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张勇 杨康 郝国生 巩敦卫

张勇, 杨康, 郝国生, 巩敦卫. 基于相似历史信息迁移学习的进化优化框架. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(3): 652-665 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180515
引用本文: 张勇, 杨康, 郝国生, 巩敦卫. 基于相似历史信息迁移学习的进化优化框架. 自动化学报, 2021, 47(3): 652-665 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180515
Zhang Yong, Yang Kang, Hao Guo-Sheng, Gong Dun-Wei. Evolutionary optimization framework based on transfer learning of similar historical information. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(3): 652-665 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180515
Citation: Zhang Yong, Yang Kang, Hao Guo-Sheng, Gong Dun-Wei. Evolutionary optimization framework based on transfer learning of similar historical information. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2021, 47(3): 652-665 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180515


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180515

国家自然科学基金 61876185

国家自然科学基金 61573364

国家自然科学基金 61573362


    张勇  中国矿业大学信息与控制工程学院教授. 2009年获控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位. 主要研究方向为群体智能和机器学习. E-mail: yongzh401@126.com

    杨康  中国矿业大学硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为群体智能和机器学习. E-mail: zgkydxyk@sina.com

    巩敦卫  中国矿业大学信息与控制工程学院教授. 1999年在中国矿业大学获博士学位. 主要研究方向为进化计算与应用. E-mail: dwgong@vip.163.com


    郝国生  江苏师范大学计算机学院教授. 2009年获得控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位. 主要研究方向为进化计算和大数据应用. 本文通信作者. E-mail: hgskd@jsnu.edu.cn

Evolutionary Optimization Framework Based on Transfer Learning of Similar Historical Information


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61876185

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61573364

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61573362

More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHANG Yong  Professor at the School of Information and Control Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology. He received his Ph. D. degree of control theory and control engineering from China University of Mining and Technology in 2009. His research interest covers swarm intelligence and machine learning

    YANG Kang  Master student of information and control engineering at China University of Mining and Technology. His research interest covers swarm intelligence and machine learning

    GONG Dun-Wei  Professor at the School of Information and Control Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology. He received his Ph. D. degree from China University of Mining and Technology in 1999. His research interest covers evolutionary computation and its applications

    Corresponding author: HAO Guo-Sheng  Professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Jiangsu Normal University. He received his Ph. D. degree of control theory and control engineering from China University of Mining and Technology in 2009. His research interest covers evolutionary algorithms and the application of big data. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 现有进化算法大都从问题的零初始信息开始搜索最优解, 没有利用先前解决相似问题时获得的历史信息, 在一定程度上浪费了计算资源.将迁移学习的思想扩展到进化优化领域, 本文研究一种基于相似历史信息迁移学习的进化优化框架.从已解决问题的模型库中找到与新问题匹配的历史问题, 将历史问题对应的知识迁移到新问题的求解过程中, 以提高种群的搜索效率.首先, 定义一种基于多分布估计的最大均值差异指标, 用来评价新问题与历史模型之间的匹配程度; 接着, 将相匹配的历史问题的知识迁移到新问题中, 给出一种基于模型匹配程度的进化种群初始化策略, 以加快算法的搜索速度; 然后, 给出一种基于迭代聚类的代表个体保存策略, 保留求解过程中产生的优势信息, 用于更新历史模型库; 最后, 将自适应骨干粒子群优化算法嵌入到所提框架, 给出一种基于相似历史信息迁移学习的骨干粒子群优化算法.针对多个改进的典型测试函数, 实验结果表明, 所提迁移策略可以加速粒子群的搜索过程, 显著提高算法的收敛速度和搜索效率.
    Recommended by Associate Editor WEI Qing-Lai
    1)  本文责任编委  魏庆来
  • 图  1  所提基于迁移学习的进化算法框架

    Fig.  1  Evolutionary algorithm framework based on transfer learning

    图  2  优化第1组测试函数时ABPSO和TL-ABPSO算法的收敛曲线

    Fig.  2  Convergence curves of ABPSO and TL-ABPSO algorithms for the first set of test functions

    图  3  优化第1组测试函数时DE和TL-DE算法的收敛曲线

    Fig.  3  Convergence curves of DE and TL-DE algorithms for the first set of test functions

    图  4  在不同参数ck取值下, TL-ABPSO找到问题最优解所需平均迭代次数

    Fig.  4  The average iteration time required by TL-ABPSO to find the optimal solution under different ck value

    表  1  源域中保存的历史优化函数

    Table  1  optimization functions saved in the source domain

    函数名称 表达式 定义域 最优解 维数
    Sphere $f(x) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n{x_i^2}$ $[-100, 100]$ 0 30
    Rastrigin $f(x) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {(x_i^2 - 10\cos (2\pi{x_i}) + 10)}$ $[-5.12, 5.12]$ 0 30
    Ackley ${f(x) = - 20\exp ( - 0.2\sqrt {\frac{{\rm{1}}}{{{\rm{30}}}}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {x_i^2} } ){\kern 1pt} - \exp (\frac{1}{{30}}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\cos 2\pi {x_i}} ) + 20 + e{\kern 1pt} }$ $[-32, 32]$ 0 30
    Griewank $f(x) = \frac{1}{{4\, 000}}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n{x_i^2} - \prod\limits_{i = 1}^n {\cos(\frac{{{x_i}}}{{\sqrt i }}) +1}$ $[-600, 600]$ 0 30
    Rosenbrock $f(x) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {(100{{({x_{i +1}} - x_i^2)}^2} + {{({x_i} - 1)}^2})}$ $[-30, 30]$ 0 30
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    表  2  目标域中新的优化函数

    Table  2  New optimization functions in the target domain

    函数名称 表达式 定义域 最优解 维数
    F1: 修改后Sphere $f(x) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {x_i^{10}} $ $[-100, 100] $ 0 30
    F2:修改后Rastrigin $f(x) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {(x_i^{10} - 10\sin(2\pi {x_i}))} $ $[-5.12, 5.12]$ 0 30
    F3: 修改后Ackley $\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {f(x) = - 20\exp \left( { - 0.2 \times \sqrt[{10}]{{\frac{1}{{30}}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {x_i^{10}} }}} \right) - }\\ {\exp \left( {\frac{1}{{30}}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\sin } 2\pi {x_i}} \right) + 20 + 1} \end{array}$ $[-32, 32]$ 0 30
    F4: 修改后Griewank $f(x) = \frac{1}{{4\, 000}}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {x_i^{10}} - \prod\limits_{i = 1}^n {{{\sin}}(\frac{{{x_i}}}{{\sqrt i }})} $ $[-600, 600] $ 0 30
    F5: 修改Rosenbrock $f(x) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {(100{{({x_{i + 1}} - x_i^{10})}^2} + {{({x_i} - 1)}^{10}})} $ $[-30, 30] $ 0 30
    F6: Shifted Sphere 文献[32] $[-100, 100]$ $-450$ 30
    F7: Shifted rotated Rastrigin 文献[32] $[-5, 5]$ $-330$ 30
    F8: Shifted rotated Ackley 文献[32] $[-32, 32]$ $-140$ 30
    F9: Shifted rotated Griewank 文献[32] $[-600, 600]$ $-180$ 300
    F10: Shifted Rosenbrock 文献[32] $[-100, 100]$ 390 30
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    表  3  比较算法优化第1组测试函数所得实验结果

    Table  3  Experimental results obtained by comparison algorithm for the first set of test functions

    优化函数 比较算法 指标SR (%) 指标Fave 指标Time (s) 指标AC
    SPSO 100 2.635 ×103 1.539 0
    BBPSO-MC 66.67 - 2.960 1.8241×10-5
    函数F1 BBJ 63.33 - 7.614 8.6800×10-6
    ABPSO 100 3.730×103 3.150 0
    TL-ABPSO 100 1.574×103 1.860 0
    SPSO 0 - 9.722 5.169×101
    BBPSO-MC 26.67 - 12.761 1.824×10-0
    {函数F2} BBJ 0 - 20.169 8.680×10-6
    ABPSO 72 - 21.083 7.067×10-5
    TL-ABPSO 100 1.283×104 20.183 0
    SPSO 0 - 12.769 1.494×100
    BBPSO-MC 100 2.815×104 13.185 0
    函数F3 BBJ 0 - 22.356 1.350 ×10-2
    ABPSO 100 3.568×103 17.514 0
    TL-ABPSO 100 2.214×103 7.9190 0
    SPSO 0 - 8.726 3.312×10-4
    BBPSO-MC 100 1.163×103 3.820 0
    函数F4 BBJ 0 - 9.947 2.366×10-5
    ABPSO 100 8.110×102 4.706 0
    TL-ABPSO 100 2.310×102 3.370 0
    SPSO 0 - 10.154 2.908×101
    BBPSO-MC 0 - 15.651 2.277×101
    函数F5 BBJ 0 - 25.425 1.861×101
    ABPSO 0 - 31.817 1.281×101
    TL-ABPSO 0 - 49.476 1.253×101
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    表  4  比较算法优化第2组测试函数所得实验结果

    Table  4  Experimental results obtained by comparison algorithm for the second set of test functions

    优化函数 比较算法 指标SR (%) 指标Fave 指标Time (s) 指标AC
    SPSO 100 3.525×103 10.105 0
    BBPSO-MC 66.67 - 12.132 0
    函数F6 BBJ 0 - 14.835 0
    ABPSO 100 1.066×103 7.451 0
    TL-ABPSO 100 1.421×102 7.160 0
    SPSO 0 - 36.853 4.279×101
    BBPSO-MC 33.33 - 62.168 3.800×10-3
    函数F7 BBJ 50 - 57.679 1.893×100
    ABPSO 72 - 39.707 0
    TL-ABPSO 100 7.467×103 22.704 0
    SPSO 0 - 33.796 1.329×102
    BBPSO-MC 26.67 - 61.905 2.095×101
    函数F8 BBJ 0 - 62.813 2.094×101
    ABPSO 44.33 - 166.905 8.231×10-2
    TL-ABPSO 63.33 - 214.023 1.709×10-4
    SPSO 0 - 39.021 5.483×102
    BBPSO-MC 0 - 62.722 7.901×10-3
    函数F9 BBJ 0 - 54.329 1.040×101
    ABPSO 0 - 125.621 5.286×101
    TL-ABPSO 0 - 183.422 9.567×10-4
    SPSO 0 - 36.927 2.908×101
    BBPSO-MC 0 - 61.933 2.674×101
    函数F10 BBJ 0 - 51.946 3.597×101
    ABPSO 0 - 122.359 1.922×101
    TL-ABPSO 0 - 180.816 1.347×101
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