Trajectory Tracking Control for Connected Vehicle Platoon Considering Car-Following Interactions and Time Delays
摘要: 针对智能网联车辆轨迹跟踪问题, 本文通过考虑车辆跟驰作用和车车通信过程中存在的通信时延, 提出了一种分布式非线性轨迹跟踪控制器. 具体来讲, 首先, 提出一种双向领导跟随通信拓扑来描述智能网联环境下车辆间的通信连接. 其次, 考虑车辆跟驰作用和通信时延, 设计一种分布式非线性轨迹跟踪控制器. 然后, 使用Lyapunov方法证明了所设计控制器的稳定性. 最后, 考虑速度干扰作用于领导者车辆, 针对无时延、同质时延和异质时延等三种场景进行数值仿真实验. 仿真结果表明: 本文所设计的控制器不仅保证了车辆位置跟踪误差收敛到原点, 而且车辆运动规律符合交通流理论, 即无负位置跟踪误差和负速度现象.Abstract: For the trajectory tracking problem of connected vehicles (CVs), a distributed nonlinear trajectory tracking controller is proposed by incorporating the car-following interactions between vehicles and time delays in this study. In particular, a bidirectional leader-follower communication topology is utilized to characterize the connections among CVs. Then, considering the car-following interactions between vehicles and time delays, a distributed nonlinear trajectory tracking controller for follower vehicles is proposed. Further, the stability of the proposed controller is analyzed using the Lyapunov technique. Finally, simulations are performed for leader with external disturbance and three scenarios: no time delays, homogeneous time delays, and heterogeneous time delays. The simulation results show that the proposed controller in this study not only ensures that position tracking error converges to the origin, but also the vehicle motion is consistent with the traffic flow theory, which means that the negative position tracking error and negative velocity are avoided.
表 1 控制器参数
Table 1 Controller parameters
参数 值 单位 ${E}_1$ 7.5 (1,1)T m/s ${E}_2$ 8.79 (1,1)T m/s ${C}_1$ 0.14 (1,1)T m−1 ${C}_2$ 1.74 (1,1)T — $l_c$ 5 m $\kappa$ 0.45 s−1 $\beta$ 2.22 s−1 $J$ 0.047 kg·m2 $k_e$ 1.5 — $g_v$ (1,0)T — $k_z$ 8 — ${ k}_\phi$ 8${\bf I}$ — $d_\upsilon$ 4.5 kg/s $d_\omega$ 0.41 kg·m/s $\delta$ (−0.05,0)T — ${G_\omega }$ 1 — ${B}$ (1,0;0,0.2)T — m 5.5 kg 表 2 不同时延下的性能比较
Table 2 Performance comparisons under different time delays
性能 无时延 $\tau=0.02$ s $\tau=0.10$ s 异质时延 控制输入 正 正 负 负 位置跟踪误差 正 正 负 负 速度 正 正 负 负 速度误差振幅 (m/s) 0 0 0.2 0.3 加速度振幅 (m/s2) 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.8 -
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