The Control Strategy of Vertical Torsional Coupling Vibration of Rolling Mill Based on Coupled Backstepping Method
摘要: 针对轧机机电液垂扭耦合系统存在耦合振动问题, 提出一种基于耦合反步法的轧机垂扭耦合振动抑制控制策略. 首先考虑轧机传动系统、液压系统与辊系机械间的相互影响, 根据动力学定理, 建立轧机机电液垂扭耦合振动数学模型. 其次考虑到轧机耦合垂振系统和耦合扭振系统间存在状态耦合关系, 利用耦合反步法, 解决了振动控制器设计中存在的相互嵌套问题. 针对耦合系统输出性能受限问题, 借助于障碍李雅普诺夫函数方法, 同时利用神经网络来逼近未知非线性函数, 设计自适应神经网络振动抑制控制策略. 基于李雅普诺夫稳定理论严格证明了本文设计的控制方法能够保证系统输出满足所要求的暂稳态性能指标. 最后, 根据650 mm轧机的实际数据进行仿真, 验证了本文设计控制策略的有效性与优越性.Abstract: A control strategy based on coupling backstepping method is proposed to suppress the vertical torsional coupling vibration of rolling mill. Firstly, the coupling effect of the drive system, hydraulic system and the roll system is considered. According to the dynamic theorem, the vertical torsional coupling vibration model of the rolling mill is established. Then, in view of the coupling relationship between the two subsystems, a control strategy of electromechanical hydraulic vertical torsional coupling vibration suppression of rolling mill is proposed. Based on the specific order backstepping method, the coupling vibration control strategy is designed to overcome the problem of nesting each other in the controller design. Considering the output performance constraints of the coupled system, with the aid of the barrier Lyapunov function method and the neural network to approximate the unknown nonlinear function, an adaptive neural network vibration suppression control strategy is designed. It is proved theoretically that the designed controller can make the system output meet the required transient-steady performance index. Finally, a simulation is carried out on 650 mm rolling mill by using the actual data to show the validity of the proposed control strategy in this paper.
表 1 轧机机电液垂扭耦合系统仿真参数
Table 1 The simulation parametes of electromechanical hydraulic vertical torsional coupling system of rolling mill
参数 数值 参数 数值 ${m_1}$ $8.9357 \times {10^4}\;{\rm{kg}}$ ${k_v}$ $1.25 \times {10^{ - 4}}\;{\rm{m/v}}$ ${k_{11}}$ $7.2 \times {10^{10}}\;{\rm{N/m}}$ ${\beta _e}$ $7 \times {10^8}\;{\rm{Pa}}$ ${c_{11}}$ $1.2\times {10}^{6}\;({\rm{N} }·{\rm{s} })/{\rm{m} }$ $V$ $0.0{{732} }\;{ {\rm{m} }^{ {3} } }$ ${P_s}$ $2 \times {10^7}\;{\rm{Pa}}$ $J{}_m$ $1\,552\;{\rm{kg} }·{\rm{m} }^{2}$ ${P_2}$ $1 \times {10^6}\;{\rm{Pa}}$ $J{}_L$ $1\,542\;{\rm{kg} }·{\rm{m} }^{2}$ ${A_1}$ $1.9635 \times {10^{ - 1} }\;{ {\rm{m} }^{{2} } }$ $K$ $5.93\times {10}^{6}\;({\rm{N} }·{\rm{m} })/{\rm{rad} }$ ${A_2}$ $3.015 \times {10^{ - 2} }\;{ {\rm{m} }^{{2} } }$ ${TL}1$ $14\,500\;{\rm{N} }·{\rm{m} }$ ${C_t}$ $5 \times {10^{ - 16}}$ ${TLD}$ $2\,190\times \sin\left({\rm{\pi } }t\right)\,{\rm{N} }·{\rm{m} }$ ${C_d}$ $0.{\rm{62}}$ $R$ 0.4 $w$ 0.119 ${c_1}$ 0.2 ${c_2}$ 0.1 ${c_3}$ 0.1 ${c_4}$ 0.2 $a$ 0.13 $b$ 0.002 $c$ 0.2 -
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