结合智能车面临的横向安全问题, 设计了一种具有横向安全性的智能驾驶员模型. 该系统由转向控制、速度控制和决策规划三个模块组成. 该系统的主要作用包括: 一是通过在转向控制中加入主要约束提高车辆在转向过程中的横向稳定性, 减小车辆发生侧滑、侧倾、侧偏等风险; 二是在换道场景下, 决策规划单元合理分析交通环境中的车间距并计算出驶入临近车道的速度和轨迹, 使智能车实现安全换道. CarSim/Simulink仿真结果表明, 该智能驾驶员系统提高了车辆行驶的横向安全性.
Abstract:In this paper, an intelligent driver model with lateral safety will be designed to solve the lateral safety problems faced by intelligent vehicles. The system consists of three modules: steering control module, speed control module and decision-making module. The lateral safety problems include: firstly, the lateral stability of the vehicle in the steering process is improved by adding major constraints to the steering controller to reduce the risk of vehicle sideslip, roll and sideslip; secondly, in the lane-changing scenario, the decision-making module analyses the environment and calculates the speed and the trajectory of the lane-changing. The simulation results show that the intelligent driver model improves the lateral safety of the vehicle.
表 1 智能驾驶员系统参数设置
Table 1 The definition of the intelligent driver system
实验车M Car A Car B Car C 最小安全间距${d_o}({\rm{m}})$ $ {d_o}(3) $ $ {d_o}(2) $ ${d_o}(1)$ 加速度幅度$({\rm{m/{s}}^2})$ 1.8 2.2 2.5 加速度增量$({\rm{m/{s}}^2})$ 0.09 0.11 0.12 反应时间$({\rm{s}})$ 0.4 0.7 0.9 -
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