trends

Funds: Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018AAA0101401), National Natural Science Foundation of China (61533019), The Science and Technology Development Fund of Macau SAR (0050/2020/A1)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LI Juan-Juan Ph. D. candidate at School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, and assistant professor at the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She received her master degree in economics from Renmin University of China in 2010. Her research interest covers blockchain, and computational economics. Corresponding author of this paper

    YUAN Yong Professor at the School of Mathematics, Renmin University of China. He is also the director of Technical Committee on Blockchain, Chinese Association of Automation. He received his Ph. D. degree in computer software and theory from Shandong University of Science and Technology in 2008. His research interest covers blockchain, and computational economics

    WANG Fei-Yue Director of the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Director of the Research Center for Computational Experiments and Parallel Systems Technology, National University of Defense Technology. Director of China Economic and Social Security Research Center in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dean of Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries. His research interest covers methods and applications for parallel systems, social computing, parallel intelligence, and knowledge automation

  • 摘要: 数字货币(Digital currency)作为区块链技术迄今为止最典型也最成功的应用, 得益于区块链分布式共识与去中心化信任的技术优势, 也促使了区块链技术与经济活动的深度融合, 并由此改变了数字社会的组织方式. 近年来, 无论是在基础理论研究方面, 还是在实践应用发展方面, 数字货币均呈现出了蓬勃向上的态势. 本文从技术创新、机制设计以及风险监管三个角度梳理了数字货币的主要研究问题, 详细阐述了基础支撑技术、隐私保护技术、共识机制、激励机制、币值机制、发行机制、风险分析、监管考量等方面的研究进展、存在问题及应用现状, 并展望了未来重点研究方向, 致力于为数字货币领域的研究提供有益借鉴.
  • 图  1  本文研究框架

    Fig.  1  The research framework

    图  2  基于PoW与PoS的共识机制改进

    Fig.  2  The improved blockchain consensus algorithms based on PoW and PoS

    图  3  矿工挖矿与交易验证流程

    Fig.  3  The mining and transaction confirmation process

    表  1  已有交易定价机制的比较

    Table  1  The comparison of pricing mechanisms

    机制 动态稳定性 激励相容性 计算复杂度
    GFP 不具备 不具备 不复杂
    MP 具备 在用户数量足够多的情况下具备 不复杂
    GSP 具备 不具备 不复杂
    VCG 具备 具备 复杂
    RSOP 具备 未知 较复杂
    下载: 导出CSV
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