摘要: 近年来结合深度学习的图像语义分割方法日益发展, 并在机器人、自动驾驶等领域中得到应用. 本文提出一种基于区块自适应特征融合(Block adaptive feature fusion, BAFF) 的实时语义分割算法, 该算法在轻量卷积网络架构上, 对前后文特征进行分区块自适应加权融合, 有效提高了实时语义分割精度. 首先, 分析卷积网络层间分割特征的感受野对分割结果的影响, 并在跳跃连接结构(SkipNet) 上提出一种特征分区块加权融合机制; 然后, 采用三维卷积进行层间特征整合, 建立基于深度可分离的特征权重计算网络. 最终, 在自适应加权作用下实现区块特征融合. 实验结果表明, 本文算法能够在图像分割的快速性和准确性之间做到很好的平衡, 在复杂场景分割上具有较好的鲁棒性.Abstract: Recently, image semantic segmentation has made great progress with deep learning, which benefits robotics and automatic driving vehicle. This paper proposes a real-time semantic segmentation algorithm based on block adaptive feature fusion (BAFF). Under the framework of a light convolutional network, a block adaptive feature fusion algorithm is proposed in the context-embedding module, to improve the accuracy of real-time semantic segmentation. First, the problem caused by the different size of receptive field in layers is analyzed, and a feature fusion mechanism with block weight is presented on SkipNet. Then, layers' feature integration is carried on by three-dimension convolution. The feature-weights are calculated by an additional network with depthwise-separable-convolutions (DSC). Finally, the features are fused under adaptive weights. Experiments show that this method obtains excellent segmentation results with a good balance between rapidity and accuracy and owns robustness on segmentation of complex scenes.
Key words:
- Deep learning /
- real-time semantic segmentation network /
- block adaptive feature fusion (BAFF) /
- SkipNet
1) 本文责任编委 刘成林 -
表 1 加入BAFF前后的模型复杂度对比
Table 1 Comparisons of model complexity before and after adding BAFF
模型 MIoU (%) 运算量(M) 参数量(K) SkipNet 66.8 15 962.99 841.76 BAFF-SkipNet 70.5 15 963.23 843.17 表 2 语义分割各类别精度对比(%)
Table 2 Semantic segmentation accuracy comparison of different types (%)
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