摘要: 感兴趣区域(Region of interest, ROI) 提取在生物特征识别中, 常用于减少后续处理的计算消耗, 提高识别模型的准确性, 是生物识别系统中预处理的关键步骤. 针对生物识别数据, 提出了一种鲁棒的ROI提取方法. 方法使用语义分割模型作为基础, 通过增加全局感知模块, 与分割模型形成对抗结构, 为模型提供先验知识, 补充全局视觉模式信息, 解决了语义分割模型的末端收敛困难问题, 提高了模型的鲁棒性和泛化能力. 在传统二维(2D)指纹、人脸、三维(3D)指纹和指纹汗孔数据集中验证了方法的有效性. 实验结果表明, 相比于现有方法, 所提出的ROI提取方法更具鲁棒性和泛化能力, 精度最高.Abstract: Region of interest (ROI) extraction is an initial and key step in biometrics since it can not only facilitate more accurate feature extraction but also can reduce the computational cost. This paper proposes a more robust ROI extraction method for biometric image. The method uses semantic segmentation network as the basis. By adding the global perceptual loss module (i.e., adversarial structure) into the loss function of the learning model, prior knowledge is provided to try to make the model know the global pattern information. Furthermore, global perceptual loss module solves the problem of terminal convergence and improve the robustness of the ROI extraction. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated on the 2D fingerprint, face, 3D fingerprint and sweat pore datasets, respectively. Comparisons with other ROI extraction methods also shows the outstanding performance of the proposed method.
图 10 不同训练次数下的2D指纹、人脸和3D指纹ROI的提取结果(从左至右依次是不同的迭代次数的模型分割结果. 上面一行是Baseline的分割结果, 下面一行是本文方法的分割结果)
Fig. 10 The results for 2D fingerprint, face and 3D fingerprint ROI extraction with different iteration numbers (From left to right, there are the extraction results with different iteration numbers. The upper row corresponds to the extraction results of baseline, and the lower row shows the results of the proposed method)
表 1 不同设置下的全局感知模块表现
Table 1 Investigation of global perceptual loss module with different settings
优化策略 2D传统指纹(Pixel Acc.(%)/Mean IoU) 人脸(Pixel Acc.(%)/Mean IoU) 3D指纹(Pixel Acc.(%)/Mean IoU) 本文方法 Baseline 本文方法 Baseline 本文方法 Baseline 损失函数 IoU loss[2] 92.07/0.8632 90.66/0.8380 92.05/0.8579 90.03/0.8254 96.97/0.8859 95.18/0.8640 Lovasz loss[25] 92.48/0.8648 93.14/0.8822 97.21/0.9475 96.71/0.9388 95.74/0.8788 95.69/0.8767 L2 loss 93.33/0.8613 89.33/0.8219 96.99/0.9434 96.90/0.9420 95.70/0.8850 94.14/0.8331 CrossEntropy loss (base) 92.58/0.8606 82.71/0.7180 97.06/0.9429 96.77/0.9389 96.13/0.8975 95.43/0.8719 优化器 AMSGrad[29] 93.65/0.8863 92.39/0.8672 96.50/0.9353 96.17/0.9289 93.56/0.8230 90.45/0.7540 Radam[30] 92.72/0.8694 92.27/0.8665 96.72/0.9390 96.52/0.9350 95.77/0.8806 95.19/0.8676 Adam (base)[27] 92.58/0.8606 82.71/0.7180 97.06/0.9429 96.77/0.9389 96.13/0.8975 95.43/0.8719 表 2 2D指纹ROI提取实验结果
Table 2 ROI extraction results of 2D fingerprints
方法 FVCs vs. NIST 29
pixel Acc. (%)/Mean IoUNIST 29 vs. FVCs
pixel Acc. (%)/Mean IoU平均值(Average)
pixel Acc. (%)/Mean IoUMean and variance based method[13] 76.71/0.6852 77.23/0.7551 76.97/0.7202 Orientation based method[12] 75.37/0.7532 74.46/0.6213 74.92/0.6873 Fourier based method[13] 65.45/0.6349 65.45/0.6349 65.45/0.6349 PSPNet[17] 87.74/0.8000 79.41/0.7209 83.58/0.7605 FCN[15] 87.20/0.7932 75.77/0.6736 81.49/0.7334 U-Net[16] 85.83/0.7839 76.46/0.7251 81.15/0.7545 Baseline 82.71/0.7180 73.12/0.7341 77.92/0.7261 Baseline+Dense-CRF[48] 90.33/0.7835 78.30/0.7347 84.32/0.7591 本文方法 92.58/0.8606 80.29/0.7469 86.44/0.8038 本文方法+Dense-CRF 94.67/0.8852 82.73/0.7852 88.70/0.8352 表 3 人脸提取案例实验结果
Table 3 ROI extraction results of face images
表 4 3D指纹的ROI提取结果
Table 4 ROI extraction results of 3D fingerprint
表 5 指纹汗孔提取实验结果
Table 5 Fingerprint pore extraction results
$ R_T$(%) $ R_F$(%) Gabor Filter[44] 75.90 (7.5) 23.00 (8.2) Adapt. Dog[14] 80.80 (6.5) 22.20 (9.0) DAPM[14] 84.80 (4.5) 17.60 (6.3) Xu等[45] 84.80 (4.5) 17.60 (6.3) Labati等[46] 84.69 (7.81) 15.31 (6.2) DeepPore[47] 93.09 (4.63) 8.64 (4.15) DeepPore* 96.33 (6.57) 6.45 (17.22) Baseline 97.48 (9.63) 7.57 (5.85) 本文方法 98.30 (9.2927) 7.83 (4.18) -
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