Research Development in Theory and Application of Human Simulated Intelligent Control
摘要: 仿人智能控制是现代智能控制理论之一, 利用分层递阶的控制结构与多控制模态为强非线性、大迟滞、难建模问题提供了切实可行的解决方案, 近些年来发展迅速并且得到学术界的持续关注, 但缺乏对该理论研究进展系统性的总结. 本文通过系统的梳理仿人智能控制的理论基础和发展脉络, 将其划分为三代控制模型, 分别从每一代控制模型的算法描述、研究进展与应用进展三个角度进行综述, 同时, 结合当前的研究进展讨论仿人智能控制在控制模型、结构功能、参数校正方面进一步研究的方向.Abstract: Human simulated intelligent control is one of the modern intelligent control theories. The hierarchical control structure and multi-control modes are used to solve the problems of strong nonlinearity, large hysteresis and difficult modeling. In recent years, it has developed rapidly and received continuous attention from the academic community, but it lacks a systematic summary of the research progress in theory. This paper systematically sorts out the theoretical basis and development context of human simulated intelligent control, divides it into three generations of control models, and summarizes them from three perspectives: algorithm description, research progress and application progress of each generation of control models. In addition, considering the research progress, it also discusses the direction of further research on human simulated intelligent control in control models, structural functions, and parameter correction.
表 1 三代仿人智能控制关系表
Table 1 Relation table of three generations of human simulated intelligent control
控制模型 联系与发展改进 提出时间 服务对象 原型算法 用极值采样保持替代积分器, 能够很好的兼顾稳定性、快速性和精确性. 1979 温度控制、PH控制等 仿人智能控制(HSIC) 以原型算法为核心思想, 建立分层递阶的信息处理与决策机构, 基于特征模型在线特征辨识和特征记忆, 构建能够定性决策与定量控制的多模态集, 采用启发式推理的规则集. 1990 倒立摆、工业控制等具有强非线性、欠驱动特性的控制对象 基于动觉智能图式的仿人智能控制(SMIS-HSIC) 以第二代仿人智能控制为基础, 融合图式理论, 提升控制器的控制效果与智能程度, 赋予控制器自适应自学习能力, 加强控制器分布式、并行执行的特点. 2003 多级倒立摆、机器人等更复杂难控的对象 -
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